Re: option to have "calculator" in GUI and display conventional operators

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Re: option to have "calculator" in GUI and display conventional operators

Art Kendall
For example with spss syntax to use ROT13 to produce crypt code that would still parse and run producing the same results the only thing you could do is  extract all of the variable names and rot13 them leaving everything else intact.
Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants
On 10/23/2013 6:50 AM, David Marso [via SPSSX Discussion] wrote:
" =========> In Python 2 you can use rot13 encoding to obfuscate code. This is legal, for instance:

 # -*- coding: rot13 -*-
qrs fbzrShap(*netf, **xjnetf):
    cevag("Uryyb jbeyq!")

fbzrShap(1, 2, 3)

===================== "

All Klingons proceed to battle stations...

Albert-Jan Roskam wrote
your example could be
         even worse by dropping out white space that is not
 needed for
         the machine to parse the text.

       do if(blah=blue).
       compute mynewvar=somemacrofunction a b c .
       else if(blah=green).
       compute mynewvar=anotherfunction d e f .
       compute mynewvar=-999.
       end if.

  =========> "sparse is better than dense!"

       In the olden days there actually a was
         program UNPRETTY that did the opposite of PRETTY.

         The purpose of UNPRETTY was to generate code that
 would result
         in the same numerical results and formatting, but
 that would be
         more difficult to adapt or translate to another

  =========> In Python 2 you can use rot13 encoding to obfuscate code. This is legal, for instance:

 # -*- coding: rot13 -*-
qrs fbzrShap(*netf, **xjnetf):
    cevag("Uryyb jbeyq!")

fbzrShap(1, 2, 3)

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Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants