Longitudinal graphs/charts

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Longitudinal graphs/charts

Daniel E. Martin, Ph.D.

I am trying to find an efficient way to display longitudinal data (scale
data/4-point) collected twice. I have two demographic variables that I would
like to use to 'cut' the display (multiple jobs, and multiple locations).
I've been looking for a bar chart that shows change scores in each bar, but
haven't found anything. Any suggestions?


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Re: Longitudinal graphs/charts

Beadle, ViAnn
Have you tried range-bars or high-low charts?


From: SPSSX(r) Discussion on behalf of Daniel E. Martin, Ph.D.
Sent: Sat 6/17/2006 8:52 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Longitudinal graphs/charts


I am trying to find an efficient way to display longitudinal data (scale
data/4-point) collected twice. I have two demographic variables that I would
like to use to 'cut' the display (multiple jobs, and multiple locations).
I've been looking for a bar chart that shows change scores in each bar, but
haven't found anything. Any suggestions?

