Re: SPSS 21 not able to run Python routines (Warn #6894)

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Re: SPSS 21 not able to run Python routines (Warn #6894)

Garry Gelade

I’ve installed SPSS 21 & Python essentials on a new machine and I’m getting problems running Python.


SPSS begins the program block, but doesn’t seem to finish it. Further attempts to continue give the error message:


Warning # 6894. Command name: BEGIN PROGRAM

> The external program exit unexpectedly and lost its content, a new

> external program will startup to execute the rest of job.


There were a few exchanges between Jon Peck and Juan Sandoval about pretty much the same thing on this listerv back in July, but I couldn’t find any resolution posted.  Like Juan I’m running Windows 7 64bit, and it seems pretty much the same problem.


Was it resolved and is there a fix for it?

