Nonlinear Regression Gaussian diistribution

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Nonlinear Regression Gaussian diistribution

Hi, I'm new of here so please be patient.
I am trying to determine the coefficient of correlation (R2) to a theoretical gaussian distribution of some actual distributions I got from subjects.
I use the following equation model (in the script)

* NonLinear Regression.
MODEL PROGRAM Amplitude=1 Mean=1 SD=0.1.
COMPUTE PRED_=Amplitude * EXP( - 0.5 * ((X - Mean) / SD) ** 2).
NLR y1

My actual data are on a 40 1-second time bins (X axes 1 to 40) and my frequencies have been normalized so that the peak = 1.0. The theoretical position of the peak should be at the 20th second.

The ANOVA output says:

Dependent variable: y1
a. The solution results in negative sum of squares. Check
model specification.
b. R squared = 1 - (Residual Sum of Squares) / (Corrected
Sum of Squares) = ..

And doesn't give any R2 value

Does anybody know what I am doing wrong ?

Thank-you in advance. Lorenzo