I wrote some python code to generate some graphs. I'm getting ready to port that over for use with SPSS and ran into a snag. I'm getting an error that %1 is not a valid Win32 application" when I import the module. The interesting thing is that when I run this in the python command window it works without problem. It made me think I have a 32 vs. 64 bit program problem. Digging a little further I found it looks like I have two installs of python. One for SPSS and one for everything else. Is it possible to remap the SPSS to the C:\\ to a single location so I'm only using one version of SPSS and don't have to worry about multiple installs of modules? Will this cause compatability problems or what's the best way to address this?
Thanks Sample begin program. import matplotlib end program. Check versions for SPSS and Python commandline CommandLine: 2.7.3 32-bit; MSC v.1500 bit (intel)
SPSS: 2.7.1 r271:86832; MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64) Check Executable Location CommandLine: 'C:\\Python27' SPSS: 'C:\Progra~1\IBM\SPSS\STATIS~1\20 |
Looks like you have a 32-bit Python installation
but a 64-bit version of Statistics. The bitness needs to match. When
you installed the Python Essentials, you should have gotten a 64-bit version
of Python and the Essentials, and Statistics should have been configured
to use that version, but it can be installed anywhere.
Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim Senior Software Engineer, IBM [hidden email] phone: 720-342-5621 From: Craig J <[hidden email]> To: [hidden email], Date: 07/15/2013 12:38 PM Subject: [SPSSX-L] Multiple Installs of Python Sent by: "SPSSX(r) Discussion" <[hidden email]> I wrote some python code to generate some graphs. I'm getting ready to port that over for use with SPSS and ran into a snag. I'm getting an error that %1 is not a valid Win32 application" when I import the module. The interesting thing is that when I run this in the python command window it works without problem. It made me think I have a 32 vs. 64 bit program problem. Digging a little further I found it looks like I have two installs of python. One for SPSS and one for everything else. Is it possible to remap the SPSS to the C:\\ to a single location so I'm only using one version of SPSS and don't have to worry about multiple installs of modules? Will this cause compatability problems or what's the best way to address this? Thanks Sample begin program. import matplotlib end program. Check versions for SPSS and Python commandline CommandLine: 2.7.3 32-bit; MSC v.1500 bit (intel) SPSS: 2.7.1 r271:86832; MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64) Check Executable Location CommandLine: 'C:\\Python27' SPSS: 'C:\Progra~1\IBM\SPSS\STATIS~1\20 |
I figured that was probably the case. What's the best way to fix things? Install Essentials 64-bit over the top? Uninstall? Install python separately and remap the SPSS link to python?
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Jon K Peck <[hidden email]> wrote: Looks like you have a 32-bit Python installation but a 64-bit version of Statistics. The bitness needs to match. When you installed the Python Essentials, you should have gotten a 64-bit version of Python and the Essentials, and Statistics should have been configured to use that version, but it can be installed anywhere. |
I suggest uninstalling the Python Essentials
and then installing the 64-bit Python Essentials. You can keep the
32-bit Python if you need it. Just make sure that the 64-bit install
doesn't point to that directory. I have python27 and python2764 directories,
and they don't seem to interfere with each other.
Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim Senior Software Engineer, IBM [hidden email] phone: 720-342-5621 From: Craig J <[hidden email]> To: Jon K Peck/Chicago/IBM@IBMUS, Cc: [hidden email] Date: 07/15/2013 02:14 PM Subject: Re: [SPSSX-L] Multiple Installs of Python I figured that was probably the case. What's the best way to fix things? Install Essentials 64-bit over the top? Uninstall? Install python separately and remap the SPSS link to python? On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Jon K Peck <peck@...> wrote: Looks like you have a 32-bit Python installation but a 64-bit version of Statistics. The bitness needs to match. When you installed the Python Essentials, you should have gotten a 64-bit version of Python and the Essentials, and Statistics should have been configured to use that version, but it can be installed anywhere. Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim Senior Software Engineer, IBM peck@... phone: <a href="tel:720-342-5621" target=_blank>720-342-5621 From: Craig J <cjohns38@...> To: [hidden email], Date: 07/15/2013 12:38 PM Subject: [SPSSX-L] Multiple Installs of Python Sent by: "SPSSX(r) Discussion" <[hidden email]> I wrote some python code to generate some graphs. I'm getting ready to port that over for use with SPSS and ran into a snag. I'm getting an error that %1 is not a valid Win32 application" when I import the module. The interesting thing is that when I run this in the python command window it works without problem. It made me think I have a 32 vs. 64 bit program problem. Digging a little further I found it looks like I have two installs of python. One for SPSS and one for everything else. Is it possible to remap the SPSS to the C:\\ to a single location so I'm only using one version of SPSS and don't have to worry about multiple installs of modules? Will this cause compatability problems or what's the best way to address this? Thanks Sample begin program. import matplotlib end program. Check versions for SPSS and Python commandline CommandLine: 2.7.3 32-bit; MSC v.1500 bit (intel) SPSS: 2.7.1 r271:86832; MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64) Check Executable Location CommandLine: 'C:\\Python27' SPSS: 'C:\Progra~1\IBM\SPSS\STATIS~1\20 |
An admittedly really dumb question....I don't see the Python Essential's on the program manager or an option in SPSS. How do you uninstall to make sure I'm not leaving fragments? Do you have to use the install exe to uninstall? On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Jon K Peck <[hidden email]> wrote: I suggest uninstalling the Python Essentials and then installing the 64-bit Python Essentials. You can keep the 32-bit Python if you need it. Just make sure that the 64-bit install doesn't point to that directory. I have python27 and python2764 directories, and they don't seem to interfere with each other. |
Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs
or Programs and Features depending on your Windows version.
Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim Senior Software Engineer, IBM [hidden email] phone: 720-342-5621 From: Craig J <[hidden email]> To: Jon K Peck/Chicago/IBM@IBMUS, Cc: [hidden email] Date: 07/15/2013 02:52 PM Subject: Re: Multiple Installs of Python An admittedly really dumb question....I don't see the Python Essential's on the program manager or an option in SPSS. How do you uninstall to make sure I'm not leaving fragments? Do you have to use the install exe to uninstall? On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Jon K Peck <peck@...> wrote: I suggest uninstalling the Python Essentials and then installing the 64-bit Python Essentials. You can keep the 32-bit Python if you need it. Just make sure that the 64-bit install doesn't point to that directory. I have python27 and python2764 directories, and they don't seem to interfere with each other. Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim Senior Software Engineer, IBM peck@... phone: <a href="tel:720-342-5621" target=_blank>720-342-5621 From: Craig J <cjohns38@...> To: Jon K Peck/Chicago/IBM@IBMUS, Cc: [hidden email] Date: 07/15/2013 02:14 PM Subject: Re: [SPSSX-L] Multiple Installs of Python I figured that was probably the case. What's the best way to fix things? Install Essentials 64-bit over the top? Uninstall? Install python separately and remap the SPSS link to python? On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Jon K Peck <peck@...> wrote: Looks like you have a 32-bit Python installation but a 64-bit version of Statistics. The bitness needs to match. When you installed the Python Essentials, you should have gotten a 64-bit version of Python and the Essentials, and Statistics should have been configured to use that version, but it can be installed anywhere. Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim Senior Software Engineer, IBM peck@... phone: <a href="tel:720-342-5621" target=_blank>720-342-5621 From: Craig J <cjohns38@...> To: [hidden email], Date: 07/15/2013 12:38 PM Subject: [SPSSX-L] Multiple Installs of Python Sent by: "SPSSX(r) Discussion" <[hidden email]> I wrote some python code to generate some graphs. I'm getting ready to port that over for use with SPSS and ran into a snag. I'm getting an error that %1 is not a valid Win32 application" when I import the module. The interesting thing is that when I run this in the python command window it works without problem. It made me think I have a 32 vs. 64 bit program problem. Digging a little further I found it looks like I have two installs of python. One for SPSS and one for everything else. Is it possible to remap the SPSS to the C:\\ to a single location so I'm only using one version of SPSS and don't have to worry about multiple installs of modules? Will this cause compatability problems or what's the best way to address this? Thanks Sample begin program. import matplotlib end program. Check versions for SPSS and Python commandline CommandLine: 2.7.3 32-bit; MSC v.1500 bit (intel) SPSS: 2.7.1 r271:86832; MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64) Check Executable Location CommandLine: 'C:\\Python27' SPSS: 'C:\Progra~1\IBM\SPSS\STATIS~1\20 |
In reply to this post by Craig Johnson
Thanks Jon. That's where I'd been looking. Seems as though its a windows issue where the essentials was installed using an admin account so it wasn't showing up on a user account. However, the 64 bit of essentials is what I installed. I'm not sure how I have the 64 bit version of essentials installed but it's using 32 version of python. Something isn't mapped right...
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Craig J <[hidden email]> wrote:
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