I tried summitting this post but it was returned to me unprocessed because it appears to have already been distributed to the SPSSX-L list. That is, a message with identical text (but possibly with different mail headers) has been posted to the list recently, either by you or by someone else. So I am trying a different subject line and added the reason here to get past the rules that are in place that I inadvertently tripped over. First time sending this email. my question to the forum is below: I have been trying many options for building this Macro. Part of the problem is I do it once every 1 year or so hence my skills getting rusty. I want to pass in the “root” name of variables I have in my SPSS file then Concatenate them with the other parts to build up the full Variable name then add commas between the variables and put them in a “Mean” function. The number of variables can vary per macro call. Lets say I have 10 Brands called “BrandA” “BrandB” “BrandC” “BrandD” “BrandE” “BrandF” “BrandG” “BrandH” “BrandI” “BrandJ” and those are repeated for various “groups” of Brands like “Core” (Core_BrandA Core_BrandB… Core_BrandJ) “Own” (Own_BrandA Own_BrandB… Own_BrandJ) “Aware” (Aware_BrandA Aware_BrandB… Aware_BrandJ) Etc. My Code so far: DEFINE !Brand_avg (Mkt=!TOKENS(1) /NumBrand=!TOKENS(1) /Brnd1=!TOKENS(1) /Brnd2=!TOKENS(1) /Brnd3=!TOKENS(1) /Brnd4=!TOKENS(1) /Brnd5=!TOKENS(1) /Brnd6=!TOKENS(1) /Brnd7=!TOKENS(1) /Brnd8=!TOKENS(1) /Brnd9=!TOKENS(1) /Brnd10=!TOKENS(1)) Do if Market = !Mkt. COMPUTE Core_avg=MEAN( !DO !i=1 !TO !NumBrand !Concat('Core_',"Brnd",!i,",") !DOEND End If. EXECUTE. !ENDDEFINE. */////////////////////. SET MPRINT=YES MEXPAND = YES. !Brand_avg Mkt=1 NumBrand=5 Brnd1=BrandA Brnd2=BrandB Brnd3=BrandC Brnd4=BrandD Brnd5=BrandE Brnd6= Brnd7= Brnd8= Brnd9= Brnd10= . !Brand_avg Mkt=2 NumBrand=4 Brnd1=BrandA Brnd2=BrandC Brnd3=BrandD Brnd4=BrandH Brnd5= Brnd6= Brnd7= Brnd8= Brnd9= Brnd10= . !Brand_avg Mkt=3 NumBrand=6 Brnd1=BrandG Brnd2=BrandH Brnd3=BrandA Brnd4=BrandB Brnd5=BrandI Brnd6=BrandJ Brnd7= Brnd8= Brnd9= Brnd10= . DATA LIST LIST /Market Core_BrandA Core_BrandB Core_BrandC Core_BrandD Core_BrandE Core_BrandF Core_BrandG Core_BrandH Core_BrandI Core_BrandJ. BEGIN DATA 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 . 3 . 5 1 . 3 . 5 3 . 2 . 4 . 1 2 3 4 5 END DATA. LIST. **** Code I want generated:. Do if Market=1. COMPUTE Core_avg=MEAN(Core_BrandA,Core_BrandB,Core_BrandC,Core_BrandD,Core_BrandE). END IF. Do if Market=2 COMPUTE Core_avg=MEAN(Core_BrandA,Core_BrandC,Core_BrandD,Core_BrandH). END IF. Do if Market=3 COMPUTE Core_avg=MEAN(Core_BrandG,Core_BrandH,Core_BrandA,Core_BrandB,Core_BrandI,Core_BrandJ). END IF. Thanks for the pointers and help! ~Kevin. -- Sent from: http://spssx-discussion.1045642.n5.nabble.com/ ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
Your first post did appear on the SPSS-X list. Here is another way to tackle this that might be cleaner and easier. It uses the SPSSINC SELECT VARIABLES extension command, which can be installed from the Extensions > ExtensionHub menu. First it uses a pattern in the names to define a comma-separated list of variables as a macro. SPSSINC SELECT VARIABLES MACRONAME="!Mkt1" /PROPERTIES PATTERN = "Core_Brand(A|B|C|D|E)" /OPTIONS SEPARATOR=", ". The PATTERN is a regular expression that here selects all variables starting with Core_Brand followed by any of the letters listed. The separator is specified as , so that this will work with a function. Then the mean calculation is just this. if Market eq 1 Core_avg = mean(!Mkt1). You would repeat this for the other markets. SPSSINC SELECT VARIABLES MACRONAME="!Mkt2" /PROPERTIES PATTERN = "Core_Brand(A|C|D|H)" /OPTIONS SEPARATOR=", ". if Market eq 2 Core_avg = mean(!Mkt2). etc. You could, of course, just redefine the same macro rather than creating three separate macros. On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 11:50 AM Kevin longfield <[hidden email]> wrote: Hello, |
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