Network Analysis

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Network Analysis

Hello everyone,


Has anyone ever performed network analysis?  I want to look at the
associations of my data, and believe it to be a proper technique.  How
does my data need to be setup?  What software do I have to use?  Any
help will be greatly appreciated.


The data I have are set up such that each respondent can list from 1-6
choices, and I have a feeling that certain choices can be linked to each
other.  It is one record per respondent, but I am not sure if this is
the proper setup for the datafile.


Many thanks in advance,


~ Brock
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Re: Network Analysis

Busing, Frank
Considering your data, you might want to try PREFSCAL in the Categories
This routine will place both respondent and choices in the same
where first choices will be closer to the respondent than last or no
Good luck,
Frank Busing
Leiden University.

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