Missing Value Analysis and insufficient memory

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Missing Value Analysis and insufficient memory

P.van Groenestijn
Dear List,

I want to run a missing value analysis, but SPSS doesn't execute because of
insufficient memory.
I tried in SPSS version 12, 13 and 14.

Therefore I set the workspace on the maximum of 2097151.

My datafile consists of 16 variables and 428 records, and I used the
following syntax:

set workspace=2097151.
   om1 of1 moni mon qual qualof freqom freqof1 smokp smok1 smok2 smok3
   ob1 ob2 ob3
   /ID = idnr
OUTFILE='c:\proef.sav' ) .

Any help is highly appreciated!!

Pieter van Groenestijn
University of Nijmegen
The Netherlands