Re: SPSSX-L Digest - 21 Feb 2007 to 22 Feb 2007 (#2007-54)

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Re: SPSSX-L Digest - 21 Feb 2007 to 22 Feb 2007 (#2007-54)

Chao Yawo

I can help you, if i understand your question correctly.  Can you describe the physical structure of the data ?  I do network analysis, and there are software such as UCINET that you can use to do the analysis.

Regards, Y

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              Date:    Thu, 22 Feb 2007 13:08:10 -0500 From:"Tibert, Brock" <[hidden email]> Subject: Network Analysis                Plain Text Attachment     [  Scan and Save to Computer              |  Save to Yahoo!  Briefcase          ]

Hello everyone,

Has anyone ever performed network analysis?  I want to look at the
associations of my data, and believe it to be a proper technique.  How
does my data need to be setup?  What software do I have to use?  Any
help will be greatly appreciated.

The data I have are set up such that each respondent can list from 1-6
choices, and I have a feeling that certain choices can be linked to
other.  It is one record per respondent, but I am not sure if this is
the proper setup for the datafile.

Many thanks in advance,

~ Brock

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