Re: SPSS Client error

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Re: SPSS Client error

John F Hall



[Cc: SPSS list for information]


Makes sense, but I didn’t have much open when I did it just now.  At last I’m getting back to work on book reviews, SPSS tutorials and even some serious analysis of individual response patterns in the use of 0 – 10 scales for life-satisfaction, feeling anxious, feeling happy, feeling that life is worthwhile. 


I’ve always felt that average scores on such scales were a constant rather than a variable, but I’m trying to find ways of controlling for individual response patterns when some people only use between two and five points, and are either spread out across the whole scale or clustered round a few points lower or higher up. 


Nice bit of logic and programming to delay the onset of dementia!




From: Terence Blom [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: 28 January 2015 17:19
To: John F Hall
Subject: Re: SPSS Client error


Hi John,


looks like a common enough error if you read the blurb at 


If it is not a solid error then my guess is that it is lack of resources on your machine preventing the Java virtual machine environment from initiating.


Quote from IBM....

"Finally, this error may be coming about from a literal lack of resources. As a Java application, SPSS Statistics will be dependent upon the amount of available, contiguous RAM for the Java heap. Please install enough RAM such that the minimum required amount documented for your version of SPSS Statistics shows as 'free' or 'available' when you launch the product."


Consider running the ASC Smart Ram program before starting up SPSS too free up all available RAM.


Hope this helps.




On 28 January 2015 at 17:08, John F Hall <[hidden email]> wrote:


I keep getting this at SPSS startup (usually by double clicking on a file created by SPSS)  It’s intermittent and doesn’t happen all the time, but SPSS always starts anyway. 

Text copied from message as list doesn’t allow embedded links.

SPSS Client error

Failed to create the Java VM


 I’ve updated Java two or three times (but I think it’s on automatic update).  Is it something to do with my machine? 





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