Judy I refuse to admit defeat on this and have come up with something that seems to work. David and others will probably find my syntax inelegant and cumbersome (no macros or Python) but I try to work with what students get in their basic kit or on campus and can easily understand if they are new to data management and/or SPSS. Here’s the syntax I came up with (plus selected output). There are quite a few unique combinations but only five have 8 or more cases. Hope this goes some way to getting what you were looking for. John title 'produce values for 21 unique diagnosis combinations' . * Step1: Create 21 dummy variables . do repeat p = d1 to d22 /q= 1 to 22 . count p = num1 to num11 (q) . recode p (2 thru hi = 1) . end repeat . * Check . mult resp groups d (d1 to d22 (1)) /freq d .
*Step 2: Create another set using 21 multipliers of type 2**n . do repeat w = d2 to d22 /x = e2 to e22 /y = 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 262144 524288 1048576 . compute x = w* y. end repeat . * Check . print format e2 to e22 (f10.0) . freq e2 to e22 . * Generate variable with unique value for each combination (in reverse diagnosis order d22 to d2) . compute pattern1 = sum (e2 to e22) . * Check . print format pattern1 (n10) . freq pattern1 /for dfr .
*Check consistency of patterns for most frequent combinations (reverse order). temp . select if pattern1 = 524296 . list serial d2 to d22 . temp . select if pattern1 = 526344 . list serial d2 to d22 . temp . select if pattern1 = 526320 . list serial d2 to d22 . temp . select if pattern1 = 524298 . list serial d2 to d22 . serial d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d11 d12 d13 d14 d15 d16 d17 d18 d19 d20 d21 d22 34 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 79 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 86 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 95 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 99 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 125 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 129 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 135 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 178 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 189 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Number of cases read: 10 Number of cases listed: 10 * Generate alternative combination code in actual diagnosis order d2 to d22 . do repeat w = d2 to d22 /x = f2 to f22 /y = 1048576 524288 26214 131072 65536 32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 . compute x = w* y. end repeat . compute pattern2 = sum (f2 to f22) . print format pattern2 (n10) . * Check . freq pattern2 /for dfr . *Check consistency of patterns for most frequent combination (original diagnosis order). temp . select if pattern = 1574920 . list serial d2 to d22 . serial d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d11 d12 d13 d14 d15 d16 d17 d18 d19 d20 d21 d22 62 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 93 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 97 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 126 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 146 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 159 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 162 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 182 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Number of cases read: 8 Number of cases listed: 8 From: John F Hall [mailto:[hidden email]] Judy I’m completely stuck with the attempted binary code for unique combinations. As David, says SPSS has problems with anything greater than 10**16 and I was trying to create numbers as high as 10**22, so (unless you can condense your diagnoses from 21 to 16) it looks as if you’re stuck with running sets of MULT RESP tables to look for patterns. With only 192 cases, and given your familiarity with the data, you may glean some combination patterns just by looking at the data in Data View (if you narrow the column displays by dragging the separators you can get all the dummy variables d1 to d22 on screen together. * Create binary dummy variables for each of 22 diagnosis codes . do repeat p = d1 to d22 /q= 1 to 22 . count p = num1 to num11 (q) . recode p (2 thru hi = 1) . end repeat . One thing I find useful is a serial number for each case: you can then use FREQ or LIST to find cases quickly if they satisfy certain conditions. You don’t have one in your data, but you can generate one by: * Difficult working with no case number so: . compute serial = $casenum. format serial (f3.0) . * Check a few cases to see if it worked . list serial /cases 10 . I’ve done this and also checked that the serial numbers tally with the line numbers on the data you sent. David suggested AGGREGATE but I’m not sure how this would work with discovering patterns among the dummy variables d1 to d22. John |
What part of this previously posted solution is so damned complicated? Oh yeah I forgot you never used AGGREGATE! --- I propose that AGGREGATE would be a very simple way to address this. Assuming each of the 11 are dichotomies coded 0,1 (If not then make it so!). Let's say they are called D1 ... D11 and are contiguous in the file. COMPUTE NRESP=SUM(D1 TO D11). AGGREGATE OUTFILE * / BREAK D1 TO D11 / Npattern=N / NResp=MAX(NRESP). SORT CASES BY NRESP(A) NPattern (D). LIST.
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
Those desiring my consulting or training services please feel free to email me. --- "Nolite dare sanctum canibus neque mittatis margaritas vestras ante porcos ne forte conculcent eas pedibus suis." Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff in abyssum?" |
Mr. Marso,
What's your problem? The solution John Hall gave me WORKS! So get off your high horse, I'd rather use John Hall's solution. Judy Harmon
-----Original Message-----
From: David Marso <[hidden email]> To: SPSSX-L <[hidden email]> Sent: Mon, Jun 20, 2011 10:35 am Subject: Re: Recoding for more than one result John, What part of this previously posted solution is so damned complicated? Oh yeah I forgot you never used AGGREGATE! --- I propose that AGGREGATE would be a very simple way to address this. Assuming each of the 11 are dichotomies coded 0,1 (If not then make it so!). Let's say they are called D1 ... D11 and are contiguous in the file. COMPUTE NRESP=SUM(D1 TO D11). AGGREGATE OUTFILE * / BREAK D1 TO D11 / Npattern=N / NResp=MAX(NRESP). SORT CASES BY NRESP(A) NPattern (D). LIST. -- View this message in context: http://spssx-discussion.1045642.n5.nabble.com/Recoding-for-more-than-one-result-tp4477253p4506996.html Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
In reply to this post by David Marso
David I admire your syntax skills and note all your sensible advice when you are polite (and even when not) but I take all your ripostes with a pinch of salt. Judy was clearly offended. Sometimes it’s best to sleep on a reply or sit in a dark room for a while! The 11 vars you refer to are not dichotomies: they are coded 1 to 22 to represent various grouped diagnoses (combined from 110 more detailed diagnoses entered as strings). I just checked the original data Judy sent and tried to use AUTOCODE on the 22 diagnosis variables to find those codes. I discovered that one of them was defined as numeric instead of string, but after changing it to string I not only now have 22 new numeric variables, I can also use MULT RESPONSE with them. I’ve never used AUTOCODE before yesterday either, as I’ve always used numeric coding schemes (or converted alpha to numeric in the days when we used cards and need to cram maximum data on to a column) as they’re much easier and quicker to work with. There's no substitute for looking at original data and checking all transformations step by step. I might add that this has taken me the best part of three days to work through, but I like to understand the data (and the research question) as well as analyse them. At least I learned that SPSS doesn’t like integers greater than 10**16, but the logic was correct and I found a workaround anyway. Moreover Judy now has something she can actually use for her report. John -----Original Message----- John, What part of this previously posted solution is so damned complicated? Oh yeah I forgot you never used AGGREGATE! --- I propose that AGGREGATE would be a very simple way to address this. Assuming each of the 11 are dichotomies coded 0,1 (If not then make it so!). Let's say they are called D1 ... D11 and are contiguous in the file. COMPUTE NRESP=SUM(D1 TO D11). AGGREGATE OUTFILE * / BREAK D1 TO D11 / Npattern=N / NResp=MAX(NRESP). SORT CASES BY NRESP(A) NPattern (D). LIST. -- View this message in context: http://spssx-discussion.1045642.n5.nabble.com/Recoding-for-more-than-one-result-tp4477253p4506996.html Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
Hate to beat a dead horse, just trying to teach an 'old dog new tricks'.
