OT: SURV survey tool from conjointly.com

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OT: SURV survey tool from conjointly.com

Bruce Weaver
Apologies for the off-topic nature of my question.  While looking at the webpage for William Trochim's Research Methods Knowledge Base (https://conjointly.com/kb/), I noticed a little "advert" for SURV, a survey tool that is "Completely free for academics and students".  Here's the website:


Is anyone familiar with it?  If so, how does it compare to the other tools that people tend to use these days (e.g., Survey Monkey)?  

Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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Re: OT: SURV survey tool from conjointly.com

Art Kendall
I have not tried it.  

I wonder whether they would be free for retired people doing pro bono work.

One thing to watch out for.  I have received several surveys recently that put high scores (excellent, best, most ____, strongly agree, etc.) on the LEFT side of the page/screen!  
Suggest that the designers were not aware of trying to associate visual stimuli with the number line.  Reminds me of people who cannot understand why one would use a zero as the stimulus for none or almost none, never or almost never, etc.
Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants
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Re: OT: SURV survey tool from conjointly.com

In reply to this post by Bruce Weaver
I get a lot of emails from Conjointly, but I have not heard SURV mentioned.