Modeling Workshops in Chapel Hill

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Modeling Workshops in Chapel Hill

Dan Bauer
Hi Everyone: Please excuse any cross-postings, but we wanted to send a brief note to let you know about our 2017 quantitative methods workshops in Chapel Hill. Of particular interest to list members may be our Multilevel Modeling workshop (aka mixed-effects modeling), which includes extensive demonstrations in SPSS, and our Cluster Analysis and Mixture Modeling workshop, which includes demonstrations using SPSS (for clustering) paired with Mplus (for finite mixtures).

--Structural Equation Modeling (Bauer & Curran): May 15-19
--Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling (Bauer & Curran): May 22-26
--Network Analysis (Steinley): May 31 to June 2
--Multilevel Modeling (Bauer & Curran): June 5-9
--Cluster Analysis & Mixture Modeling (Bauer & Steinley): June 12-16

Please see for detailed information about course content, software coverage, and discounted tuition for students. We would also appreciate it if you could help us in our outreach efforts by passing this along to any colleagues who might be interested. Thanks for the use of your electrons and enjoy your day.

Dan Bauer and Patrick Curran

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