Implementation of statistical tests in old versions of SPSS

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Implementation of statistical tests in old versions of SPSS

Hi there,

I'm doing an undergraduate research project partly about SPSS, which
involves when  certain statistical tests were added to SPSS Statistics.
I've searched the internet far and wide but I could only find release notes
and official documentation dating back to about version 19, and not many
sources stating or even citing what was added in which version of the
software before then.

Could someone point me in the right direction, either with old SPSS release
notes - I mean, version 10 and before - or with another way to find out
which specific statistical tests were added in which versions of the

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Implementation of statistical tests in old versions of SPSS

Jon Peck
The Command Syntax Reference has history about additions and changes to commands listed with each command.  This goes back to V13 IIRC.  It might not have everything that changed, but it's a good start.

On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 5:13 PM Ticomartino <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi there,

I'm doing an undergraduate research project partly about SPSS, which
involves when  certain statistical tests were added to SPSS Statistics.
I've searched the internet far and wide but I could only find release notes
and official documentation dating back to about version 19, and not many
sources stating or even citing what was added in which version of the
software before then.

Could someone point me in the right direction, either with old SPSS release
notes - I mean, version 10 and before - or with another way to find out
which specific statistical tests were added in which versions of the

Thanks in advance,


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Jon K Peck
[hidden email]

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