Python integration HALF-WORKING

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Python integration HALF-WORKING

Milan Krizalkovic
Hi All,

I'm just new roundabout here, so I don't know if this is relevant
issue, but I guess many of you experienced it as well in the begining so
maybe somebody would be able to help python begginner.

As I mentioned I'm starting using SPSS prog. ext. with Python but it
works only one way. I'm able to run python from begin program/ end
program blocks correctly. However I'd like to use python script
completely taking care about SPSS. So in Python I wrote :

import spss


import spss
spss.Submit(" some syntax.")

However I'm always getting error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
  File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\spss\", line 154, in
    raise SpssError,error
SpssError: [errLevel 1011] Cannot load SPSS XD API.

Would be anybody so kind and advice on this????

Thanks a lot in advance,

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Re: Python integration HALF-WORKING

Peck, Jon
(Just back in the office, so ignore this if I missed that someone else has answered it).

The most common cause that we have identified that results in this problem, assuming that the 14.0.1 Plug-In has been properly installed, is the presence on your system of an old version of zlib.dll

zlib is a third-party dll that is installed by SPSS in the SPSS installation directory, however, some other application(s) install an older version of this dll in the Windows system32 directory or perhaps elsewhere, and under some circumstances, starting SPSS from Python causes the wrong version to be loaded, after which things fail.

Search your system for occurrences of this dll.  Save the old version in case some other application needs it, but either remove it from the search path or copy the newer SPSS version to where you find the older one.  Most likely, the newer version will not break the other users of the dll, but we cannot guarantee that.

Jon Peck

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Milan Krizalkovic
Sent: Dienstag, 25. Juli 2006 08:53
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [SPSSX-L] Python integration HALF-WORKING

Hi All,

I'm just new roundabout here, so I don't know if this is relevant
issue, but I guess many of you experienced it as well in the begining so
maybe somebody would be able to help python begginner.

As I mentioned I'm starting using SPSS prog. ext. with Python but it
works only one way. I'm able to run python from begin program/ end
program blocks correctly. However I'd like to use python script
completely taking care about SPSS. So in Python I wrote :

import spss


import spss
spss.Submit(" some syntax.")

However I'm always getting error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
  File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\spss\", line 154, in
    raise SpssError,error
SpssError: [errLevel 1011] Cannot load SPSS XD API.

Would be anybody so kind and advice on this????

Thanks a lot in advance,
