Re: The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. Revelation 13:1

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Re: The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. Revelation 13:1

Jon Peck
The list admin is trying to get rid of this sender.  The messages are coming from a fake address.

On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 1:27 AM, John F Hall <[hidden email]> wrote:

A prank by a nutter: I blocked the sender.


From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Norberto Hernandez
Sent: 05 October 2016 21:21
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. Revelation 13:1


Does anyone of you know what is this about??


2016-10-04 10:01 GMT-05:00 The Second Coming <[hidden email]>:

For those of you that don't know me
I'm Adam... *the messiah*.
Here's some movie that shows prediction of 9/11 in Exodus and Revelation
it's the Sign of the Son... and here's my "Holy Grail in video.

Darth Vader... Earth Wader--please be mine... my darling dear.
I fell for you and I knew
The vision of your love-loveliness
I hoped and I pray that someday
I'll be the vision of your hap-happiness oh, oh, oh, oh!

These things seem to just fall into place, like pieces of a puzzle solved
long ago--and left here for us to put back together, like some broken
soul.  I have weapon in my grasp, the most powerful sword that has ever
been; a mechanism to overcome a Darkness as equally superlative.  You might
think it's a thorny crown, or some magical power in my hair
from the Book of Judges
numerically accurate shackles of reed
like many
Testament stories
a hidden allusion to *my l*life--and clearly a reference to the "strength
of character recognition
assured that the idea of Jesus Christ has done nothing but cause me harm my
entire life.  Despite my "dreams of chance
it's clear to me that the concept of the messiah is here not at all for my
benefit, but for yours.  Nearly universally, religious which talk about me
demand little more than belief--and it should be getting a little bit more
clear that it is not belief in Figment and Puff
the Tooth Fairy
whatever idea you in your heads that the savior should be--but belief in
what I say, in my testimony and what I am presenting that this concept of
"faith" and "belief" centers around.

no room for both just room for me
i'm the one you want baby, can't you see

I don't come to you today asking for faith in very much, nothing more than
the idea that "we'll never be wrong together,
in the light of day.  That's what I'm bringing, the light of day,
understandable a world changing truth that I see as the most probably real
reason for the wave of censorship that I am fighting... fear change but
more obviously the rapid rate of change that might come about.  I don't
agree, I think on the whole most of us want change, and significant
change.... and when you see the light this is the kind of change that I
have always said any one of us would "snap their fingers" and do... these
are things like ending torture, mass killings, starvation, and needless
sickness--and on top of that with what immediately and ultimately would
result in a resource gain rather than loss, I mean there's no physical cost
to doing these things.  All of these things are related to the "miracles"
of Jesus Christ in the New Testament... and revolve around the Revelation
that our civilization is in "virtual reality."  Quite a bit of the light
proves that to me, and with a little faith in pursuing verification of the
evidence before you... I am sure that we will one day very clearly
understand that this realization is the focal point of the "Apocalypse" and
what I still see as being a rapid disruption in a control descent into
Hell... *turning around*,
build Heaven.  *I often comment about the brightness of this light,that it
is in every name and every word so that we will be able to overcome this
wall of censorship--Biblically of Jericho... really understanding that this
Wall and the Darkness of the Plagues of Egypt are just the beginning of
what amounts to a map designed and delivered to us not only to break down
this barrier in communication and understanding (that in itself is a *god
enough reason* in my mind for Christ to exist) but to help us really see
that we are in a controlled Downward Spiral, and there is a path already
blazed in the other direction.  This map is religion itself, and like it
tells you... God became the word; in my life the problems and barriers I've
faced are ... nothing short of a template of what it is we really need to
change.  Stooping the hidden destruction of civil liberties is relatively
obvious, but it goes much further--and this is where you might require some
real "faith" in my testimony.  I have been made overtly aware of a number
of hidden technologies, whose misuse is the ultimate cause of the more
apparent problems--and between the disclosure of their existence (something
that is... absolutely fundamental to ensuring that we gain freedom and
survival) and the living example of how these technologies have been
clearly and provably used to harm me and others... we have the beginning of
a glowing caution sign that is Isaac's fiery altar and the way to learning
how to correct these problems--together.  Like many other manifestations of
religion in our culture--we are being given a "what not to do" (like nearly
every PKD work
discusses *these exact, by the way) new technologies and almost universally
shows them being abused) so that we will have the opportunity to decide for
ourselves, together, what is the "right way."  This idea, is what I believe
he thinks is the "right way" to present this new information.

