A new extension command, STATS SURVREG
has been posted to the Extension Commands collection of the SPSS Community
website (www.ibm.com/developerworks/spssdevcentral).
Click on Downloads for SPSS Statistics and then Extension Commands
to access it. The procedure estimates survival regression for left,
right, interval, and counting censoring for these distributions: Weibull,
exponential, Gaussian, logistic, lognormal, loglogistic, and t. It
can do Tobit regression as well, although there is another extension command,
SPSSINC TOBIT REGR, dedicated to that model.
It can save a dataset with a variety
of residuals, predicted values, and diagnostic measures.
The package requires the R Essentials.
It has been tested mainly with Statistics 21 but is expected to work
with versions back to 18.
We hope that you will find this package
Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]
phone: 720-342-5621