News from the SPSS Community

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News from the SPSS Community

Jon K Peck
Three new graphics items have been posted to the SPSS Community website (

violin.viztemplate is a template for the Graphboard template chooser in Statistics.  It enables you to produce violin plots.  For those who have forgotten their musical training, these are similar to boxplots but show a smoothed density for the sides instead of the traditional boxes.  Be sure to read the instructions included in the download before using this.  The template is in the Graphical Tools collection.

STATS KERNEL DENSITY is an extension command that calculates a smoothed density function using any of a large number of kernel smoothers.  Although most of these can be produced using the GPL smooth functions and the GGRAPH command, this command can save the calculated density as a dataset.  It requires the R Essentials and is in the Graphical Tools and Extension Commands collections.

ScatterWEllipse.spd is a custom dialog box that creates a scatterplot with data ellipses at specified coverage levels.  It requires the R Essentials and is in the Graphical Tools collection.

With these additions, there are now 48 extension commands available.  These require either or both of the Python and R Essentials.  The totals by collection are as follows.  There is double counting in these numbers, since an item may be in more than one collection.

Extension Commands        48
Python Modules                25
Statistical Tools        42
Graphical Tools                14
Utilities                        37
.NET Materials                7

In addition the site provides the programmability Essentials and Plugins  - the updates to go with Statistics version 20 fixpack1 are posted there, the Smartreaders, the i/o modules, and the SDKs.

There are 17 items in the Books and Articles section and 39 short articles in the blog section.

The site also provides 11 searchable forums on various SPSS topics.  There are currently 5686 posts in 1439 threads there.

We encourage you to make use of and contribute to the resources on the site.  All the content is free.


Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]
new phone: 720-342-5621