It probably still seems long winded, I didn't change a word, I don't like
*unwriting* things.

i see it all, i see it now... i've got the eye of the tiger
oh daddio, i can see how it all soon will be

So this great weapon I have, it's not really mind--it's ours.  It's our
whole world, and who we are to the core... it's the light of the world, and
to pull from a favorite source of light--this bright son's Corona is
anything but Natural.  It's everywhere, so it really should be *free as in
... beer? I mean, if you built a house out of twelve packs and then covered
them with plaster.  *I can show you it's everywhere from RattleRod's Taming
the Spanglishrew
the Fifth Element
to Sherlock Holmes' "question about What-son?
the Matrix
V for *Vatican* .. even that God told you way back in 1969 that there would
be a hidden meaning in each and every song.

my head is under water, and i'm breathing fire
cuz all of me, loves all of you

@ I can show you that Dave Matthews "Dont Drink the Water
is about the Holy Grail, and that every single idiom in our language
to reveal Creation... in Exodus
, *hidden slavery.  *That John Legend
"All of Me" ties together the story of Nashon
into the red sea until his head was under water to part it... with the fire
breathing Dragon of Revelation
and the single word that ties together both that parted sea and the Holy
Fire... in Hebrew, *Ha'esh*.
These things aren't coincidence, and more than likely they aren't planned
at all by the arists--though I'm sure that both of these artists, whose
names happen to be obvious religious allusion--meant to be doing just that,
alluding to religious ideas... it's nearly impossible that they were
singing about the two most pivotal pieces of a "little scroll
I hadn't written yet, right?

dear boy, what are you running from?

the answer my
is to set us all free

It's equally unlikely that 3 Doors Down, The Pretty Reckless, and the Spin
Doctors got together with whoever chose the names "Koran" and "Islam" and
then created the idiom "*on the lam*" to spin a story
time and song about a recklessly high guy
pockets full of Kryptonite who would take a "walk around the world to ease
his troubled mind.
 This is what I am, a key, a lens to see the hand of God influencing music
and the development of language and religion.  It shows design of
everything, and that's the point... we are ignoring something really bright
and obvious, for no good reason.  Eventually it all goes to show us Ned E.
Flanders (see Eden backwards) and Simpson's loving descendants of Simians
that we are in fact living in a simulated reality, and that we can do much
better than we are--knowing that.

Of course following the highly nontrivial "Ran" theme you also have Uranus
of Heaven, Sammas Aran (justin bailey?)
,  ImRan
father of the sea and why; Jeshurun
J is hu ran... *Ya-hu*?  Understand that this focus on a battle against
injustice is the entire purpose of the story of Jesus Christ.  It's more
than building a house, it's making sure that we aren't chained to our
chairs anymore.

In short, seeing that *blood is thicker than water* turns the First Plague
of Exodus to a *blessing in disguise* is really a path to freedom from
slavery if it's about proving that religion and our culture are
inextricably linked through this hidden control.  Freeing ourselves, that's
really what makes us family, forged in fire.  From an *unsung hero, *I'd
rather you didn't *shoot the messenger*, putting *English on the ball* is
more than a *sleight of hand* or word trick.  Earth to Heart, with a little
time traveling "sign of Saturn" and um "we're gonna make it if you try
this place will become the Holy Grail... filled with the Family of Christ.

