Kate If you send me your research proposal, questionnaire(s) and your latest SPSS saved file (off-list and in complete confidence) I’ll have a look at them and get back to you. Note however that I’m hotter on logic and operationalisation than I am on statistics. I’ve copied this to the list so everyone else can see where you’re at. John From: njeanprovidence [mailto:[hidden email]] Dear John, On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 10:30 AM, John F Hall <[hidden email]> wrote: Kate Brian has already answered on the Fleiss issue, but since you’re a novice user you might like to check out the syntax-based SPSS tutorials on my website. I know it’s only for an undergraduate project, but SPSS will stand you in good stead in the job market in future. The course is based on the latest version (1991-92) of one taught to my undergrad BSc Social Research students, four of whom now hold full Chairs in UK universities. There’s nothing yet on hypothesis testing or modelling, but there’s plenty on data capture, data management and first steps in analysis. John F Hall (Mr) [retired academic survey researcher] Email: [hidden email] Website: www.surveyresearch.weebly.com From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Dates, Brian Kate, I have a macro for Fleiss. Perhaps that's the one to which you're referring. I can send it to you offline because the listserv does not accept attachments. I'm going to upload it, along with several others, to SPSS Developer Central in the next few days so it will be available to everyone. I think your problem is not adjusting the syntax as much as understanding how interrater agreement statistics work, not just Fleiss but others as well. Using your example and the macro you have (I think), the raters are columns, the patients rows, and the categories to which the raters assign the patients are in the cells. The macro uses a matrix approach, so string variables (e.g., A, B, etc.) will not work. You'll need to use 1 for A, 2 for B, and so on, and then translate back to the strings. Cases/subjects having missing data will be eliminated from the analyses. All the most used statistics (e.g., Cohen, Fleiss, Krippendorf) do not deal with missing data. I should be in my office tomorrow and can forward that to you. Brian From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [[hidden email]] on behalf of aquabunny101 [[hidden email]] Hi David, From: David Marso [via SPSSX Discussion] "I have the syntax master command but I have no idea how to alter the coding to fit my requirements" aquabunny101 wrote Hi, Please reply to the list and not to my personal email. If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below: To unsubscribe from SYNTAX NOVICE: Fleiss Kappa in SPSS PLEASE HELP!, click here. View this message in context: RE: SYNTAX NOVICE: Fleiss Kappa in SPSS PLEASE HELP!
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