Likert scale

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Likert scale

Dominic Fernandes
Hi All,

I have a question. How do we analyze a Likert scale (consisting of 7 responses) course evaluation questionnaire given to 25 teachers who attended an in-service course? Shall we treat the responses as scale variables and use parametric tests or shall we treat the responses as ordinal variables and use the nonparametric test.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Re: Likert scale


With seven (7) response categories, you can probably treat the data as
interval in nature.  I'm a purist and my principal area of work is in
measurement development and standardization, so I generally follow the IRT
approach and then do the analysis on the IRT scaled items.  Likert actually
developed a scaling method for his approach to items which would be worth
your time for future endeavors.  As part of your analysis, I would recommend
at least performing a reliability analysis to check for internal consistency
and the relationship of the items to total score, so you can identify any
"clinker" items that might exist.  Good luck.


Brian G. Dates, Director of Quality Assurance
Southwest Counseling and Development Services
1700 Waterman
Detroit, Michigan  48209
Telephone: 313.841.7442
FAX:  313.841.4470
email: [hidden email]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dominic Fernandes [SMTP:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 4:45 AM
> To:   [hidden email]
> Subject:      Likert scale
> Hi All,
> I have a question. How do we analyze a Likert scale (consisting of 7
> responses) course evaluation questionnaire given to 25 teachers who
> attended an in-service course? Shall we treat the responses as scale
> variables and use parametric tests or shall we treat the responses as
> ordinal variables and use the nonparametric test.
> Thank you in advance for your assistance.
> Dominic.
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Likert scale

Della Mora, Marcelo
In reply to this post by Dominic Fernandes
Hi Dominic

Try reliability analysis that tests internal consistency
and relationship of each items to total score: correlation item-total, co-variance...

hope this helps you

Marcelo Della Mora

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of
Dominic Fernandes
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 5:45 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Likert scale

Hi All,

I have a question. How do we analyze a Likert scale (consisting of 7 responses) course evaluation questionnaire given to 25 teachers who attended an in-service course? Shall we treat the responses as scale variables and use parametric tests or shall we treat the responses as ordinal variables and use the nonparametric test.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.