My last word on this subject. John, Please run this and tell us what happens!!! FYI: The aggregate replaces the active file with a new file containing all patterns sorted descending by their frequency count. OK, I'm out of here. Good luck. -------- AUTORECODE Axis1Cat1 to Axis1Cat11 /into num1 to num11 /group. COMPUTE HASH=0. VECTOR D=D1 TO D22 /X=num1 TO num11. LOOP #=1 TO 11. COMPUTE D(X(#))=1. ** This is not necessary, but if you insist ;-)**. COMPUTE HASH=SUM(HASH,2**X(#)). END LOOP. RECODE D1 TO D22 (symsis=0). COMPUTE NRESP=SUM(D1 TO D22). AGGREGATE OUTFILE * / BREAK D1 TO D22 / Npattern=N / NResp=MAX(NRESP) / HashPatt=MAX(HASH). SORT CASES BY NRESP(A) NPattern (D). LIST.
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
Those desiring my consulting or training services please feel free to email me. --- "Nolite dare sanctum canibus neque mittatis margaritas vestras ante porcos ne forte conculcent eas pedibus suis." Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff in abyssum?" |
FILE='C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\0ZS1UN66\june12010withdiagnosisonltest.sav'. DATASET NAME DataSet1 WINDOW=FRONT. AUTORECODE Axis1Cat1 to Axis1Cat11 /into num1 to num11 /group. >Error # 17006 in column 51. Text: num11 >An already existing variable name was used on the INTO subcommand. >Execution of this command stops. COMPUTE HASH=0. VECTOR D=D1 TO D22 /X=num1 TO num11. >Error # 4258 in column 10. Text: D1 >An existing variable named on the VECTOR command is invalid. The variable >either does not exist or is a system ($) variable. To define a vector >composed of new variables, use the form VECTOR(5) replacing the "5" with the >number of variables to define. >Execution of this command stops. >Error # 4260 in column 16. Text: D22 >An existing variable named on the VECTOR command is invalid. The variable >either does not exist or is a system ($) variable. LOOP #=1 TO 11. COMPUTE D(X(#))=1. >Error # 4030 in column 9. Text: D >The operand appearing on the left side of the assignment operator (equals >sign) is not a known vector name or function name. >Execution of this command stops. ** This is not necessary, but if you insist ;-)**. COMPUTE HASH=SUM(HASH,2**X(#)). >Error # 4023 in column 26. Text: X >An expression contains a string of characters followed by a left parenthesis, >indicating that the string of characters is a function or vector name, but the >characters do not match any existing function or vector. Check the spelling. >Execution of this command stops. END LOOP. RECODE D1 TO D22 (symsis=0). >Error # 4631 in column 8. Text: D1 >On the RECODE command, the list of variables to be recoded includes the name >of a nonexistent variable. >Execution of this command stops. COMPUTE NRESP=SUM(D1 TO D22). >Error # 4285 in column 19. Text: D1 >Incorrect variable name: either the name is more than 64 characters, or it is >not defined by a previous command. >Execution of this command stops. AGGREGATE OUTFILE * / BREAK D1 TO D22 / Npattern=N / NResp=MAX(NRESP) / HashPatt=MAX(HASH). >Error # 10934 in column 25. Text: D1 >The AGGREGATE command specifies an unknown existing variable name. >Execution of this command stops. >Error # 10941 in column 28. Text: TO >The keyword TO has been used more than once to refer to a list of existing >variable names. The TO convention is permitted, but this use is syntactically >incorrect. >Error # 10934 in column 31. Text: D22 >The AGGREGATE command specifies an unknown existing variable name. >Error # 10934 in column 29. Text: NRESP >The AGGREGATE command specifies an unknown existing variable name. >Error # 10921 in column 34. Text: ) >The number of existing variables does not match the number of new variables in >a new variable definition on the AGGREGATE command. SORT CASES BY NRESP(A) NPattern (D). >Error # 701 in column 15. Text: NRESP >An undefined variable name, or a scratch or system variable was specified in a >variable list which accepts only standard variables. Check spelling and >verify the existence of this variable. >Execution of this command stops. >Error # 701 in column 24. Text: NPattern >An undefined variable name, or a scratch or system variable was specified in a >variable list which accepts only standard variables. Check spelling and >verify the existence of this variable. LIST. The variables are listed in the following order: LINE 1: Gender Ethnicity County LINE 2: Region District LINE 3: Facility LivingUnit axis_1_item_1 LINE 4: axis_1_description_1 axis_1_item_2 LINE 5: axis_1_description_2 axis_1_item_3 LINE 6: axis_1_description_3 axis_1_item_4 LINE 7: axis_1_description_4 axis_1_item_5 LINE 8: axis_1_description_5 axis_1_item_6 LINE 9: axis_1_description_6 axis_1_item_7 LINE 10: axis_1_description_7 axis_1_item_8 LINE 11: axis_1_description_8 axis_1_item_9 LINE 12: axis_1_description_9 axis_1_item_10 axis_1_description_10 axis_1_item_11 LINE 13: axis_1_description_11 axis_2_item_1 axis_2_description_1 axis_2_item_2 axis_2_description_2 LINE 14: axis_3_description_1 LINE 15: axis_4_item_1 axis_4_description_1 axis_4_item_2 axis_4_description_2 axis_4_item_3 LINE 16: axis_4_description_3 axis_4_item_4 axis_4_description_4 axis_4_item_5 LINE 17: axis_4_description_5 axis_4_item_6 axis_4_description_6 axis_4_item_7 LINE 18: axis_4_description_7 axis_4_item_8 axis_4_description_8 axis_5_item_1 LINE 19: axis_5_description_1 LINE 20: Axis1Cat1 LINE 21: Axis1Cat2 LINE 22: Axis1Cat3 LINE 23: Axis1Cat4 LINE 24: Axis1Cat5 LINE 25: Axis1Cat6 LINE 26: Axis1Cat7 LINE 27: Axis1Cat8 LINE 28: Axis1Cat9 LINE 29: Axis1Cat10 LINE 30: Axis1Cat11 LINE 31: Axis1Cat1new ngender num1 num2 num3 num4 num5 num6 num7 num8 num9 num10 num11 HASH Gender: M Hispanic San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: SJDC SJJDC 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-1 Primary support group IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (048) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 8 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Chaves Region: SE District 14 Facility: CCRF Carlsbad RC 300.02 axis_1_descr: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None related to Axis I axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Grant Region: SW District 6 Facility: JPTC Ocotillo 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Sandia 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 305.4 axis_1_descr: Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Abuse Substance 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat5: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 12 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Sierra Region: SW District 7 Facility: CNYC A-1-C Pod 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.9 B axis_1_descr: Other (or Unknown) Substance Abuse Substance 305.9 C axis_1_descr: Phencyclidine Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Prenatal exposure to nicotine and alchohol. Obesity, asthma axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-2 Social environment IV-1 axis_4_descr: Primary support group 0 N/A axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat6: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat7: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 21 21 5 13 8 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: SJDC SJJDC 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 3 1.00 4 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic San Miguel Region: NE District 4 Facility: CNYC A-1-D Pod 300.02 axis_1_descr: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-1 axis_4_descr: Primary support group IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Valencia Region: NW District 13 Facility: YDDC Ivy 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment V62.82 axis_1_descr: Bereavement Other 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-3 Educational problems IV-5 axis_4_descr: Housing problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 3 22 12 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Loma 313.89 axis_1_descr: Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type 995.53 axis_1_descr: Sexual Abuse of Child (focus on victim) axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Sexual Abuse of child Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 6 1.00 8 21 5 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Sandia 311 axis_1_descr: Depressive Disorder NOS Mood 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Possible head injury axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-5 Housing problems IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (065) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Black or African American Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Sandia 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Insomnia per Dr. Clancy axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (052) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Ivy 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type 314.01 B axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly hyperactive=-Impulsive Type 304.2 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Fetal exposure to herione and cocaine axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Learning Disorder/Disabilities Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 11 21 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M American Indian or Alaskan Native Cibola Region: NW District 13 Facility: YDDC Esperanza 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None related to Axis I axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 axis_4_descr: Social environment IV-3 Educational problems IV-4 axis_4_descr: Occupational problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (040) axis_5_descr: Some impairment in reality testing or communication OR major impairment in several areas. Axis1Cat1: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 2 1.00 3 5 12 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White McKinley Region: NW District 11 Facility: CNYC A-1-C Pod 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: YDDC Ivy 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type 311 axis_1_descr: Depressive Disorder NOS Mood axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Lost right eye secondary to injury and fitted with an artificial eye. Sleep disturbance axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-5 axis_4_descr: Housing problems IV-6 Economic problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (040) axis_5_descr: Some impairment in reality testing or communication OR major impairment in several areas. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Santa Fe Region: NE District 1 Facility: CNYC A-1-C Pod 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 304.2 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Dependence Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 300.23 axis_1_descr: Social Phobia Anxiety axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 799.9 Diagnosis Deferred on Axis II axis_3_descr: Self reported thoricic back pain secondary to an old injury and sleep disturbance axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat5: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 13 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: JPTC Saguaro 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.9 B axis_1_descr: Other (or Unknown) Substance Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 307.9 axis_1_descr: Communication Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, dysomnia axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-5 axis_4_descr: Housing problems IV-2 Social environment axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat6: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat7: Childhood/Adolscent Disorder Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 21 5 8 13 7 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic McKinley Region: NW District 11 Facility: ARC Albq Reintegration Cntr 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-3 Educational problems IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Rio Arriba Region: NE District 1 Facility: CNYC A-2-D Pod 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Luna Region: SW District 6 Facility: JPTC Mesquite 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 301.9 Personality Disorder NOS axis_3_descr: Poor vision, by self report axis_4_item_: IV-3 Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Luna Region: SW District 6 Facility: CNYC A-2-C Pod 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 298.9 axis_1_descr: Psychotic Disorder NOS axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: V71.09 No Diagnosis axis_4_item_: IV-2 Social environment IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-1 axis_4_descr: Primary support group axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Psychotic Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 5 21 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Ivy 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Curry Region: SE District 9 Facility: CNYC A-2-A Pod 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None related to Axis I axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 21 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Zia 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 309.21 axis_1_descr: Separation Anxiety Disorder Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat2: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 3 1.00 4 8 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: JPTC Agave 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 799.9 Diagnosis Deferred on Axis II axis_3_descr: Hepatitis C, Insomnia, pre-natal toxic exposure axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-1 Primary support group axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (061) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Colfax Region: NE District 8 Facility: YDDC Sandia 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (060) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: CNYC A-2-D Pod 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder axis_3_descr: History of migraine headaches and nose bleeds axis_4_item_: IV-2 Social environment IV-4 Occupational problems IV-6 axis_4_descr: Economic problems IV-7 Access to health care services IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat2: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 3 1.00 4 13 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Colfax Region: NE District 8 Facility: CNYC A-1-C Pod 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: one related to Axis I axis_4_item_: IV-3 Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: CNYC A-2-D Pod 302.9 A axis_1_descr: Paraphilia NOS Sexual 995.5 B axis_1_descr: Physical abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 304.4 axis_1_descr: Amphetamine Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 315 Reading Disorder Child 315.2 axis_1_descr: Disorder of Written Expression Child axis_3_descr: None related to Axis I axis_4_item_: IV-2 Social environment IV-3 Educational problems IV-5 axis_4_descr: Housing problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (039) axis_5_descr: Some impairment in reality testing or communication OR major impairment in several areas. Axis1Cat1: Sexual Disorder Axis1Cat2: Physical Abuse of child Axis1Cat3: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat7: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat8: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat9: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat10: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat11: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat1new: 16 1.00 19 16 4 21 21 21 5 12 13 12 12 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Curry Region: SE District 9 Facility: YDDC Manzano 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 311 axis_1_descr: Depressive Disorder NOS Mood 314.9 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS Child 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 799.9 Diagnosis Deferred on Axis II axis_3_descr: Diabetes Millitus, self reported blackouts seconday to head trauma at age 11 axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat4: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat5: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 13 8 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: CNYC A-1-D Pod 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: CNYC A-2-A Pod 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 291.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol-Related Disorder NOS 304 axis_1_descr: Opioid Dependence Substance 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: CNYC A-1-C Pod 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 304.1 axis_1_descr: Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependence Substance 304 axis_1_descr: Opioid Dependence Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (040) axis_5_descr: Some impairment in reality testing or communication OR major impairment in several areas. Axis1Cat1: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 9 1.00 12 21 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Otero Region: SW District 12 Facility: JPTC Ocotillo 309 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood Adjustment 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 2 1.00 3 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: ENC Eagle Nest RC 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Deferred axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Sandia 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (060) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: CNYC A-2-C Pod 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Bladder problems controlled by medication axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-1 axis_4_descr: Primary support group IV-5 Housing problems IV-2 axis_4_descr: Social environment axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Sandoval Region: NW District 13 Facility: YDDC Mesa V71.02 axis_1_descr: Child or Adolescent Antisocial Behavior Other V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other 995.5 B axis_1_descr: Physical abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other 995.5 C axis_1_descr: Sexual abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None related to Axis I axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems IV-1 axis_4_descr: Primary support group IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (048) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: V diagnosis Axis1Cat2: V diagnosis Axis1Cat3: Physical Abuse of child Axis1Cat4: Sexual Abuse of child Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 19 1.00 22 22 16 18 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Sierra Region: SW District 7 Facility: YDDC Mesa 296.3x axis_1_descr: Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Mood 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 305.9 B axis_1_descr: Other (or Unknown) Substance Abuse Substance V61.20 axis_1_descr: Parent-Child Relational Problem Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: none axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: V diagnosis Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 8 21 21 21 22 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: CNYC A-2-A Pod 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child 295.7 axis_1_descr: Schizoaffective Disorder 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None related to Axis I axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-5 Housing problems IV-2 axis_4_descr: Social environment IV-1 Primary support group axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat5: Psychotic Disorder Axis1Cat6: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 8 17 4 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Sandoval Region: NW District 13 Facility: CNYC A-1-D Pod 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (052) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 12 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Curry Region: SE District 9 Facility: YDDC Esperanza 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Curry Region: SE District 9 Facility: YDDC Esperanza 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (052) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F Black or African American Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: CNYC A-1-A Pod 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 305.7 axis_1_descr: Amphetamine Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 995.5 C axis_1_descr: Sexual abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Sexual Abuse of child Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 2.00 13 21 5 18 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Otero Region: SW District 12 Facility: CNYC A-2-B Pod V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 314.9 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS Child 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-3 Educational problems IV-2 axis_4_descr: Social environment IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (040) axis_5_descr: Some impairment in reality testing or communication OR major impairment in several areas. Axis1Cat1: V diagnosis Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat6: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 19 1.00 22 21 21 5 8 12 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Sandia 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-4 