OT: RSS Discussion meeting on Covid-19

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OT: RSS Discussion meeting on Covid-19

Bruce Weaver
This recent post to sci.stat.math may interest some members of the forum.


Discussion Meeting at RSS Conference on
'Statistical aspects of Covid-19'

8 September 2021

This meeting is free to attend in person or online.

There are 3 papers being presented.

Contributions to the discussion can be made until
Wednesday 22 September.

covid-themed-discussion-meeting-at-rss-conference/ for details, and to
download the papers in advance.

Paper 1: 'Modeling the Covid-19 infection trajectory: a piecewise
linear quantile regression'
Authors: F Jiang (Fudan University, Shanghai, China); Z Zhao,
(University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA); X Shao (University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Paper 2: 'Quantifying the economic response to Covid-19 mitigations
and death rates via forecasting Purchasing Managers' Indices using
Generalised Network Autoregressive models with exogenous variables'
Authors: G Nason & J Wei, Imperial College London, UK

Paper 3: 'Small Data, Big Time - A retrospect of the first weeks of
Author: Q Zhao, Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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