Sarah Nice to find someone interested in my work. Unfortunately I’m not at liberty to distribute my cumulative file unless you have authorisation from UKDS. Natcen need to approve the deposit of the cumulative file, but since I’ve used files downloaded from UKDS, I suspect it will be quicker to go via them or, since you are a registered user, ask them if I can send you the file direct via Dropbox. I have already sent them the link to download the beta1 version. I’m currently working on a beta2 version of the “mother” file using a table generated with syntax supplied by Jon Peck (ex-IBM-SPSS, now retired). dataset declare values. oms select tables /if subtypes='Variable Values' /destination outfile=values format=sav viewer=no. display dict. omsend. dataset activate values. sort cases by Label Try it on your file(s) to see what comes up. It generates a table with several thousand rows in which variable names appear as many times as they have different variable labels. EnjoyCJB 2.0000 Agree PubOwnSt 2.0000 Agree SecSchl1 1.0000 Agree strongly SecSchl4 1.0000 Agree strongly EnjoyCJB 8.0000 Can't choose PubOwnSt 1.0000 Agree strongly Basically I can use the table to identify variables with unique label properties (eg “Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied”) then copy the variable names into a separate (annotated) file, thence to a new SPSS syntax file. This is routine and repetitive, but far quicker than attempting it variable by variable: Jon has saved me days if not weeks of work. It’s not a job for novices or the faint-hearted: it needs to be done by someone dedicated, very experienced at working with SPSS files, who knows what he is doing and can instinctively spot problems and anomalies. So far, I’ve only done half of the measurement levels: missing values will be next. My syntax file looks like this, but will be much bigger. I know I should do it in small doses, but . . title 'Pulling out variables using value labels'. /* Agree – Disagree (1-5) . /*(3 = Neither)..variable level. VARIABLE LEVEL SecSchl1 SecSchl4 SecSchl5 RelSup1 RelSup2 (ORDINAL). /*(3 = Neither agree nor disagree.). VARIABLE LEVEL PropCRe Wk65I PENSEC govnosa2 govnocar polundst infpoli2 govright govself polpar1 polpar2 polpar3 bnlowp bnmove pencomp earlyret credplan borohard marvie16 marview6 uniaff unicar undwry gmlmarry welfhelp morewelf unempjob sochelp dolefidl welffeet damlives proudwlf redistrb bigbusnn wealth richlaw indust4 tradvals stifsent deathapp obey wronglaw censor SavFrRet InStuEc InStuCu InStuOc InStuCs CycDang CCALowE CCACar CCAPLANE AffEngl AffLocl BuilAff BuilUnf SupDes IDMus IDEaster IDBAsian VacOW DateOW RespOW PresOW NormOW VacPT AskPT LocalPT FamPT DatePT RespPT PresPT NormPT VacFT AskFT LocalFT DateFT RespFT PresFT NormFT ASAStay Soeqsame NatCitzn NatAshmd NatLike NatBest NatSupp NatSport NatPrdBr NatShrt ForgRel1 ForgRel2 ForgRel4 ForgRel5 ForgRel6 MNNTDNMG FreeTrde GBFollow MNNTPowr CitWorld SharTrad EthncAid Immigrt1 Immigrt2 Immigrt3 Immigrt4 Immigrt6 Citzshp3 Citzshp4 Citzshp5 EUFollow lowwage UniFibet UniDebts UniNWort carwalk2 carbus2 carbike2 plnallow plnterm plnenvt plnuppri cartaxhi carallow carreduc carnod2 carenvdc ddnodrv ddnklmt specamsl specammo specamtm speedlim speavesc mobdsafe mobddang mobdban mobdlaw WestLoth SamsxPr PerVLook LookAchi GirlWApp GovNoSay VoteOnly GovComp LowWage2 WWRELCHD WWCHDSUF WWFAMSUF WANTHOME HWIFEFFL BOTHEARN SEXROLE MARVIEW1 MARVIE11 MARVIE13 MARVIE10 lescpar2 