Re: QM teachers mailing list

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Re: QM teachers mailing list

John F Hall



I’m also dealing with vast numbers of emails, but I organise them into sub-classes in Outlook Express.  I’ve only copied the list into those mails which I considered to be of general interest, but there have been quite a few of the latter in recent days, mainly my replies to emails from others.  Perhaps you and ESRC should find a way of dealing with the separate groups involved and design a forum which can handle the traffic.  If users can’t handle the number of emails for QM, they can always add me to their blocked senders list.


Now, where am I supposed to send my comments on the new edition of Diamond and Jefferies Beginning Statistics?






John F Hall (Mr)

[retired academic survey researcher]


Email:     [hidden email]







From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of John
Sent: 19 February 2013 15:56
To: John F Hall
Subject: QM teachers mailing list


Dear John

I'm very pleased that you're such an active member of the QM teachers' mailing list, and it is especially useful to have a contributor with your knowledge of the history of the QM scene. However we're now having a real problem with the volume of mailings on the list (most academic members deal with high volumes of email already that are a real challenge to manage). Could I ask you therefore to please restrict mailings to those of interest to all list members and please not copy in the list to emails addressed to individuals. That woudl help us keep the overall volume within manageable limits.

We're also planning to add a discussion group facility to the website, so that discussion threads might be continued there.


With best wishes





QM Teachers' Mailing list

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Professor John MacInnes
ESRC Strategic Advisor on Quantitative Methods Training 
School of Social and Political Science,
Room 5.05
Chrystal Macmillan Building
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh EH8 9LD
+44 (0)131 651 3867

"The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336."