I'm preparing a new version of macro !Mny2Mny. Like its predecessor,
it works by first building a file in with one record for each value of the key on which the files are to be joined, relying on the insight I got from David Marco: If the records in each file are sequence-numbered within each key value, the set of all sequence numbers can be represented by the largest value. This summary file is then 'unrolled' into what I've called the 'spine': it has all the records that will be in the final file, but represented only by their key values and the sequence numbers of the two input records that will be combined there. (By definition, those two records share the same value of the key.) That done, the many-to-many merge can be completed by two MATCH FILES where the two inputs are TABLE files. This does require that copies of both inputs be made with sequence numbers included; that imposes some overhead, but generally the size of the output is considerably greater than that of the two inputs combined, so the burden should be a small part of the total time required. (I'm judging that this process is almost entirely input-output bound.) The version I previously posted used a pair of VARSTOCASES operations to unroll the summary file into the 'spine'. The new version incorporates David Marso's technique of unrolling the records in MATRIX code. That has the immense advantage that the code need not contain an explicit upper limit for the number of records for a single key value, as was necessary with the VARSTOCASES logic. I've stuck to the goal of having !Mny2Mny accept any key, single- or multi-variabled, of any datatype, that would be accepted by MATCH FILES. Such keys cannot readily be passed through MATRIX, if at all. The method works because of David's insight that the key values can be sequence-numbered, and the summary file passed in that form to MATRIX. The result is code that is remarkably little changed from the VARSTOCASES version. The key-value sequence numbers exist only in scratch dataset @Mny2Mny_GrpSmry, in the MATRIX code that reads it, and in the unnamed dataset which MATRIX creates and which is then merged with @Mny2Mny_GrpSmry to form the 'spine'. The MATRIX code here differs from what I received from David in two respects. First, I've unloaded some of the table-building to transformation code; the matrix which I call Grp#Rcds, and which is C in the version I received from David, is read into MATRIX in its completed form, rather than being built there. Second, I develop the vectors of record sequence numbers in two separate MATRIX variables, LeftNos and RightNos, to permit passing record-number values of 0 to indicate non-matches. It is always my goal to write readable code; and, in the case of !Mny2Mny, to write robust and versatile code. I've found those goals conflicting. So, here is a demonstration of the workings of the new !Mny2Mny as I'm drafting it, but in open code rather than as part of a macro. I think that without interspersed macro variables and macro logic it is considerably more readable. Of course some features are omitted, notably the logic to calculate file joins if there are matching record keys, and Cartesian products if there are not. (The variable @Mny2Mny_NoBreak in the example code has no function there, but is part of the provision for Cartesian products.) Here's the example. Test data is the "Schools" and "Subjects" files I've used in other examples; they're in the Appendix