Occupational problems IV-5 axis_4_descr: Housing problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 5 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Sandoval Region: NW District 13 Facility: YDDC Mesa 313.9 axis_1_descr: Disorder of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence NOS Child 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 315.1 axis_1_descr: Mathematics Disorder Child V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat6: V diagnosis Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 6 1.00 8 21 12 5 12 22 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: YDDC Ivy 304.4 axis_1_descr: Amphetamine Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 309 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood Adjustment 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat5: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 3 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Otero Region: SW District 12 Facility: JPTC Mesquite 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (048) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat2: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 2 1.00 3 8 5 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: JPTC Ocotillo 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 307.47 A axis_1_descr: Dyssomnia NOS Sleep 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-1 axis_4_descr: Primary support group axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Sleep Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 20 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: YDDC Ivy 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305.6 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-3 Educational problems IV-5 axis_4_descr: Housing problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat2: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 9 1.00 12 13 5 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Santa Fe Region: NE District 1 Facility: YDDC Zia 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Chaves Region: SE District 14 Facility: JPTC Mesquite 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Otero Region: SW District 12 Facility: JPTC Agave 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Hepatitis C, History of Asthma axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-3 Educational problems IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: YDDC Ivy 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (060) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: JPTC Agave 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder axis_3_descr: History of Seizures secondary to head trauma, Asthma, self reported shoulder pain axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-4 Occupational problems IV-2 axis_4_descr: Social environment IV-1 Primary support group axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F Hispanic Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: CNYC A-1-A Pod 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 312.34 axis_1_descr: Intermittent Explosive Disorder Impulse axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None related to Axis I axis_4_item_: IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (035) axis_5_descr: Some impairment in reality testing or communication OR major impairment in several areas. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 2.00 13 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: SJDC SJJDC 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (065) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Rio Arriba Region: NE District 1 Facility: YDDC Sandia 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: History of brain tumour in childhood, partial facial paralysis axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (065) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 2 1.00 3 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Chaves Region: SE District 14 Facility: JPTC Saguaro 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (060) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Curry Region: SE District 9 Facility: YDDC Esperanza 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 314.9 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder 301 Paranoid Personality Disorder axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 axis_4_descr: Social environment axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 4 21 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Black or African American Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: JPTC Mesquite 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child V61.20 axis_1_descr: Parent-Child Relational Problem Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Broken Jaws, by History axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . axis_5_descr: Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 5 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Roosevelt Region: SE District 9 Facility: CNYC A-2-B Pod 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 304.4 axis_1_descr: Amphetamine Dependence Substance V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child 300.01 axis_1_descr: Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia Anxiety 314.9 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS Child 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-3 Educational problems IV-2 Social environment IV-4 axis_4_descr: Occupational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (058) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: V diagnosis Axis1Cat4: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat5: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat6: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat7: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 22 12 4 8 5 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: ARC Albq Reintegration Cntr 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Poor vision, by self report axis_4_item_: IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (063) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Zia 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat5: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 3 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: CNYC A-1-C Pod 304 axis_1_descr: Opioid Dependence Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: SJDC SJJDC 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 304.4 axis_1_descr: Amphetamine Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-1 axis_4_descr: Primary support group IV-2 Social environment axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F White Lincoln Region: SW District 12 Facility: CNYC A-1-B Pod 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.5 axis_1_descr: Opioid Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat2: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat3: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 3 2.00 4 13 8 5 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Chaves Region: SE District 14 Facility: CCRF Carlsbad RC V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: V diagnosis Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: V diagnosis Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 19 1.00 22 5 21 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: JPTC Agave 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305.9 B axis_1_descr: Other (or Unknown) Substance Abuse Substance 315 axis_1_descr: Reading Disorder Child 315.1 axis_1_descr: Mathematics Disorder Child 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 317 Mild Mental Retardation axis_3_descr: History of anoxia and forceps delivery axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat5: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat6: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 21 12 12 5 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: JPTC Mesquite 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 995.54 axis_1_descr: Physical Abuse of Child (focus on victim) axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Physical Abuse of child Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: JPTC Agave 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 305.9 B axis_1_descr: Other (or Unknown) Substance Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 296.3x axis_1_descr: Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Mood 314.9 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 799.9 Diagnosis Deferred on Axis II axis_3_descr: Insomnia axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat6: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 21 5 13 8 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Curry Region: SE District 9 Facility: JPTC Saguaro 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: JPTC Saguaro 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 314.9 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS Child 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.6 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Abuse Substance V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: V diagnosis Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 8 21 21 21 22 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F Hispanic Curry Region: SE District 9 Facility: CNYC A-1-A Pod 312.9 axis_1_descr: Disruptive Behavior Disorder NOS Child 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (070) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 2.00 5 5 4 21 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M American Indian or Alaskan Native McKinley Region: NW District 11 Facility: YDDC Ivy 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Sleep Problems axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Taos Region: NE District 8 Facility: YDDC Esperanza 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-5 Housing problems IV-2 axis_4_descr: Social environment axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Curry Region: SE District 9 Facility: YDDC Loma 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 315 axis_1_descr: Reading Disorder Child 315.1 axis_1_descr: Mathematics Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (065) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat3: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 12 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Taos Region: NE District 8 Facility: CNYC A-1-C Pod 309 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood Adjustment 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-2 Social environment IV-3 Educational problems IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 2 1.00 3 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Esperanza 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-5 Housing problems IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic San Miguel Region: NE District 4 Facility: YDDC Loma 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305.6 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-5 axis_4_descr: Housing problems IV-6 Economic problems IV-7 axis_4_descr: Access to health care services IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems . . GAF (065) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 4 21 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Curry Region: SE District 9 Facility: JPTC Agave 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat2: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 9 1.00 12 13 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: JPTC Mesquite 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 300.01 axis_1_descr: Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia Anxiety 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 300.02 axis_1_descr: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-5 Housing problems IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 4 5 13 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: CNYC A-2-C Pod 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat4: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 13 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: JPTC Agave 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 314.9 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS Child V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Suspected fatal exposure to drugs and alchohol. Post status leg injury with muscle portion removed from left thigh axis_4_item_: IV-3 Educational problems IV-2 Social environment IV-5 axis_4_descr: Housing problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (041) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat5: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat6: V diagnosis Axis1Cat7: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 13 8 22 12 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: JPTC Agave 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 309 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood Adjustment axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Self reported back pain secondary to injury, migraine headache, sleep problems axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (053) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: SJDC SJJDC 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 304.4 axis_1_descr: Amphetamine Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (052) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M American Indian or Alaskan Native San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: SJDC SJJDC 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Self reported back problem axis_4_item_: IV-2 Social environment IV-3 Educational problems IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat4: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 13 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: JPTC Agave 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (065) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Chaves Region: SE District 14 Facility: CCRF Carlsbad RC 296.3x axis_1_descr: Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Mood 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Poor vision axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-1 axis_4_descr: Primary support group IV-2 Social environment axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 5 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Black or African American Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: YDDC Loma 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (040) axis_5_descr: Some impairment in reality testing or communication OR major impairment in several areas. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: CNYC A-2-D Pod 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M 2 or more Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: CNYC A-2-B Pod 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance V61.20 axis_1_descr: Parent-Child Relational Problem Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: none axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-5 axis_4_descr: Housing problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 5 21 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: JPTC Agave 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Insomnia, Exposure to heroin and alchohol in utero axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (052) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 5 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: JPTC Saguaro 309.4 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct 304.2 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Dependence Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 2 1.00 3 21 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M American Indian or Alaskan Native McKinley Region: NW District 11 Facility: YDDC Ivy 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 305.9 A axis_1_descr: Inhalant Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Memory Cognitive Issues, Second to inhalant use axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (044) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 13 21 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Rio Arriba Region: NE District 1 Facility: YDDC Loma 300.02 axis_1_descr: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance V62.82 axis_1_descr: Bereavement Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Primary Insomnia axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (052) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 5 21 21 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M American Indian or Alaskan Native San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: YDDC Ivy 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (062) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 6 1.00 8 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: CNYC A-1-C Pod 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 2 1.00 3 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: YDDC Ivy 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M American Indian or Alaskan Native Lincoln Region: SW District 12 Facility: CNYC A-2-C Pod 298.9 axis_1_descr: Psychotic Disorder NOS 312.34 axis_1_descr: Intermittent Explosive Disorder Impulse 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.9 B axis_1_descr: Other (or Unknown) Substance Abuse Substance 305.3 axis_1_descr: Hallucinogen Abuse Substance 995.5 C axis_1_descr: Sexual abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other 995.5 A axis_1_descr: Neglect of Child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (040) axis_5_descr: Some impairment in reality testing or communication OR major impairment in several areas. Axis1Cat1: Psychotic Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat7: Sexual Abuse of child Axis1Cat8: Neglect of child Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 14 1.00 17 5 12 21 21 21 18 14 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Taos Region: NE District 8 Facility: YDDC Zia 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 307.51 axis_1_descr: Bulimia Nervosa Eating 315.2 axis_1_descr: Disorder of Written Expression Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Peptic Ulcer, history of Heart Murmur axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Eating Disorder Axis1Cat5: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 9 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Taos Region: NE District 8 Facility: YDDC Mesa axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . axis_5_descr: Axis1Cat1: Axis1Cat2: Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: . 1.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Zia 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 799.9 Diagnosis Deferred on Axis II axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-4 Occupational problems IV-7 axis_4_descr: Access to health care services IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M American Indian or Alaskan Native San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: ARC Albq Reintegration Cntr 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 313.81 axis_1_descr: Oppositional Defiant Disorder Child 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child V61.1 A axis_1_descr: Partner Relational Problem Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-5 axis_4_descr: Housing problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat4: V diagnosis Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 12 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: JPTC Mesquite 309 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood Adjustment 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 304 axis_1_descr: Opioid Dependence Substance 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: none axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime 0 axis_4_descr: N/A axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat2: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 2 1.00 3 4 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: ARC Albq Reintegration Cntr axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . axis_5_descr: Axis1Cat1: Axis1Cat2: Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: . 1.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Manzano 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 314.9 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Prenatal exposure to Methadone. Self reported history of back pain and Asthma axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-5 Housing problems IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: JPTC Saguaro 312.34 axis_1_descr: Intermittent Explosive Disorder Impulse 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.9 A axis_1_descr: Inhalant Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 294.9 axis_1_descr: Cognitive Disorder NOS Cognitive axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (040) axis_5_descr: Some impairment in reality testing or communication OR major impairment in several areas. