In support of CTABLES

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In support of CTABLES

John F Hall

ViAnn, Jon, Matthew


Looking for something else I just came across our 2012 exchanges on the Nabble thread


The example I gave was from the 1989 wave of the British Social Attitudes series, but I have subsequently used CTABLES extensively in a new tutorial using more recent data from the 2009 to 2014 waves.

1st, 2nd etc order (multi-way) contingency tables 


All very Lazarsfeldian and easy to understand and follow by novice and fearful students.






John F Hall (Mr)

[Retired academic survey researcher]


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Re: In support of CTABLES

David Marso
What are you referring to?  Shameless self promotion again?
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
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