Re: Importing XML into SPSS

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Re: Importing XML into SPSS

Hi SPSSX list...I also have an XML into SPSS question.  My XML is of the
following format:

   <QUESTION_TEXT>Daily cleaning of your room</QUESTION_TEXT>
   <QUESTION_TEXT>Rehabilitation Doctor Section Comments</QUESTION_TEXT>


   <VALUE>I wish someone would have given us a general overview of what to
expect at the beginning so we knew what I was coming.</VALUE>

I'd like to turn the above into an spss readable file, e.g., something like...

69999999999,99,5,I wish someone would have given us a general overview of
what to expect at the beginning so we knew what I was coming.,Negative

I've tried using the SPSS Data Pack XML driver, but it seems to be broken in
some fashion (when I try to add the XML driver through ODBC, I click on the
Add button to add a location name and nothing happens - I assume another
popup with a browse-to file type dialogue should appear,and therefore can't
add the driver).

Thanks for any help,

32-bit edition
Win 7

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