Due to a HIDEOUS bug in the Imputation module I am forced into creating a workaround probably using python.
I need to read the values of a single <variable> from a small lookup file.
Iterate over these values and do the following.
I know I'm on the right track but just don't know the specific methods to use ;-(
import spss
with each <value> in values .
spss.submit 'GET bigfilehandle.'
spss.submit 'SELECT IF <variable>=<value>.'
spss.submit '!imputation.' /* imputation macro already written*/.
spss.submit '!ttest.' /* t test macro already written*/.
spss.submit '!concatenate.' /* add current results to previous accumulation */.
next <value>.
I have been staring at the cursor and the spssdata classes but don't see the apparently obvious.
Have also searched this list and nothing obvious even though I'm sure I've seen code posted previous.
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
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Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff in abyssum?"