Re: Landmark analyses

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Re: Landmark analyses

Maguin, Eugene
I don't know anything about landmark analysis. I've never heard the phrase before. As you describe your problem it seems like a data management issue rather than a statistical problem.

I encourage you to subscribe to the spss list-serv because there's many very knowledgeable people with a wide range of useful, relevant experience. I also encourage you to make up some data that illustrates the problem and what the data would look like when the problem is solved. And, if this is a statistical analysis procedure to provide some background information on it because there may be an spss procedure command that would do the problem.

Gene Maguin

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2016 5:42 PM
To: Maguin, Eugene <[hidden email]>
Subject: Landmark analyses

Hi Eugene

My name is Ary and I'm a researcher from Brazil. I would like to ask you about landmark analyses using SPSS.

I need to identify which people have experienced the event prior to the landmark and remove them and then reset the time clock to be 0.00 at the landmark. Everybody who has not experienced the event remains in the analysis with a survival time of 0 at the landmark.

I want to assess the value of the time-dependent parameters, each day, handling patients alive on that day, using their value of the parameter on that day, to predict further death; then, modifying the landmark and repeat, while possibly pooling those results in so-called "super-model".  

Do you know if I can do this in SPSS???

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