Multicollinearity_Logistic regression

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Multicollinearity_Logistic regression

Saima Shafique

I am working on a weighted sample and my question is how to test multicollinearity in binary logistic regression while using complex sample analysis?
All of my IVs are categorical variables.



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Re: Multicollinearity_Logistic regression

Bruce Weaver
DISCLAIMER:  I have never used the Complex Samples commands in SPSS.  

If you were not using Complex Samples, the answer would be straightforward:
Estimate your model via the REGRESSION command to get tolerance & VIF.  But
inspection of the Command Syntax Reference manual shows that there is no CS
version of the REGRESSION command, there is only CSGLM.  And as far as I can
see, it does not have options to compute tolerance & VIF.  In that case, you
might have to "roll your own" so to speak.  This Support Forums thread from
4 years ago seems to suggest as much:


Saima Shafique wrote

> Hello,
> I am working on a weighted sample and my question is how to test
> multicollinearity in binary logistic regression while using complex sample
> analysis?
> All of my IVs are categorical variables.
> Thanks,
> Saima
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Bruce Weaver
[hidden email]

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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Re: Multicollinearity_Logistic regression

Rich Ulrich
I have never used the Complex Sampling module, either.

Also, though I have paid close attention to redundant effects,
I have never paid much attention at all to VIF, except to show
someone else, "Here is a diagnostic." 

What did I look at?  - Standardized betas that are large are usually
accompanied by loadings for some other variables in the "wrong"
direction, showing a suppressor relationship. Standardized betas
that are much smaller than the simple r  can be a clue that two
variables are each accounting for the same variance, without the
reversed sign of a complete suppressor.

Of course, I always started by looking at the intercorrelations of
the set of continuous predictors -- The OP's problem has "categorical"
predictors, which the program may or may not require to be pre-coded
into dummy predictors.  Even if the procedure does not require it, it
could be useful to look at the dummies, for the correlations and for
the check for small Ns.

Since this is a Complex Sampling problem, the overall N is apt to be
large -- but the d.f.  for particular contrasts might not be so large, if
the categories are being "tested", not merely sampling elements. That
suggests to me another potential problem from having categories,
How many d.f.  are implied? And, since this is Logistic Regression, the
sample size (d.f.) for a robust analysis is maybe twice what it would be
for OLS linear regression.

Rich Ulrich

From: SPSSX(r) Discussion <[hidden email]> on behalf of Bruce Weaver <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, September 7, 2020 9:38 AM
To: [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: Multicollinearity_Logistic regression
DISCLAIMER:  I have never used the Complex Samples commands in SPSS. 

If you were not using Complex Samples, the answer would be straightforward:
Estimate your model via the REGRESSION command to get tolerance & VIF.  But
inspection of the Command Syntax Reference manual shows that there is no CS
version of the REGRESSION command, there is only CSGLM.  And as far as I can
see, it does not have options to compute tolerance & VIF.  In that case, you
might have to "roll your own" so to speak.  This Support Forums thread from
4 years ago seems to suggest as much:


Saima Shafique wrote
> Hello,
> I am working on a weighted sample and my question is how to test
> multicollinearity in binary logistic regression while using complex sample
> analysis?
> All of my IVs are categorical variables.
> Thanks,
> Saima
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Bruce Weaver
[hidden email]

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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