OT Open Office vs MS Word for books and journal articles

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OT Open Office vs MS Word for books and journal articles

Art Kendall
Since much of the work done with SPSS is for books and journal articles, I thought members might have some insight on using Open Office for manuscripts.

If you have used OpenOffice have you found many features missing when doing professional products?

Have you been able to use the Open Office Spreadsheet to/from SPSS?
Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants
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Re: OT Open Office vs MS Word for books and journal articles

David Marso
I use Open Office and use save as Excel format if I want to read it into SPSS.
I don't have a recent version of Office but can exchange documents in .Doc .DocX .XLS or .Xlsx  as well as pdf formats .  I do however find the macro language clumsy (at best).
Art Kendall wrote
Since much of the work done with SPSS is for books and journal articles, I thought members might have some insight on using Open Office for manuscripts.

If you have used OpenOffice have you found many features missing when doing professional products?

Have you been able to use the Open Office Spreadsheet to/from SPSS?
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