to this posting. And this is an outer join, with unmatched records from both inputs included in the output. (And it starts with "Section III", because earlier sections of the macro for input checking and messages, are omitted here.) Test run in SPSS 14 under Windows XP. * ....... Section III: Processing ....... . * ....... III.A Sequence-numbered copies of the input ....... . * ....... III.A.1 Left input -> dataset @Mny2Mny_Left#d ....... . ADD FILES /FILE=Schools /BY Category /KEEP = Category ALL /FIRST = @Mny2Mny_NewGrp. NUMERIC @Mny2Mny_NoBreak (F2). COMPUTE @Mny2Mny_NoBreak = 1. DO IF @Mny2Mny_NewGrp. . COMPUTE Left# = 1. ELSE. . COMPUTE Left# = LAG(Left#) + 1. END IF. FORMATS @Mny2Mny_NewGrp (F2). FORMATS Left# (F4). DATASET NAME @Mny2Mny_Left#d WINDOW=ASIS. * ... End of processing Left input . /*-- LIST /*-*/. DATASET DECLARE @Mny2Mny_Left##. AGGREGATE OUTFILE=@Mny2Mny_Left## /BREAK = @Mny2Mny_NoBreak Category /@Mny2Mny_LMaxRec = MAX(Left#). * ....... III.A.2 Right input -> dataset @Mny2Mny_Right#d ....... . ADD FILES /FILE=Subjects /KEEP = Category ALL /BY Category /FIRST = @Mny2Mny_NewGrp. NUMERIC @Mny2Mny_NoBreak(F2). COMPUTE @Mny2Mny_NoBreak = 1. DO IF @Mny2Mny_NewGrp. . COMPUTE Right# = 1. ELSE. . COMPUTE Right# = LAG(Right#) + 1. END IF. FORMATS @Mny2Mny_NewGrp (F2). FORMATS Right# (F4). DATASET NAME @Mny2Mny_Right#d WINDOW=ASIS. /*-- LIST /*-*/. * ....... III.B Build 'spine' of all keys for all records ....... . * ....... III.B.1 Combine record counts from both inputs ....... . AGGREGATE OUTFILE=* /BREAK = @Mny2Mny_NoBreak Category /@Mny2Mny_RMaxRec = MAX(Right#). /*-- LIST /*-*/. MATCH FILES /FILE = @Mny2Mny_Left## /FILE = * /BY @Mny2Mny_NoBreak Category. DATASET NAME @Mny2Mny_GrpSmry. RECODE @Mny2Mny_LMaxRec @Mny2Mny_RMaxRec (MISSING=0). * ....... III.B.2 Select, based on join type ....... . * e.g. !IF (!Jtype !EQ 'INNER') !THEN * SELECT IF (@Mny2Mny_LMaxRec GT 0 * AND @Mny2Mny_RMaxRec GT 0). * !IFEND /*-- LIST /*-*/. * ....... III.B.3 Expand the counts to get list of ........ . * pairs of record numbers from the ........ . * groups, by group number ........ . COMPUTE @Mny2Mny_Grp# = $CASENUM. COMPUTE @Mny2Mny_GrpRecs = MAX(@Mny2Mny_LMaxRec*@Mny2Mny_RMaxRec, @Mny2Mny_LMaxRec, @Mny2Mny_RMaxRec). * ....... MATRIX code by David Marso, adapted here. ........ . * ... OMS /SELECT TABLES /IF COMMANDS = ["Matrix"] SUBTYPES = ["Notes"] /DESTINATION VIEWER = NO /TAG = "ZapMATRIX". MATRIX. + GET Grp#Rcds /FILE=* /VARIABLES=@Mny2Mny_Grp#, @Mny2Mny_LMaxRec @Mny2Mny_RMaxRec, @Mny2Mny_GrpRecs /NAMES=CVnames. + LOOP #=1 TO NROW(Grp#Rcds). + COMPUTE LeftNos=T({1:MMAX({Grp#Rcds(#,2),1})}). + DO IF (Grp#Rcds(#,2) EQ 0). + COMPUTE LeftNos = 0*LeftNos. + END IF. + COMPUTE RightNos=T({1:MMAX({Grp#Rcds(#,3),1})}). + DO IF (Grp#Rcds(#,3) EQ 0). + COMPUTE RightNos = 0*RightNos. + END IF. + SAVE ({MAKE(Grp#Rcds(#,4),1,Grp#Rcds(#,1)), KRONEKER(MAKE(NROW(RightNos),1,1),LeftNos), KRONEKER(RightNos,MAKE(NROW(LeftNos),1,1)) }) / OUTFILE * / VARIABLES @Mny2Mny_Grp# Left# Right#. + END LOOP. END MATRIX. Matrix Notes [suppressed] ------ END MATRIX ----- FORMATS @Mny2Mny_Grp# Left# Right# (F4). VARIABLE WIDTH Left# Right# (6). /*-- LIST /*-*/. * ....... III.B.4 Combine, with summary file by group key ........ . * to get the 'spine': list of all pairs ........ . * of record numbers by group key. ........ . MATCH FILES /TABLE=@Mny2Mny_GrpSmry /FILE =* /BY @Mny2Mny_Grp#. /*-- DATASET COPY Spine /*-*/. * ....... III.C Add the substantive data ....... . MATCH FILES /FILE=* /TABLE=@Mny2Mny_Right#d /BY Category Right# /DROP @Mny2Mny_NoBreak @Mny2Mny_NewGrp @Mny2Mny_Grp# @Mny2Mny_GrpRecs @Mny2Mny_LMaxRec @Mny2Mny_RMaxRec. SORT CASES BY Category Left# Right#. MATCH FILES /TABLE=@Mny2Mny_Left#d /FILE=* /BY Category Left# /DROP @Mny2Mny_NoBreak @Mny2Mny_NewGrp /KEEP Category Left# Right# ALL. EXECUTE /* so input datasets can be dropped */. DATASET CLOSE @Mny2Mny_Left#d. DATASET CLOSE @Mny2Mny_Right#d. DATASET CLOSE @Mny2Mny_Left##. DATASET CLOSE @Mny2Mny_GrpSmry. LIST. List Notes |-----------------------------|---------------------------| |Output Created |14-MAR-2014 20:13:44 | |-----------------------------|---------------------------| Category Left# Right# School Subject Art 1 1 RI School of Design Painting Art 1 2 RI School of Design Drawing Art 1 3 RI School of Design Sculpture Art 2 1 Metropolitan Museum Painting Art 2 2 Metropolitan Museum Drawing Art 2 3 Metropolitan Museum Sculpture Culinary 1 0 Johnson & Wales Liberal Arts 1 1 Oberlin Literature Liberal Arts 1 2 Oberlin Philosophy Liberal Arts 2 1 Antioch Literature Liberal Arts 2 2 Antioch Philosophy Liberal Arts 3 1 Swarthmore Literature Liberal Arts 3 2 Swarthmore Philosophy Technical 1 1 MIT Calculus Technical 1 2 MIT Physics Technical 1 3 MIT Chemistry Technical 1 4 MIT Engineering Technical 2 1 Cal Tech Calculus Technical 2 2 Cal Tech Physics Technical 2 3 Cal Tech Chemistry Technical 2 4 Cal Tech Engineering Technical 3 1 ETH Calculus Technical 3 2 ETH Physics Technical 3 3 ETH Chemistry Technical 3 4 ETH Engineering Number of cases read: 25 Number of cases listed: 25 ====================================== APPENDIX: Test data, and code repeated ====================================== * C:\Documents and Settings\Richard\My Documents . * \Technical\spssx-l\Z-2014\ . * 2014-03-15 Ristow-Mny2Mny demo.SPS . DATA LIST FIXED /Category 04-16 (A) School 17-38 (A). BEGIN DATA Art RI School of Design Art Metropolitan Museum Culinary Johnson & Wales Liberal Arts Oberlin Liberal Arts Antioch Liberal Arts Swarthmore Technical MIT Technical Cal Tech Technical ETH END DATA. SORT CASES BY Category. DATASET NAME Schools. . /*-- LIST /*-*/. DATA LIST FIXED /Category 04-16 (A) Subject 17-28 (A). BEGIN DATA Art Painting Art Drawing Art Sculpture Liberal Arts Literature Liberal Arts Philosophy Technical Calculus Technical Physics Technical Chemistry Technical Engineering END DATA. SORT CASES BY Category. DATASET NAME Subjects. . /*-- LIST /*-*/. * ...................................................... . * ....... Section III: Processing ....... . * ....... III.A Sequence-numbered copies of the input ....... . * ....... III.A.1 Left input -> dataset @Mny2Mny_Left#d ....... . ADD FILES /FILE=Schools /BY Category /KEEP = Category ALL /FIRST = @Mny2Mny_NewGrp. NUMERIC @Mny2Mny_NoBreak (F2). COMPUTE @Mny2Mny_NoBreak = 1. DO IF @Mny2Mny_NewGrp. . COMPUTE Left# = 1. ELSE. . COMPUTE Left# = LAG(Left#) + 1. END IF. FORMATS @Mny2Mny_NewGrp (F2). FORMATS Left# (F4). DATASET NAME @Mny2Mny_Left#d WINDOW=ASIS. * ... End of processing Left input . /*-- LIST /*-*/. DATASET DECLARE @Mny2Mny_Left##. AGGREGATE OUTFILE=@Mny2Mny_Left## /BREAK = @Mny2Mny_NoBreak Category /@Mny2Mny_LMaxRec = MAX(Left#). * ....... III.A.2 Right input -> dataset @Mny2Mny_Right#d ....... . ADD FILES /FILE=Subjects /KEEP = Category ALL /BY Category /FIRST = @Mny2Mny_NewGrp. NUMERIC @Mny2Mny_NoBreak(F2). COMPUTE @Mny2Mny_NoBreak = 1. DO IF @Mny2Mny_NewGrp. . COMPUTE Right# = 1. ELSE. . COMPUTE Right# = LAG(Right#) + 1. END IF. FORMATS @Mny2Mny_NewGrp (F2). FORMATS Right# (F4). DATASET NAME @Mny2Mny_Right#d WINDOW=ASIS. /*-- LIST /*-*/. * ....... III.B Build 'spine' of all keys for all records ....... . * ....... III.B.1 Combine record counts from both inputs ....... . AGGREGATE OUTFILE=* /BREAK = @Mny2Mny_NoBreak Category /@Mny2Mny_RMaxRec = MAX(Right#). /*-- LIST /*-*/. MATCH FILES /FILE = @Mny2Mny_Left## /FILE = * /BY @Mny2Mny_NoBreak Category. DATASET NAME @Mny2Mny_GrpSmry. RECODE @Mny2Mny_LMaxRec @Mny2Mny_RMaxRec (MISSING=0). * ....... III.B.2 Select, based on join type ....... . * e.g. !IF (!Jtype !EQ 'INNER') !THEN * SELECT IF (@Mny2Mny_LMaxRec GT 0 * AND @Mny2Mny_RMaxRec GT 0). * !IFEND /*-- LIST /*-*/. * ....... III.B.3 Expand the counts to get list of ........ . * pairs of record numbers from the ........ . * groups, by group number ........ . COMPUTE @Mny2Mny_Grp# = $CASENUM. COMPUTE @Mny2Mny_GrpRecs = MAX(@Mny2Mny_LMaxRec*@Mny2Mny_RMaxRec, @Mny2Mny_LMaxRec, @Mny2Mny_RMaxRec). * ....... MATRIX code by David Marso, adapted here. ........ . * ... OMS /SELECT TABLES /IF COMMANDS = ["Matrix"] SUBTYPES = ["Notes"] /DESTINATION VIEWER = NO /TAG = "ZapMATRIX". MATRIX. + GET Grp#Rcds /FILE=* /VARIABLES=@Mny2Mny_Grp#, @Mny2Mny_LMaxRec @Mny2Mny_RMaxRec, @Mny2Mny_GrpRecs /NAMES=CVnames. + LOOP #=1 TO NROW(Grp#Rcds). + COMPUTE LeftNos=T({1:MMAX({Grp#Rcds(#,2),1})}). + DO IF (Grp#Rcds(#,2) EQ 0). + COMPUTE LeftNos = 0*LeftNos. + END IF. + COMPUTE RightNos=T({1:MMAX({Grp#Rcds(#,3),1})}). + DO IF (Grp#Rcds(#,3) EQ 0). + COMPUTE RightNos = 0*RightNos. + END IF. + SAVE ({MAKE(Grp#Rcds(#,4),1,Grp#Rcds(#,1)), KRONEKER(MAKE(NROW(RightNos),1,1),LeftNos), KRONEKER(RightNos,MAKE(NROW(LeftNos),1,1)) }) / OUTFILE * / VARIABLES @Mny2Mny_Grp# Left# Right#. + END LOOP. END MATRIX. FORMATS @Mny2Mny_Grp# Left# Right# (F4). VARIABLE WIDTH Left# Right# (6). /*-- LIST /*-*/. * ....... III.B.4 Combine, with summary file by group key ........ . * to get the 'spine': list of all pairs ........ . * of record numbers by group key. ........ . MATCH FILES /TABLE=@Mny2Mny_GrpSmry /FILE =* /BY @Mny2Mny_Grp#. /*-- DATASET COPY Spine /*-*/. * ....... III.C Add the substantive data ....... . MATCH FILES /FILE=* /TABLE=@Mny2Mny_Right#d /BY Category Right# /DROP @Mny2Mny_NoBreak @Mny2Mny_NewGrp @Mny2Mny_Grp# @Mny2Mny_GrpRecs @Mny2Mny_LMaxRec @Mny2Mny_RMaxRec. SORT CASES BY Category Left# Right#. MATCH FILES /TABLE=@Mny2Mny_Left#d /FILE=* /BY Category Left# /DROP @Mny2Mny_NoBreak @Mny2Mny_NewGrp /KEEP Category Left# Right# ALL. EXECUTE /* so input datasets can be dropped */. DATASET CLOSE @Mny2Mny_Left#d. DATASET CLOSE @Mny2Mny_Right#d. DATASET CLOSE @Mny2Mny_Left##. DATASET CLOSE @Mny2Mny_GrpSmry. LIST. ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
Pun not intended, though perhaps pertinent!
===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
Sorry, but the clinical psychologist in me thinks that Freud would have a ball with this one...your Freudian slip is showing.
B ________________________________________ From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [[hidden email]] on behalf of Richard Ristow [[hidden email]] Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 8:59 PM To: [hidden email] Subject: Re: Many-too-many demo Pun not intended, though perhaps pertinent! ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
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