gaycpar2 chdview2 chdview3 chdview9 chdvie10 chdvie11 chdvie12 FEMJOB hwcmty mwdiff machnowk fammencr chmsca chmscb chmscc chmscd chmsce chmscf chmscg chmsch chmsci chmscj CliCar CliPlane CCASpe ASWork AfAccept AfSucces AfWrong AfSupMem IqAccept IqSucc IqWrong IqSupMem ESCompND ESCompDi LivAp1 LivAp2 LivAp3 LivAp4 LivAp5 LivAp6 LivAp7 LoseTch VoteIntr PtyNMat2 QuitRule QuitBdJb MYRDONE2 MYRPOWR2 MYRSPK2 PCCRIME PCPOLINF HSysImpr UseHCS LimHCS HCIneff AcNoCit AcDamHe DmHSuff EnvSuff GeneSuff PoorSuff AltMSol AltMProm TrustDrs DrsDisc DrSkNGd DrCaEarn DrTelMis BnTarget BnComp BnSlow HlthGap DirectFl RelTime RoadCap CARNODi2 DrugNoDr SpeCAvFS MigWorPS MigrStop MiHardWk CTAXREF2 InfChoic RefForce HLExpert Wk65Mon OldWk65 OldWkFlx OldWkChg IncRedis Happ10yr Adve10yr Edu10yr Safe10yr YPTime Noplygrd YPBehav2 GirlsBv2 YPRes2 LikeSR NeligSR GoStatSc GoStaQua ManSkill COwnPref CManPref RetStan2 Wk65Flx PRIVENT INCDIFF SCIEBELF SCIEHARM SCIESOLV FUTENVIR HARMEVIR HARMVIRW ENVIRECG GROWHARM POPGROW ENVIRDIF ENVIRRGT MORIMPEN NOPTENV EXAGENV DKHrmEnv EnvEfLif INTAGENV POORLESS ECPSLOW SOCWCHLD ChldGrow Ownhlth1 Ownhlth2 Ownhlth3 Ownhlth4 RelyDoc BRPyMr BTPyMr BTNoAlt CmplChrg MOTORWAY BUILDTRA CARNODIF DD5YBAN SpeCmInc HOMERISK buycheap movehome moneytie freedom finburdn leavefam homeresp riskjob WAITFAM ScChRt BestSch clsSchCm clsSchSC SchSlfsh UniAnyAg DegGdJob UniAdvt PREGTN11 SafeJob ManRelKp ManRelUn ManRelHo ConfSc1 ConfSc2 ConfSc3 ConfSc4 ConfSc5 ConfSc6 ConfSc7 ConfSc8 ConfSc9 PropRep ETHTAKJ2 EETAKJ2 GPDay GPEve GPOnly WhRchPar IncNec IncInev IncUnf IncWrk IncWrng Incprob Bonus1 Bonus2 Bonus3 ScotPayE CREDSPND INCOPP1 INCOPP2 INCOPP3 EQUALOPP EQUALOP2 OldJobOp WellInf EnjoyPdW EnjoyCJB PatFeel1 PatFeel2 PatFeel3 PatFeel4 GETON3 GETON4 GETON5 GETON6 INEQRICH INCDIFFS UNEMPSOL LESSBENF DisNtEff DisNoAll OldAlw PubOwnSt (ORDINAL). /*Satisfied - Dissatified (1-7) . VARIABLE LEVEL BrHSSat DrTrSat AltMeSat HspTrSat jobsat2 famsat2 BrHSSat DrTrSat AltMeSat HspTrSat (ORDINAL). /*Satisfied - Dissatified (1-5) . VARIABLE LEVEL NHSSat GPSat DentSat InpatSat OutpaSat AESat CareSat3 Appearsa CareSat2 jobsat2 famsat2 NDirSat Ambsat diogsat AreaSat JobSat3 PaySatis HrsSatis PrDenSat (ORDINAL). /*SAME - WORSE. VARIABLE LEVEL NHS5yrs Say5Yrs NHSNx5Yr WtOp5Yrs WtAp5Yrs WtCo5Yrs WtGP5Yrs WtRf5Yrs Des20yr PrejNow PrejFut UniJobs AgeDNow AgeDOldW AgeDYngW (ORDINAL). /*Approve – disapprove. VARIABLE LEVEL PHelpSc1 PHelpSc2 PHelpSc3 PHelpSc4 PHelpSc5 PHelpSc6 ((ORDINAL). /*Comfortable - Uncomfortable. VARIABLE LEVEL HIncDif4 FlexAsk TalkLGB SocLGB DMPSens DMPPhys DMPMent DMPLdis DNeiSens DNeiPhys DNeiMent DNeiLdis DSchSens DSchPhys DSchMent DSchLdis DBosSens DBosPhys DBosMent DBosLdis DGrpSens DGrpPhys DGrpMent DGrpLdis DMarSens DMarPhys DMarMent DMarLdis DNegShp DNegFr FlexAsk (ORDINAL). /*Secure. VARIABLE LEVEL SecurEmp ((ORDINAL). /*Successful. VARIABLE LEVEL GvOKHlth GvOKOld GvOKSec GvOKCrm GvOKUnmp GvOKEnv (ORDINAL). /*Support-oppose. VARIABLE LEVEL HomsBult SchPrv SchVol SchPar2 HospPrv HospVol CarePrv CareVol Vouch (ORDINAL). /*Willing – Unwilling. VARIABLE LEVEL TaxHlth PRENVIR TAXENVIR CUTENVIR (ORDINAL). (continued on page 94 ff as Private Eye would say) The process will be repeated for missing values, but positive values of 8,9 98,99, 998 ,999 to be treated as missing need to be recoded to negative -8, -9, -98, -99, -998, -999 to be captured by Lo thru -1 declared as missing for almost all variables. The new negative values will