Python still not running

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Python still not running

Heiko Klemm
Dear Lister's


Since I did everything, I was supposed to, I had another idea:

Maybe Python can't find the License because I'm on a German system? Do I
have to tell Python that my 'Program files' directory is called
'Programme' in the German version of WindowsXP? And if so, how do I tell
python to look there?




Heiko Klemm



Deutsche Post World Net

Business  Consulting GmbH

Market Research Service Center

Tulpenfeld 2

 53113 Bonn



T. +49 228 2435 740

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Re: Python still not running

Peck, Jon
There is no need to do anything extra to tell Python where to find SPSS on a German system.  If you look in your python24/lib/site-packages/spss directory (assuming Python is in its standard place), you will see a file called spssxdcfg.ini.  In that file you will see the location of your SPSS installation.

-Jon Peck

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion on behalf of Heiko Klemm
Sent: Tue 7/4/2006 8:51 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject:      [SPSSX-L] Python still not running
Dear Lister's


Since I did everything, I was supposed to, I had another idea:

Maybe Python can't find the License because I'm on a German system? Do I
have to tell Python that my 'Program files' directory is called
'Programme' in the German version of WindowsXP? And if so, how do I tell
python to look there?




Heiko Klemm



Deutsche Post World Net

Business  Consulting GmbH

Market Research Service Center

Tulpenfeld 2

 53113 Bonn



T. +49 228 2435 740

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