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Hi All,

I guess is there any option to hide the paste button in the dialog boxes. I want to hide the option PASTE button in the spss dialog boxes, Is there any way to do it. IF so I would like to know how to do it...........thanks all.

Rajesh M S

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Bruce Weaver
I don't know the answer to your question.  But why in the world would you want to hide the PASTE button?  If I was going to hide any buttons, it would be the OKAY button.  

Rajesh M S wrote
Hi All,

I guess is there any option to hide the paste button in the dialog boxes. I
want to hide the option PASTE button in the spss dialog boxes, Is there any
way to do it. IF so I would like to know how to do it...........thanks all.

Rajesh M S
Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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David Marso

Once upon a time (long ago) a client specifically posited this as a fundamental requirement of a custom application.  Basically it was a means of ensuring strict control over the analytical environment.  Very restricted sets of permitted analysis, no explicit access to non aggregated data views etc.  I no longer have access to the undocumented features which made this possible.  Might very well not work anymore anyway (it was a real PItA to program -easier to add functionality than implement total lockdown-).  Since the GUI is all Java based these days I'm uncertain whether an alternative approach involving chasing window handles would work (locate the hwnd of the dialog, drill down into it's child windows to locate the paste button then set the visibility flag to false).
Maybe JnoHon has some ideas--
Bruce Weaver wrote
I don't know the answer to your question.  But why in the world would you want to hide the PASTE button?  If I was going to hide any buttons, it would be the OKAY button.  

Rajesh M S wrote
Hi All,

I guess is there any option to hide the paste button in the dialog boxes. I
want to hide the option PASTE button in the spss dialog boxes, Is there any
way to do it. IF so I would like to know how to do it...........thanks all.

Rajesh M S
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