Modeling of confounding effects and so on

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Modeling of confounding effects and so on

Hi list,

Ive inherited data from a, lets say, rather “tricky” quasi-experimental design.

Its "basically" repeated measurement:
8 classes of 3 schools were measured 4 times.
Altogether, each student was measured 4 times. Each cluster has 20+
students. The outcome measures were school scores. That’s the easy part.

Now comes the tricky part:
1. The four tests used were not standardized tests (different topics,
difficulty may be also inconsistent). In fact, every time (t1, t2, t3, t4) a
different test stimulation was applied.
2. Every second test situation was a different test motivation for the
students. T1 and t3 were "easy" testing situations. T2 and t4 were "serious"
testing situations.

Yes, before you wonder: No controls, no baseline, just 4times measured
differently and confounding effects abound.
And, one of the favoruite research questions is: Are there differences
between the uneven and even measurement times (t1,3 vs. t2,4)?

Any idea whether and how this could be modelled?
For example by HLM or mixed modelling?

I appreciate every bit of advice!


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