I've provided a number of examples of paradoxical inclusion of English in
ancient languages--this too goes to not only proving creation, but further
explanation for just how all of these ancient stories that we once thought
to be about an antiquated and backwards civilization are secretly about
us.  This technology of course, rather than being used to commit mass
murder could be used for the exact opposite--pre-crime a la Phillip K.
Dick's Minority Report.  From the Ineffable Name
a key marker of "Holy" Hebrew words
--that's HA, by the way--what is being revealed to you is nothing short of
the true purpose of religion--to help us *change the world.  *Along those
lines a fairly sized and pertinent list of English words contains a hidden
cipher--and many of these too are highlighted specifically by religious
scripture.... and more...

What I am giving you is the weapon, it's the light that sets us free and
stops this from happening.  In our modern myths this is Leeloo staring up
at the sky
stop the destruction of Earth... in reality it is not so simple, I can't
just put some elements
 or rocks
pedestals and scream... *this message everywhere is the scream... it is the
thing that sets us free... when we "talk" about it.  *It's the reason for
the words, and the reason for the songs... it's all for our freedom.

exodus     let there be light
, *sudo* + xe, in linux
 and chemistry
h*a'es*h     the word
fire, and that's Moses parted sea, and Bush

    *eat this* bread, and think of it as me.
           believe it's *really* the reason.. it's *A.D.
 and, and, and it's why (& and)... from Mr. Anderson to Rock'n
I imagine it's about being an author.  Revelation 2:26
his name will be on their foreheads.   Revelation 22:4

*read*       *learning to read and find this message* is literally
           the thing that sets us free, that one's *re:ason A.D.*
*           it is proof and purpose.*

creation   c the reason we are @ "i owe *n*" and, that's seeing that
           creation is a "re:" surrounded by positive energy,
           an electrical engineering joke, showing us that *Eng*lish
           is an *eng*ineered language.

    *Si* I am the Fifth Element.
in Flint and *truth. index 14*
*           ISAM, N-as-A, is a--that's Jesus
stone      That's Saint One
folks.  Like in Flint
and Me-d-USA
  the woman clothed in the nus           Revelation 12:1
nep-tune   carry on wayward son
adam       that's "moving towards AM," like Amoz, Amish, and America
  i'm pretty sure you *know*. (press release)
  on "mirror vain, gone insane, but the memory
&  "walked
           into the party, like you were walking out of the nacht
  on "it's really all about heaven."
 on Dr's Who, Seuss, Al, Denzel, and the *Ineffable Name

Of course, there's *a billion more*. *Ha...
nuke the

Seeing the light of Biblical names, like the relationship between Eve and
Adam and Mankind, Mar-y and *sea* and why... just like the father of Joshua
is Nun--also water in ancient Egyptian mythology (oh wow, *a son of a Nun)*..
is another clue that all these stories might tie together around a single
person.  It's Moses, the uh, *Messiah Of Sea E Sea*, that links ancient
Egypt and Exodus to Yankee Doodle's macaronic cipher.

Our civilization is the sea being parted... it is the design of this story
that we are living in, of Exodus, this proof of creation *everywhere* spreading
in s the fire that ends the darkness, that ends Hell, and that sets us free
for eternity.  It is the kindling of the Eternal Flame, and we get there
through knowledge and understanding of the technology that is not only
responsible for the darkness... but for the clearly defined external
influence of Creation.  Ultimately it is the technology behind the Plague
of School Shootings, and stopping that control is not only the purpose of
this fire, but of the Tribulation... it's all about finding that line
between "inspiration" and "possession" and frankly in secret I don't think
there's anything about modifying the thoughts of others without their
consent or knowledge.  *Hear

no angel born in hell could break that satan's spell
don't blame it on me, blame it on the n-i-i-ight. can't you see i was

