Re: Converting system files from a mainframe to a pc

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Re: Converting system files from a mainframe to a pc

Chris Muller
On Mon, 13 Mar 2000 08:10:44 -0700, Harley, Dwight
<[hidden email]> wrote:

>A number of years ago I was using SPSSx on a mainframe and created a
>of SPSS "system files".  I copied these files to magnetic tape before the
>mainframe was dismantled.  I now discover that I have a need for these
>and I have been able to move them from the tape to a disk for the purposes
>of using them on my pc.  Is there a way that these files can be opened and
>read by the PC version of SPSS?
>Dwight Harley, Ph.D.
>Manager, Division Monitoring
>Edmonton Catholic Schools

Kind of a late response... Just did a search for "tape" in the archives.


If you still have a need, I believe I can help.

Chris Muller

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