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat6: Cognitive DIsorder NOS Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 21 21 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Mesa 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 307.47 A axis_1_descr: Dyssomnia NOS Sleep 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-2 Social environment IV-3 Educational problems IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat2: Sleep Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 3 1.00 4 20 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Ivy 300.01 axis_1_descr: Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia Anxiety 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Exercise indused asthma; Deviated Septum axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (040) axis_5_descr: Some impairment in reality testing or communication OR major impairment in several areas. Axis1Cat1: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 3 1.00 4 21 5 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M American Indian or Alaskan Native San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: YDDC Esperanza 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (035) axis_5_descr: Some impairment in reality testing or communication OR major impairment in several areas. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Roosevelt Region: SE District 9 Facility: JPTC Saguaro 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Colfax Region: NE District 8 Facility: CNYC A-2-B Pod V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 314.9 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Missing left ring finger secondary to accident, sleep disturbance, asthma, self reported hand tremors axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-1 Primary support group axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (068) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: V diagnosis Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 19 1.00 22 21 21 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Black or African American Sandoval Region: NW District 13 Facility: YDDC Esperanza 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: YDDC Ivy 291.8 B axis_1_descr: Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorder 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Insomnia per history axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Colfax Region: NE District 8 Facility: YDDC Manzano 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 312.34 axis_1_descr: Intermittent Explosive Disorder Impulse axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F American Indian or Alaskan Native San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: CNYC A-1-A Pod 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 300.02 axis_1_descr: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: none axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 2.00 13 13 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: YDDC Manzano 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305.6 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Abuse Substance 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 300.02 axis_1_descr: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Chronic Asthma axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 12 5 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: CNYC A-2-D Pod 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 8 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F Hispanic Otero Region: SW District 12 Facility: CNYC A-1-B Pod 313.9 axis_1_descr: Disorder of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence NOS Child 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 300.01 axis_1_descr: Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia Anxiety 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 313.81 axis_1_descr: Oppositional Defiant Disorder Child 995.5 C axis_1_descr: Sexual abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other 995.5 A axis_1_descr: Neglect of Child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (052) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat2: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat3: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat6: Sexual Abuse of child Axis1Cat7: Neglect of child Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 6 2.00 8 13 4 21 5 18 14 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Chaves Region: SE District 14 Facility: CCRF Carlsbad RC 300.02 axis_1_descr: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 5 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Valencia Region: NW District 13 Facility: CNYC A-2-A Pod 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Self reported back pain secondary to injury, history of Asthma axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-2 axis_4_descr: Social environment IV-1 Primary support group axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: JPTC Ocotillo 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: V71.09 No Diagnosis axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-1 axis_4_descr: Primary support group IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Manzano 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 2 1.00 3 5 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F Hispanic Curry Region: SE District 9 Facility: CNYC A-1-B Pod 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 2.00 5 13 21 21 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: YDDC Ivy 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Rio Arriba Region: NE District 1 Facility: CNYC A-2-A Pod 296.3x axis_1_descr: Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Mood 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 300.02 axis_1_descr: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child 995.5 C axis_1_descr: Sexual abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Hepititis C axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (035) axis_5_descr: Some impairment in reality testing or communication OR major impairment in several areas. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat5: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat6: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat7: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat8: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat9: Sexual Abuse of child Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 4 13 8 5 12 18 1 1 .00 Gender: M 2 or more McKinley Region: NW District 11 Facility: ARC Albq Reintegration Cntr 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 305.6 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Abuse Substance 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: CNYC A-2-C Pod 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 294.9 axis_1_descr: Cognitive Disorder NOS Cognitive 298.9 axis_1_descr: Psychotic Disorder NOS axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Suspected fetal exposure to substances, Obesity axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-5 axis_4_descr: Housing problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Cognitive DIsorder NOS Axis1Cat4: Psychotic Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 5 2 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Santa Fe Region: NE District 1 Facility: YDDC Zia 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Recurrent pain secondary to injuries axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (058) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Chaves Region: SE District 14 Facility: CNYC A-2-B Pod 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: none axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (052) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Chaves Region: SE District 14 Facility: YDDC Loma 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (060) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F White Taos Region: NE District 8 Facility: CNYC A-1-A Pod 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: 0 N/A axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (070) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 2.00 13 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M American Indian or Alaskan Native San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: YDDC Mesa 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Congenital QT wave syndrome axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (060) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: CCRF Carlsbad RC 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 304.2 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Dependence Substance 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Previously broken femur axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: CNYC A-2-B Pod 298.9 axis_1_descr: Psychotic Disorder NOS 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type V61.20 axis_1_descr: Parent-Child Relational Problem Other V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Possible fetal alchohol/drug effects axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Psychotic Disorder Axis1Cat2: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: V diagnosis Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 14 1.00 17 12 21 5 22 22 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: JPTC Saguaro 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: YDDC Manzano 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat2: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 9 1.00 12 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: CNYC A-2-A Pod 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 305.9 B axis_1_descr: Other (or Unknown) Substance Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Obesity axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 5 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Santa Fe Region: NE District 1 Facility: YDDC Ivy 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: CNYC A-2-B Pod 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment 307.6 axis_1_descr: Enuresis (Not Due to a General Medical Condition) Child 307.5 axis_1_descr: Eating Disorder NOS Eating V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-2 Social environment IV-3 Educational problems IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat2: Childhood/Adolescent Disorder Axis1Cat3: Eating Disorder Axis1Cat4: V diagnosis Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 2 1.00 3 6 9 22 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic McKinley Region: NW District 11 Facility: YDDC Loma 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None related to Axis I axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Chaves Region: SE District 14 Facility: CNYC A-2-C Pod 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 304.4 axis_1_descr: Amphetamine Dependence Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Heart Murmur axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (040) axis_5_descr: Some impairment in reality testing or communication OR major impairment in several areas. