LOGIT - Logit Transformed Responses CALCULATION

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LOGIT - Logit Transformed Responses CALCULATION

Dear all,

i perform LOGIT regression in PASW software and Im wondering about the results. This table shows the probabilities that were calculated from inputs. In this table  are related estimates. This picture shows the Logit Transformed Responses graph. But i have no idea how to calculate values showed in this picture and why there are less points like probability value. I really appreciate any help.
Kind regards,
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RE: LOGIT - Logit Transformed Responses CALCULATION


It appears that you only have a single scale variable and trying to fit a logit model?!!! Is there any categorical var? any freq (weight) var? Can you specify the data and then required stat you need?




From: ruegdeg [via SPSSX Discussion] [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 3:31
To: MaxJasper
Subject: LOGIT - Logit Transformed Responses CALCULATION


Dear all,

i perform LOGIT regression in PASW software and Im wondering about the results. This table shows the probabilities that were calculated from inputs. In this table  are related estimates. This picture shows the Logit Transformed Responses graph. But i have no idea how to calculate values showed in this picture and why there are less points like probability value. I really appreciate any help.
Kind regards,

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RE: LOGIT - Logit Transformed Responses CALCULATION

Bruce Weaver
Max, you seem to be suggesting it is incorrect, or at least inappropriate to have a logit model with only one continuous (or scaled) explanatory variable?  Why is that?  I don't see a problem, provided the relationship is linear in the logit scale.  


MaxJasper wrote
It appears that you only have a single scale variable and trying to fit a
logit model?!!! Is there any categorical var? any freq (weight) var? Can you
specify the data and then required stat you need?




From: ruegdeg [via SPSSX Discussion]
[mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 3:31
To: MaxJasper
Subject: LOGIT - Logit Transformed Responses CALCULATION


Dear all,

i perform LOGIT regression in PASW software and Im wondering about the
results. This table  <http://www.scandinavia.sk/data/spss/table1.jpg> shows
the probabilities that were calculated from inputs. In this table
<http://www.scandinavia.sk/data/spss/table2.jpg>  are related estimates.
This picture  <http://www.scandinavia.sk/data/spss/picture1.jpg> shows the
Logit Transformed Responses graph. But i have no idea how to calculate
values showed in this picture and why there are less points like probability
value. I really appreciate any help.
Kind regards,


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Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA (https://listserv.uga.edu/).
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RE: LOGIT - Logit Transformed Responses CALCULATION


I was surprised that with only one scale var the fit should be fairly straightforward…but the var00003 vs logit does not look so linear and that should indicate perhaps a 2nd degree or another transformation be used or a discontinuous function.


This is a reverse problem: from solution we should guess data and analysis needed!




From: Bruce Weaver [via SPSSX Discussion] [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 12:38
To: MaxJasper
Subject: RE: LOGIT - Logit Transformed Responses CALCULATION


Max, you seem to be suggesting it is incorrect, or at least inappropriate to have a logit model with only one continuous (or scaled) explanatory variable?  Why is that?  I don't see a problem, provided the relationship is linear in the logit scale.  


MaxJasper wrote:

It appears that you only have a single scale variable and trying to fit a
logit model?!!! Is there any categorical var? any freq (weight) var? Can you
specify the data and then required stat you need?




From: ruegdeg [via SPSSX Discussion]
[mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 3:31
To: MaxJasper
Subject: LOGIT - Logit Transformed Responses CALCULATION


Dear all,

i perform LOGIT regression in PASW software and Im wondering about the
results. This table  <http://www.scandinavia.sk/data/spss/table1.jpg> shows
the probabilities that were calculated from inputs. In this table
<http://www.scandinavia.sk/data/spss/table2.jpg>  are related estimates.
This picture  <http://www.scandinavia.sk/data/spss/picture1.jpg> shows the
Logit Transformed Responses graph. But i have no idea how to calculate
values showed in this picture and why there are less points like probability
value. I really appreciate any help.
Kind regards,


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Bruce Weaver
[hidden email]

"When all else fails, RTFM."

NOTE: My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly.
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RE: LOGIT - Logit Transformed Responses CALCULATION

Dear Max, Bruce, all,

thanks for all replies.

I didnt, post the data because i throught that its not important. I know that some 2,3 order or other calculation will be necessary, but this is exactly the point for detection.
But I was wondering about the calculation. For example in the picture the value 0.5 of VAR0003 has an logit value  something below -3.5. But how is that calculated?? If i assume that logit is equal to ln(p/(1-p)) then for the value 0.5 based on constant and beta value the logit should be -2.48+(-0.388)*0.5 and that is -2.67 and not -3.5. any suggestions?