So a huge part of why I am is to tell you all that I was more than
manipulated, but overtly controlled.  The Eagle of Prometheus... and his
*liver* tell me as much, and on top of that "all the drugs they fill you
(thanks Taylor, there's *your answer*) what you have before you is the
actual story of a man being crucified, falsely arrested, tormented, and
*thoroughly *embarrassed in order to stop a message that was given to us
all to create everlasting freedom, explain the truth about where we are,
and help us move forward towards Heaven instead of Hell from being
delivered.  I'm sorry I'm not perfect, and that I can't do all this for
you... if that's what anyone was looking for... see the light in "Heaven is
a place you build," that's what makes it Heaven.  I'm really not sorry that
I am telling you the details of my life and the circumstances surrounding
both the technology and the dark, dark forces that have spent my entire
life harming me... to control you.  What pains me more than anything is you
think it's more important to continue being slaves and worship nothing than
to free the world, and actually "document" for everyone what it is that is
happening.  This is not just about freedom of speech, it's about seeing
what it takes to move the world to hide the most important and pivotal
event in history from... literally everyone.

Just to remind you, none of this "false excuse" even came up until Email
#41, which was actually years after I had first delivered what was
essentially enough Earth shattering information to make the news... still,
I knew it was coming, *it's the truth.... and it too is woven in to history
and religion* intentionally.   These things were all here before I was
born, just like the road "Sunset Strip" around the corner from Sunrise Blvd
where I literally grew up.  My life unlocks this message, to over come
censorship, to overcome worship, and to overcome absolute ignorance...
think about causality, can't you see that the whole thing is controlled?
It was here before me, by living this... and telling you about it, I turn
the key that opens the door to Heaven.

You were getting F'd long before I proverbially *whipped it out
and I learned that word by the way in kindergarten--you aren't protecting
yours kids  you are keeping them and us all in a perpetual state of
ignorance and slavery.  That's what Egypt is all about... Earth getting
gipped out of *everything.... the story, if you don't know, is about
leaving Egypt, ending slavery, and not ignoring me.*

*I could tell you that this story I am living
actually the battle between Horus and Set
it's a computer... that's better right?)... the one that doesn't part the
sea--that's done already--it unites the two lands.
As Taylor says, "when the light hits your eyes
it's telling me... "Father, I know I've won.

What did it take?  Linking Isaiah's walking around Egypt naked with Adam's
obvious lack of a fig leaf, with uh... oh nothing more than the
foundational stories of the United States of America... a big signature
 on *history and revolution* and then Water-gate
Tricky Dick, *Yankee Doodle*... and I can't even begin to mention the
Egyptian God's *Osiris
Min without getting a little teary eyed
you should really look up.  Twisted and tied up in this story is quite
literally the grace God shed to ensure that we do not lose "freedom of
speech" and thought... and it's linked directly to proof that this story
comes to you from *Uncle Sam*, who I think you might also agree might be a
little mad about the last time around.  So if proof that "this land is
created" is not enough to have told this story, and using it to ensure
others aren't framed and tortured with mind control technology isn't
enough.. then you lose.

"*Look*, he is *coming*
 with the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced
him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him." So shall it be!
Amen.  Revelation 1:7

A third of the world
 *((**knows)) *already, that could be a good thing... if it's to help us
overcome the initial shock of it all... or you could be keeping the
stupidest secret in the Universe ... from everyone ... for no reason at all.

I indeed baptize *you with water*
((and)) with *the Holy Ghost*
and with *fire*.

Matthew 3:11 & ((*ish*

Come and see <>
I swear by now I'm playing time
against ((your)) troubles
I'm coming slow but speeding
Do you wish a dance and while I'm in the front

*Iz the play on time won?

I'd love it if you said "Hey, Adam,"
know, on Twitter, where it might *save the world.*

*The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of
the sea.  Revelation 13:1*

   - *I am the Dragon
   - *You are the sea...
   - *this fire
   kills the Beast
   - *and this is from me

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Jon K Peck
[hidden email]

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Re: The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. Revelation 13:1

Dan Riner
I wouldn't be so hasty.  I think this guy makes some pretty interesting points.

