set printback=on.
get FILE="1991 U.S. General Social Survey.sav'.
compute nobreak=1.
oms /if command=["Frequencies"] subtypes=["Statistics"]
/ destination format=sav outfile="mode.sav" viewer=no.
freq vars=SPEDUC/format=notable/statistics=mode.
save outfile="temp.sav".
get file="mode.sav".
sel if var1='Mode'.
rename vars (var4=SPEDMODE).
compute nobreak=1.
match file file=*/keep=nobreak spmode.
match file file="temp.sav"/table=*/by nobreak.
On 23/02/2007, at 5:58 PM, Ramzan Afzal wrote:
> Dear Members,
> I am trying to compute mode for the un-grouped data using Aggregate
> command in spss. Aggregate command in SPSS does not show any option
> for mode, although it shows mean, sd and other options. Is it
> possibly to compute mode using aggregate command?
> I shall be grateful for any help in this regard.
> Ramzan
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