The SPSS Community website (www.ibm.com/developerworks/spssdevcentral)
provides downloads, articles, a blog, and forums for IBM SPSS products.
Here is a list of some recent additions and updates to the downloads
The new STAT_DISTFIT extension command
fits many probability distributions to sets of variables. The output
includes estimated parameters and a goodness-of-fit test for each, and,
optionally, a Q-Q plot for each. It requires the R Essentials and
at least Statistics 18 (or 17 minus the dialog box interface), and has
a one-step installation process.
The R Essentials installation for Statistics
19 includes seven statistical commands implemented in R. These have
also been available as separate downloads in the Community in the Supplementary
Modules - Statistical Tools collection. Those versions, however,
did not include the translations and required the Python plugin as well
as the R plugin. These separate packages have now been upgraded to
include translation support (Statistics version 18 or later) and no longer
require the Python plugin (except for HETCOR). The dialog interface
follows the Statistics user interface language setting, and the output
follows the Statistics output language setting. They also have a
one-step installation procedure for version 18 or later, because they include
packaging as an extension bundle.
The seven commands include Breusch-Pagan
heteroscedasticity tests, polyserial and polychoric correlation, robust
regression, quantile regression, tobit regression, Rasch models, and an
R boxplot.
Minor updates have been made to
FUZZY - fuzzy dataset matching (improved
error handling)
SPSSINC SPLIT DATASET - splitting datasets
into multiple files (file handle support)
spssaux.py - collection of Python utility
functions (getting Statistics installation location updated)
extendedTransforms - collection of transformation
functions (new function for interval-based lookups).
Also, as I mentioned recently, the R
Essentials and plugins for Statistics and 18 are now available
via this site.
Jon Peck
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]