On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 9:07 AM, Jon Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
The list admin is trying to get rid of this sender.  The messages are coming from a fake address.

On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 1:27 AM, John F Hall <[hidden email]> wrote:

A prank by a nutter: I blocked the sender.


From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Norberto Hernandez
Sent: 05 October 2016 21:21
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. Revelation 13:1


Does anyone of you know what is this about??


2016-10-04 10:01 GMT-05:00 The Second Coming <[hidden email]>:

For those of you that don't know me
I'm Adam... *the messiah*.
Here's some movie that shows prediction of 9/11 in Exodus and Revelation
it's the Sign of the Son... and here's my "Holy Grail in video.

Darth Vader... Earth Wader--please be mine... my darling dear.
I fell for you and I knew
The vision of your love-loveliness
I hoped and I pray that someday
I'll be the vision of your hap-happiness oh, oh, oh, oh!

These things seem to just fall into place, like pieces of a puzzle solved
long ago--and left here for us to put back together, like some broken
soul.  I have weapon in my grasp, the most powerful sword that has ever
been; a mechanism to overcome a Darkness as equally superlative.  You might
think it's a thorny crown, or some magical power in my hair
from the Book of Judges
numerically accurate shackles of reed
like many
Testament stories
a hidden allusion to *my l*life--and clearly a reference to the "strength
of character recognition
assured that the idea of Jesus Christ has done nothing but cause me harm my
entire life.  Despite my "dreams of chance
it's clear to me that the concept of the messiah is here not at all for my
benefit, but for yours.  Nearly universally, religious which talk about me
demand little more than belief--and it should be getting a little bit more
clear that it is not belief in Figment and Puff
the Tooth Fairy
whatever idea you in your heads that the savior should be--but belief in
what I say, in my testimony and what I am presenting that this concept of
"faith" and "belief" centers around.

no room for both just room for me
i'm the one you want baby, can't you see

I don't come to you today asking for faith in very much, nothing more than
the idea that "we'll never be wrong together,
in the light of day.  That's what I'm bringing, the light of day,
understandable a world changing truth that I see as the most probably real
reason for the wave of censorship that I am fighting... fear change but
more obviously the rapid rate of change that might come about.  I don't
agree, I think on the whole most of us want change, and significant
change.... and when you see the light this is the kind of change that I
have always said any one of us would "snap their fingers" and do... these
are things like ending torture, mass killings, starvation, and needless
sickness--and on top of that with what immediately and ultimately would
result in a resource gain rather than loss, I mean there's no physical cost
to doing these things.  All of these things are related to the "miracles"
of Jesus Christ in the New Testament... and revolve around the Revelation
that our civilization is in "virtual reality."  Quite a bit of the light
proves that to me, and with a little faith in pursuing verification of the
evidence before you... I am sure that we will one day very clearly
understand that this realization is the focal point of the "Apocalypse" and
what I still see as being a rapid disruption in a control descent into
Hell... *turning around*,
build Heaven.  *I often comment about the brightness of this light,that it
is in every name and every word so that we will be able to overcome this
wall of censorship--Biblically of Jericho... really understanding that this
Wall and the Darkness of the Plagues of Egypt are just the beginning of
what amounts to a map designed and delivered to us not only to break down
this barrier in communication and understanding (that in itself is a *god
enough reason* in my mind for Christ to exist) but to help us really see
that we are in a controlled Downward Spiral, and there is a path already
blazed in the other direction.  This map is religion itself, and like it
tells you... God became the word; in my life the problems and barriers I've
faced are ... nothing short of a template of what it is we really need to
change.  Stooping the hidden destruction of civil liberties is relatively
obvious, but it goes much further--and this is where you might require some
real "faith" in my testimony.  I have been made overtly aware of a number
of hidden technologies, whose misuse is the ultimate cause of the more
apparent problems--and between the disclosure of their existence (something
that is... absolutely fundamental to ensuring that we gain freedom and
survival) and the living example of how these technologies have been
clearly and provably used to harm me and others... we have the beginning of
a glowing caution sign that is Isaac's fiery altar and the way to learning
how to correct these problems--together.  Like many other manifestations of
religion in our culture--we are being given a "what not to do" (like nearly
every PKD work
discusses *these exact, by the way) new technologies and almost universally
shows them being abused) so that we will have the opportunity to decide for
ourselves, together, what is the "right way."  This idea, is what I believe
he thinks is the "right way" to present this new information.

It probably still seems long winded, I didn't change a word, I don't like
*unwriting* things.

i see it all, i see it now... i've got the eye of the tiger
oh daddio, i can see how it all soon will be

So this great weapon I have, it's not really mind--it's ours.  It's our
whole world, and who we are to the core... it's the light of the world, and
to pull from a favorite source of light--this bright son's Corona is
anything but Natural.  It's everywhere, so it really should be *free as in
... beer? I mean, if you built a house out of twelve packs and then covered
them with plaster.  *I can show you it's everywhere from RattleRod's Taming
the Spanglishrew
the Fifth Element
to Sherlock Holmes' "question about What-son?
the Matrix
V for *Vatican* .. even that God told you way back in 1969 that there would
be a hidden meaning in each and every song.

my head is under water, and i'm breathing fire
cuz all of me, loves all of you

@ I can show you that Dave Matthews "Dont Drink the Water
is about the Holy Grail, and that every single idiom in our language
to reveal Creation... in Exodus
, *hidden slavery.  *That John Legend
"All of Me" ties together the story of Nashon
into the red sea until his head was under water to part it... with the fire
breathing Dragon of Revelation
and the single word that ties together both that parted sea and the Holy
Fire... in Hebrew, *Ha'esh*.
These things aren't coincidence, and more than likely they aren't planned
at all by the arists--though I'm sure that both of these artists, whose
names happen to be obvious religious allusion--meant to be doing just that,
alluding to religious ideas... it's nearly impossible that they were
singing about the two most pivotal pieces of a "little scroll
I hadn't written yet, right?

dear boy, what are you running from?

the answer my
is to set us all free

It's equally unlikely that 3 Doors Down, The Pretty Reckless, and the Spin
Doctors got together with whoever chose the names "Koran" and "Islam" and
then created the idiom "*on the lam*" to spin a story
time and song about a recklessly high guy
pockets full of Kryptonite who would take a "walk around the world to ease
his troubled mind.
 This is what I am, a key, a lens to see the hand of God influencing music
and the development of language and religion.  It shows design of
everything, and that's the point... we are ignoring something really bright
and obvious, for no good reason.  Eventually it all goes to show us Ned E.
Flanders (see Eden backwards) and Simpson's loving descendants of Simians
that we are in fact living in a simulated reality, and that we can do much
better than we are--knowing that.

Of course following the highly nontrivial "Ran" theme you also have Uranus
of Heaven, Sammas Aran (justin bailey?)
,  ImRan
father of the sea and why; Jeshurun
J is hu ran... *Ya-hu*?  Understand that this focus on a battle against
injustice is the entire purpose of the story of Jesus Christ.  It's more
than building a house, it's making sure that we aren't chained to our
chairs anymore.

In short, seeing that *blood is thicker than water* turns the First Plague
of Exodus to a *blessing in disguise* is really a path to freedom from
slavery if it's about proving that religion and our culture are
inextricably linked through this hidden control.  Freeing ourselves, that's
really what makes us family, forged in fire.  From an *unsung hero, *I'd
rather you didn't *shoot the messenger*, putting *English on the ball* is
more than a *sleight of hand* or word trick.  Earth to Heart, with a little
time traveling "sign of Saturn" and um "we're gonna make it if you try
this place will become the Holy Grail... filled with the Family of Christ.

