Levene-Test for related samples?

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Levene-Test for related samples?

Michael Schuler
Dear List,

I want to compare the variances of two related samples, but i don't know the statistical test to do this job. In other Words, I'm looking for a Levene-Test for dependent samples. Could someone tell me the solution? I couldn't find an answer in my statistic books.

Thanks all,


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Re: Levene-Test for related samples?

From David Howell's Stat Text.

 t = [(F-1)*Sqrt(n-2)]/[(2*Sqrt(F(1-r squared)))].


df for this t is n-2.
F = largest variance divided by the smallest variance
r = correlation between the matched or pair scors.
Check t for sign. If it is not significant than you can safely conclude
that you have met the equal variances assumption for the dependent t

>>> Michael Schuler <[hidden email]> 07/16/06 8:48 AM >>>
Dear List,

I want to compare the variances of two related samples, but i don't
know the statistical test to do this job. In other Words, I'm looking
for a Levene-Test for dependent samples. Could someone tell me the
solution? I couldn't find an answer in my statistic books.

Thanks all,


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Re: Levene-Test for related samples?

Marta García-Granero

My two cents:

* Sample dataset: heights (cm) from 11 brother&sister couples *.
DATA LIST FREE/brother sister (2 F8).
180 175 173 163 168 165 170 160 178 165 180 157
178 165 185 163 183 168 165 150 168 157

GET data /VAR=brother sister /NAMES=vname /MISSING=OMIT.
 /RLABEL='n ='
 /TITLE='Sample size'.
COMPUTE mean=CSUM(data)/n.
COMPUTE variance=(CSSQ(data)-n&*(mean&**2))/(n-1).
PRINT {mean;variance}
COMPUTE x=data(:,1).
COMPUTE y=data(:,2).
COMPUTE covxy=((T(x)*y)-n*mean(1)*mean(2))/(n-1).
COMPUTE r=covxy/SQRT(variance(1)*variance(2)).
PRINT {covxy,r}
 /TITLE='Covariance & Pearson r'.
COMPUTE Fratio=MMAX(variance)/MMIN(variance).
COMPUTE tstat=(ABS(Fratio-1)*SQRT(n-2))/(2*SQRT(Fratio*(1-r**2))).
COMPUTE tsig=2*(1-TCDF(ABS(tstat),(n-2))).
PRINT {Fratio,tstat,tsig}
 /CLABEL='F ratio','t value','2-tail p'
 /TITLE='Variance ratio & significance'.


MS> From David Howell's Stat Text.

MS>  t = [(F-1)*Sqrt(n-2)]/[(2*Sqrt(F(1-r squared)))].

MS> df for this t is n-2.
MS> F = largest variance divided by the smallest variance
MS> r = correlation between the matched or pair scors.
MS> Check t for sign. If it is not significant than you can safely conclude
MS> that you have met the equal variances assumption for the dependent t
MS> -test.

>>>> Michael Schuler <[hidden email]> 07/16/06 8:48 AM >>>

MS> I want to compare the variances of two related samples, but i don't
MS> know the statistical test to do this job. In other Words, I'm looking
MS> for a Levene-Test for dependent samples. Could someone tell me the
MS> solution? I couldn't find an answer in my statistic books.