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Leah Quinlivan
Hi, hope some can help

I have conducted research 1 group variable (3 levels), 3 continuous DVs. I
wanted to hold, continuous demographics constant. As covariates have to be
continuous, I used SPSS factorial MANOVA. As the continuous demographic
variables had numerous levels, I had to run 4 custom model factorial

The hope was that by crossing over the demos in a custom model, and
testing interactions, I would be holding them constant.

Thus, my aim was to assess the group differential levels on the continuous
DVs, whilst holding demos constant. The null: no differences between
groups on a linear combination of the DVs,and individually.

The hypothesis is unsupported, but I found large effect sizes (due to
small sample size).

Can anyone help me? Are my results meaningless?

In advance,thank you,