I've provided a number of examples of paradoxical inclusion of English in
ancient languages--this too goes to not only proving creation, but further
explanation for just how all of these ancient stories that we once thought
to be about an antiquated and backwards civilization are secretly about
us.  This technology of course, rather than being used to commit mass
murder could be used for the exact opposite--pre-crime a la Phillip K.
Dick's Minority Report.  From the Ineffable Name
a key marker of "Holy" Hebrew words
--that's HA, by the way--what is being revealed to you is nothing short of
the true purpose of religion--to help us *change the world.  *Along those
lines a fairly sized and pertinent list of English words contains a hidden
cipher--and many of these too are highlighted specifically by religious
scripture.... and more...

What I am giving you is the weapon, it's the light that sets us free and
stops this from happening.  In our modern myths this is Leeloo staring up
at the sky
stop the destruction of Earth... in reality it is not so simple, I can't
just put some elements
 or rocks
pedestals and scream... *this message everywhere is the scream... it is the
thing that sets us free... when we "talk" about it.  *It's the reason for
the words, and the reason for the songs... it's all for our freedom.

exodus     let there be light
, *sudo* + xe, in linux
 and chemistry
h*a'es*h     the word
fire, and that's Moses parted sea, and Bush

    *eat this* bread, and think of it as me.
           believe it's *really* the reason.. it's *A.D.
 and, and, and it's why (& and)... from Mr. Anderson to Rock'n
I imagine it's about being an author.  Revelation 2:26
his name will be on their foreheads.   Revelation 22:4

*read*       *learning to read and find this message* is literally
           the thing that sets us free, that one's *re:ason A.D.*
*           it is proof and purpose.*

creation   c the reason we are @ "i owe *n*" and, that's seeing that
           creation is a "re:" surrounded by positive energy,
           an electrical engineering joke, showing us that *Eng*lish
           is an *eng*ineered language.

    *Si* I am the Fifth Element.
in Flint and *truth. index 14*
*           ISAM, N-as-A, is a--that's Jesus
stone      That's Saint One
folks.  Like in Flint
and Me-d-USA
  the woman clothed in the nus           Revelation 12:1
nep-tune   carry on wayward son
adam       that's "moving towards AM," like Amoz, Amish, and America
  i'm pretty sure you *know*. (press release)
  on "mirror vain, gone insane, but the memory
&  "walked
           into the party, like you were walking out of the nacht
  on "it's really all about heaven."
 on Dr's Who, Seuss, Al, Denzel, and the *Ineffable Name

Of course, there's *a billion more*. *Ha...
nuke the

Seeing the light of Biblical names, like the relationship between Eve and
Adam and Mankind, Mar-y and *sea* and why... just like the father of Joshua
is Nun--also water in ancient Egyptian mythology (oh wow, *a son of a Nun)*..
is another clue that all these stories might tie together around a single
person.  It's Moses, the uh, *Messiah Of Sea E Sea*, that links ancient
Egypt and Exodus to Yankee Doodle's macaronic cipher.

Our civilization is the sea being parted... it is the design of this story
that we are living in, of Exodus, this proof of creation *everywhere* spreading
in s the fire that ends the darkness, that ends Hell, and that sets us free
for eternity.  It is the kindling of the Eternal Flame, and we get there
through knowledge and understanding of the technology that is not only
responsible for the darkness... but for the clearly defined external
influence of Creation.  Ultimately it is the technology behind the Plague
of School Shootings, and stopping that control is not only the purpose of
this fire, but of the Tribulation... it's all about finding that line
between "inspiration" and "possession" and frankly in secret I don't think
there's anything about modifying the thoughts of others without their
consent or knowledge.  *Hear

no angel born in hell could break that satan's spell
don't blame it on me, blame it on the n-i-i-ight. can't you see i was

