My understanding is that SPSS uses JVM (I think since v18?) - either way the "SPSS engine" runs on the "citrix side" and you are now using citrix to essentially "RDP" (not a a real RDP I know). When you connect to this box (virtualized) the engine is going to look for the Python/R interpreters on the same box. I don't know/believe there is a way to "point" SPSS to utilize Python/R on another box (Python does have some abilities for "remote interpreters" - I never looked much into it, and for my GUI Python scripting I use a remote interpreter, but I'm not quite sure what it's doing on the back-end, and if that is something you can setup on the Citrix box with SPSS (and point SPSS to a remote interpreter for Python)).
My recommendation would be to install Python/R on the Citrix box - it's quick, noninvasive, and easy. Your IT folks shouldn't (emphasis on 'shouldn't') put up to much of a struggle with this as a solution.
J. R. Carroll
Researcher for Hurtz Labs
Instructor at California State University, Sacramento
Research Methods, Test Development, and Statistics
Cell: (916) 628-4204
On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Keefer, Robert P.
<[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi folks,
Our IT people are now supplying SPSS via “the cloud,” meaning that it no longer resides on my hard drive (supplied via Citrix). How do I get R and Python extensions to work in this situation?
Can I load them on my own machine, without having SPSS there? Can IT load them there, making them available to me via “the cloud” as well? I’ll admit that I haven’t tried it yet, as I was hoping someone has already been there and can offer some guidance
before I start randomly trying things. Thanks for any help.