I'm currently working on a macro in syntax, I've sorted all my tables out in terms of content - but each time I export them to word they're all over the place in terms of positioning. They frequently spread over two pages and I'm struggling to include a 'page title' which actually appears anywhere aside from the first page of the export?
This is made harder considering each export to word will be slightly different and therefore the tables will be slightly different sizes so there's not much point in me trying to use: Title ' '. to create spaces! Ideally I want to know how to tell SPSS that each table should not break over more than one page/OR insert an actual page break before most tables rather than some spaces.
The page title part I can't get my head around, the only syntax that seems to actually produce a title for me is 'Title' itself and yeah it just appears the once at the beginning rather than the start of each page!