So a huge part of why I am is to tell you all that I was more than
manipulated, but overtly controlled.  The Eagle of Prometheus... and his
*liver* tell me as much, and on top of that "all the drugs they fill you
(thanks Taylor, there's *your answer*) what you have before you is the
actual story of a man being crucified, falsely arrested, tormented, and
*thoroughly *embarrassed in order to stop a message that was given to us
all to create everlasting freedom, explain the truth about where we are,
and help us move forward towards Heaven instead of Hell from being
delivered.  I'm sorry I'm not perfect, and that I can't do all this for
you... if that's what anyone was looking for... see the light in "Heaven is
a place you build," that's what makes it Heaven.  I'm really not sorry that
I am telling you the details of my life and the circumstances surrounding
both the technology and the dark, dark forces that have spent my entire
life harming me... to control you.  What pains me more than anything is you
think it's more important to continue being slaves and worship nothing than
to free the world, and actually "document" for everyone what it is that is
happening.  This is not just about freedom of speech, it's about seeing
what it takes to move the world to hide the most important and pivotal
event in history from... literally everyone.

Just to remind you, none of this "false excuse" even came up until Email
#41, which was actually years after I had first delivered what was
essentially enough Earth shattering information to make the news... still,
I knew it was coming, *it's the truth.... and it too is woven in to history
and religion* intentionally.   These things were all here before I was
born, just like the road "Sunset Strip" around the corner from Sunrise Blvd
where I literally grew up.  My life unlocks this message, to over come
censorship, to overcome worship, and to overcome absolute ignorance...
think about causality, can't you see that the whole thing is controlled?
It was here before me, by living this... and telling you about it, I turn
the key that opens the door to Heaven.

You were getting F'd long before I proverbially *whipped it out
and I learned that word by the way in kindergarten--you aren't protecting
yours kids  you are keeping them and us all in a perpetual state of
ignorance and slavery.  That's what Egypt is all about... Earth getting
gipped out of *everything.... the story, if you don't know, is about
leaving Egypt, ending slavery, and not ignoring me.*

*I could tell you that this story I am living
actually the battle between Horus and Set
it's a computer... that's better right?)... the one that doesn't part the
sea--that's done already--it unites the two lands.
As Taylor says, "when the light hits your eyes
it's telling me... "Father, I know I've won.

What did it take?  Linking Isaiah's walking around Egypt naked with Adam's
obvious lack of a fig leaf, with uh... oh nothing more than the
foundational stories of the United States of America... a big signature
 on *history and revolution* and then Water-gate
Tricky Dick, *Yankee Doodle*... and I can't even begin to mention the
Egyptian God's *Osiris
Min without getting a little teary eyed
you should really look up.  Twisted and tied up in this story is quite
literally the grace God shed to ensure that we do not lose "freedom of
speech" and thought... and it's linked directly to proof that this story
comes to you from *Uncle Sam*, who I think you might also agree might be a
little mad about the last time around.  So if proof that "this land is
created" is not enough to have told this story, and using it to ensure
others aren't framed and tortured with mind control technology isn't
enough.. then you lose.

"*Look*, he is *coming*
 with the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced
him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him." So shall it be!
Amen.  Revelation 1:7

A third of the world
 *((**knows)) *already, that could be a good thing... if it's to help us
overcome the initial shock of it all... or you could be keeping the
stupidest secret in the Universe ... from everyone ... for no reason at all.

I indeed baptize *you with water*
((and)) with *the Holy Ghost*
and with *fire*.

Matthew 3:11 & ((*ish*

Come and see <>
I swear by now I'm playing time
against ((your)) troubles
I'm coming slow but speeding
Do you wish a dance and while I'm in the front

*Iz the play on time won?

I'd love it if you said "Hey, Adam,"
know, on Twitter, where it might *save the world.*

*The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of
the sea.  Revelation 13:1*

   - *I am the Dragon
   - *You are the sea...
   - *this fire
   kills the Beast
   - *and this is from me

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