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 21 5 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Sandia 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Asthma axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 12 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: CNYC A-2-B Pod 296.3x axis_1_descr: Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Mood 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child V61.20 axis_1_descr: Parent-Child Relational Problem Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . axis_5_descr: Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: V diagnosis Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 5 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: CNYC A-2-A Pod 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: JPTC Ocotillo 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (065) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Chaves Region: SE District 14 Facility: CCRF Carlsbad RC 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None related to Axis I axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-2 Social environment IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems IV-3 Educational problems IV-1 axis_4_descr: Primary support group axis_4_descr: . . GAF (048) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Sandia 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (065) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: YDDC Manzano 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 314.9 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS Child 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat4: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat5: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 13 8 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Luna Region: SW District 6 Facility: ARC Albq Reintegration Cntr 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child V61.20 axis_1_descr: Parent-Child Relational Problem Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Self reported migraine headaches, history of asthma axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-1 Primary support group axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat4: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 3 8 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Quay Region: SE District 10 Facility: ARC Albq Reintegration Cntr 304.2 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Dependence Substance 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305.9 A axis_1_descr: Inhalant Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.1 axis_1_descr: Nicotine Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder 301.83 Borderline Personality Disorder axis_3_descr: None related to Axis I axis_4_item_: axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . axis_5_descr: Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 21 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: YDDC Mesa 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 314 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly InattentiveType Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Serious Heart Murmur axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-1 axis_4_descr: Primary support group IV-2 Social environment axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F American Indian or Alaskan Native San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: CNYC A-1-A Pod 310.1 axis_1_descr: Personality Disorder Due to General Medical Condition Mental GMC 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 304.4 axis_1_descr: Amphetamine Dependence Substance 305.6 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Abuse Substance 995.5 B axis_1_descr: Physical abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other 995.5 A axis_1_descr: Neglect of Child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Traumatic Brain Injury axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Personality Change Due to Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Physical Abuse of child Axis1Cat7: Neglect of child Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 12 2.00 15 5 21 21 21 16 14 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: CNYC A-1-C Pod 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: self reported back pain secondary multiple injuries axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (061) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat6: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat7: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 21 5 4 13 12 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: CNYC A-2-D Pod 296.2x axis_1_descr: Major Depressive Disorder Single Episode Mood 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: V71.09 No Diagnosis axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Sandia 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (065) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F American Indian or Alaskan Native San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: CNYC A-1-B Pod 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-5 axis_4_descr: Housing problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: V diagnosis Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 2.00 13 21 5 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F White Sandoval Region: NW District 13 Facility: CNYC A-1-A Pod 304 axis_1_descr: Opioid Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (052) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 2.00 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: JPTC Mesquite 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 304 axis_1_descr: Opioid Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 12 21 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: CNYC A-2-D Pod 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance V61.20 axis_1_descr: Parent-Child Relational Problem Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 5 21 21 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Grant Region: SW District 6 Facility: JPTC Saguaro 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 5 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Santa Fe Region: NE District 1 Facility: ARC Albq Reintegration Cntr 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child V61.20 axis_1_descr: Parent-Child Relational Problem Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: none axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: V diagnosis Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Rio Arriba Region: NE District 1 Facility: CNYC A-1-D Pod 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-3 Educational problems IV-2 axis_4_descr: Social environment IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (060) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Chaves Region: SE District 14 Facility: JPTC Ocotillo 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-1 axis_4_descr: Primary support group axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Curry Region: SE District 9 Facility: CNYC A-2-C Pod 296.31 axis_1_descr: Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Mild 312.89 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Unspecified Onset 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 5 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F Hispanic Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: CNYC A-1-B Pod 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance V61.20 axis_1_descr: Parent-Child Relational Problem Other 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Seizures axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-5 Housing problems IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: V diagnosis Axis1Cat7: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 2.00 13 5 4 21 21 22 12 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M American Indian or Alaskan Native Taos Region: NE District 8 Facility: YDDC Ivy 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.6 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-4 Occupational problems IV-8 axis_4_descr: Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: . . GAF (070) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 4 21 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Luna Region: SW District 6 Facility: JPTC Ocotillo 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (060) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: ARC Albq Reintegration Cntr V71.02 axis_1_descr: Child or Adolescent Antisocial Behavior Other 313.81 axis_1_descr: Oppositional Defiant Disorder Child 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 302.81 axis_1_descr: Fetishism Sexual axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None related to Axis I axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems IV-1 axis_4_descr: Primary support group axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (061) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: V diagnosis Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Fetishism Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 19 1.00 22 5 21 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Esperanza 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance V62.82 axis_1_descr: Bereavement Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder axis_3_descr: None affecting mental state axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: V diagnosis Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Grant Region: SW District 6 Facility: JPTC Ocotillo 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type V62.82 axis_1_descr: Bereavement Other V62.81 axis_1_descr: Relational Problem NOS Other 314.9 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: V diagnosis Axis1Cat3: V diagnosis Axis1Cat4: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 22 22 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F White Otero Region: SW District 12 Facility: CNYC A-1-B Pod 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 2.00 5 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F Hispanic Sandoval Region: NW District 13 Facility: CNYC A-1-B Pod 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 313.81 axis_1_descr: Oppositional Defiant Disorder Child 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 314.01 A axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type Child V61.20 axis_1_descr: Parent-Child Relational Problem Other 995.5 C axis_1_descr: Sexual abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other 995.5 B axis_1_descr: Physical abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None related to Axis I axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 Other psychosocial and environmental problems IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-1 Primary support group IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Sexual Abuse of child Axis1Cat7: Physical Abuse of child Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 2.00 13 5 21 12 22 18 16 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: