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Python/R extensions via "the cloud"

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Python/R extensions via "the cloud"

Keefer, Robert P.
LISTSERV at the University of Georgia

Hi folks,


Our IT people are now supplying SPSS via “the cloud,” meaning that it no longer resides on my hard drive (supplied via Citrix).  How do I get R and Python extensions to work in this situation?  Can I load them on my own machine, without having SPSS there?  Can IT load them there, making them available to me via “the cloud” as well?  I’ll admit that I haven’t tried it yet, as I was hoping someone has already been there and can offer some guidance before I start randomly trying things.  Thanks for any help.


bob k.


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Re: Python/R extensions via "the cloud"

J. R. Carroll

My understanding is that SPSS uses JVM (I think since v18?) - either way the "SPSS engine" runs on the "citrix side" and you are now using citrix to essentially "RDP" (not a a real RDP I know).  When you connect to this box (virtualized) the engine is going to look for the Python/R interpreters on the same box.  I don't know/believe there is a way to "point" SPSS to utilize Python/R on another box (Python does have some abilities for "remote interpreters" - I never looked much into it, and for my GUI Python scripting I use a remote interpreter, but I'm not quite sure what it's doing on the back-end, and if that is something you can setup on the Citrix box with SPSS (and point SPSS to a remote interpreter for Python)). 

My recommendation would be to install Python/R on the Citrix box - it's quick, noninvasive, and easy.  Your IT folks shouldn't (emphasis on 'shouldn't') put up to much of a struggle with this as a solution. 


J. R. Carroll
Researcher for Hurtz Labs
Instructor at California State University, Sacramento
Research Methods, Test Development, and Statistics
Cell:  (916) 628-4204
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On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Keefer, Robert P. <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi folks,


Our IT people are now supplying SPSS via “the cloud,” meaning that it no longer resides on my hard drive (supplied via Citrix).  How do I get R and Python extensions to work in this situation?  Can I load them on my own machine, without having SPSS there?  Can IT load them there, making them available to me via “the cloud” as well?  I’ll admit that I haven’t tried it yet, as I was hoping someone has already been there and can offer some guidance before I start randomly trying things.  Thanks for any help.


bob k.