also need ADD VALUE LABELS. The file is in reverse year order and I’m keeping the variables in the order in which they (last) appear. At a later stage it might be worth re-arranging them by separate topic, plus demographics. Separate files for separate topics can also be created by extracting selected variables from the “mother” file. As I say, you need to get UKDS to give me permission to send you the Dropbox link to cumulative file: it could be some time before there is a fully correct version and UKDS will probably need even more time to process and upload it. I’m sure Natcen will be only too pleased to agree. Regards John John F Hall (Mr) [Retired academic survey researcher] Email: [hidden email] Website: SPSS start page: From: Sarah Cohen [mailto:[hidden email]] Dear John, I am currently working on research around attitudes towards inequality and redistribution in the UK, alongside Dr Gidon Cohen from Durham University. We have been using the BSA survey and have been busy recoding, hence we were very interested in your recent project. We can appreciate the time and effort to do this. I know perhaps presumptuous but we wondered whether we might ask to have access to your data? Given your expertise it would be very useful to draw on your data to aid our research and add to the robustness of our analysis. If you have any questions about the nature of our research or anything else please let me know. Kind regards Sarah Dr Sarah Cohen Senior Lecturer Department of Social Sciences Northumbria University Newcastle City Campus Ellison Place Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST |
This post was updated on .
John, why do you Cc: this mailing list when responding to private e-mails? Do you ask permission before doing so? Not everyone appreciates having their everyday e-mail address being posted to the web. When you feel your reply to a private message contains information beneficial to members of this list, you should remove identifying information before posting, IMO--unless you have permission from your correspondent. YMMV.
Cheers, Bruce
Bruce Weaver "When all else fails, RTFM." PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1. My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly. To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above. 2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA ( |
Mea culpa. I thought Sarah's message was to the QM list which is open; it was addressed to me, but the subject was Quantitative methods - cumulative file for BSA 1983 - 2014. Put it down to fatigue after several days working on the file and replying in the middle of SPSS sessions. Hopefully SPSS listers will appreciate the bulk of the message. John -----Original Message----- From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Bruce Weaver Sent: 19 April 2016 17:14 To: [hidden email] Subject: Re: Quantitative methods - cumulative file for BSA 1983 - 2014 John, Why do you Cc: this mailing list when responding to private e-mails? Do you ask permission before doing so? Not everyone appreciates having their everyday e-mail address being posted to the web. When you feel your reply to a private message contains information beneficial to members of this list, you should remove identifying information before posting, IMO--unless you have permission from your correspondent. YMMV. Cheers, Bruce ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
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