JPTC Agave 309 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood Adjustment 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 307.42 A axis_1_descr: Insomnia Related to [General Medical Condition] Sleep V62.82 axis_1_descr: Bereavement Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: none axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Sleep Disorder Axis1Cat6: V diagnosis Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 2 1.00 3 21 21 5 20 22 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Luna Region: SW District 6 Facility: YDDC Ivy 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Chaves Region: SE District 14 Facility: YDDC Manzano 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment 305.7 axis_1_descr: Amphetamine Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: none axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 2 1.00 3 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Grant Region: SW District 6 Facility: YDDC Ivy 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 304.4 axis_1_descr: Amphetamine Dependence Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 995.54 axis_1_descr: Physical Abuse of Child (focus on victim) 995.5 A axis_1_descr: Neglect of Child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Hydrocephalus, Hypothyroidism axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Physical Abuse of child Axis1Cat5: Neglect of child Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 21 21 16 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M American Indian or Alaskan Native San Juan Region: NW District 11 Facility: SJDC SJJDC 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: none related to Axis I axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-3 Educational problems IV-2 axis_4_descr: Social environment IV-1 Primary support group axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Eddy Region: SE District 14 Facility: YDDC Loma 300.02 axis_1_descr: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: JPTC Mesquite 304.8 axis_1_descr: Polysubstance Dependence Substance 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 300.02 axis_1_descr: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child V62.82 axis_1_descr: Bereavement Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat3: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 13 13 5 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: JPTC Ocotillo 296.3 axis_1_descr: Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Unspecified 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Allergic to Amoxicillin axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (060) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Manzano 300.4 axis_1_descr: Dysthymic Disorder Mood 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 305.6 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Abuse Substance 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (060) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 1.00 13 21 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: JPTC Mesquite 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (052) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: YDDC Esperanza 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 304 axis_1_descr: Opioid Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 315.9 axis_1_descr: Learning Disorder NOS Child 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 311 axis_1_descr: Depressive Disorder NOS Mood axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: Right ankle pain due to post status injury and insomnia axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-3 Educational problems IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems axis_4_descr: . . GAF (061) axis_5_descr: Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or school functioning but doing well. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Learning Disorders/Disabilities Axis1Cat6: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat7: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 21 5 12 4 13 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Bernalillo Region: CEN District 2 Facility: CNYC A-1-C Pod 304.4 axis_1_descr: Amphetamine Dependence Substance 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 303.9 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Dependence Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child 309.28 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood Adjustment 296.9 axis_1_descr: Mood Disorder NOS Mood 314.9 axis_1_descr: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: none axis_4_item_: IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime IV-5 Housing problems IV-2 axis_4_descr: Social environment IV-1 Primary support group IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-4 Occupational problems IV-9 axis_4_descr: Other psychosocial and environmental problems . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat5: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat6: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat7: Conduct Disorder Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 21 5 3 13 8 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F Hispanic Santa Fe Region: NE District 1 Facility: CNYC A-1-A Pod 309.81 axis_1_descr: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Anxiety 312.81 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 305 axis_1_descr: Alcohol Abuse Substance V71.02 axis_1_descr: Child or Adolescent Antisocial Behavior Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (050) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Anxiety Disorder Axis1Cat2: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat3: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat4: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 3 2.00 4 5 21 21 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Dona Ana Region: SW District 3 Facility: YDDC Manzano 309 axis_1_descr: Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood Adjustment 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 312.8 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder Child axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: None axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (045) axis_5_descr: Serious symptoms OR any serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Adjustment Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 2 1.00 3 21 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M Hispanic Lea Region: SE District 5 Facility: YDDC Ivy 304.3 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Dependence Substance 305.6 axis_1_descr: Cocaine Abuse Substance 312.82 axis_1_descr: Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 995.5 B axis_1_descr: Physical abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) Other V62.82 axis_1_descr: Bereavement Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (058) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat4: Physical Abuse of child Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 18 1.00 21 21 5 16 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: F White Curry Region: SE District 9 Facility: CNYC A-1-A Pod 296.0x axis_1_descr: Bipolar I Disorder Single Manic Episode Mood 305.2 axis_1_descr: Cannabis Abuse Substance 995.53 axis_1_descr: Sexual Abuse of Child (focus on victim) axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime 0 axis_4_descr: N/A axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Mood Disorder Axis1Cat2: Substance Use Disorder Axis1Cat3: Sexual Abuse of child Axis1Cat4: Axis1Cat5: Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 10 2.00 13 21 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Gender: M White Chaves Region: SE District 14 Facility: CNYC A-2-B Pod 313.81 axis_1_descr: Oppositional Defiant Disorder Child V61.21 axis_1_descr: Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child Other 995.53 axis_1_descr: Sexual Abuse of Child (focus on victim) 995.54 axis_1_descr: Physical Abuse of Child (focus on victim) V61.20 axis_1_descr: Parent-Child Relational Problem Other axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_1_descr: axis_3_descr: axis_4_item_: IV-1 Primary support group IV-2 Social environment IV-3 axis_4_descr: Educational problems IV-8 Interaction with the legal system/crime axis_4_descr: axis_4_descr: . . GAF (055) axis_5_descr: Moderate symptoms OR any moderate difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning. Axis1Cat1: Behavior Disorder Axis1Cat2: V diagnosis Axis1Cat3: Sexual Abuse of child Axis1Cat4: Physical Abuse of child Axis1Cat5: V diagnosis Axis1Cat6: Axis1Cat7: Axis1Cat8: Axis1Cat9: Axis1Cat10: Axis1Cat11: Axis1Cat1new: 4 1.00 5 22 18 16 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 Number of cases read: 192 Number of cases listed: 192 -----Original Message----- From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of David Marso Sent: 21 June 2011 21:54 To: [hidden email] Subject: Re: Recoding for more than one result Hate to beat a dead horse, just trying to teach an 'old dog new tricks'. My last word on this subject. John, Please run this and tell us what happens!!! FYI: The aggregate replaces the active file with a new file containing all patterns sorted descending by their frequency count. OK, I'm out of here. Good luck. -------- AUTORECODE Axis1Cat1 to Axis1Cat11 /into num1 to num11 /group. COMPUTE HASH=0. VECTOR D=D1 TO D22 /X=num1 TO num11. LOOP #=1 TO 11. COMPUTE D(X(#))=1. ** This is not necessary, but if you insist ;-)**. COMPUTE HASH=SUM(HASH,2**X(#)). END LOOP. RECODE D1 TO D22 (symsis=0). COMPUTE NRESP=SUM(D1 TO D22). AGGREGATE OUTFILE * / BREAK D1 TO D22 / Npattern=N / NResp=MAX(NRESP) / HashPatt=MAX(HASH). SORT CASES BY NRESP(A) NPattern (D). LIST. -- View this message in context: http://spssx-discussion.1045642.n5.nabble.com/Recoding-for-more-than-one-res ult-tp4477253p4511791.html Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
OK John,
I was assuming you were working with original data (I took the /INTO num1 TO num11 from some of your earlier code). Also prefix VECTOR blah blah blah with NUMERIC D1 TO D22 )or use the D(22) form of vector declaration. -------------------- GET FILE blah blah blah..../ DROP num1 TO num11. AUTORECODE Axis1Cat1 to Axis1Cat11 /into num1 to num11 /group. COMPUTE HASH=0. NUMERIC D1 TO D22. VECTOR D=D1 TO D22 /X=num1 TO num11. LOOP #=1 TO 11. COMPUTE D(X(#))=1. ** This is not necessary, but if you insist ;-)**. COMPUTE HASH=SUM(HASH,2**X(#)). END LOOP. RECODE D1 TO D22 (symsis=0). COMPUTE NRESP=SUM(D1 TO D22). AGGREGATE OUTFILE * / BREAK D1 TO D22 / Npattern=N / NResp=MAX(NRESP) / HashPatt=MAX(HASH). SORT CASES BY NRESP(A) NPattern (D). LIST. <SNIP> Trim your posts for crying out loud, the entire data file is really not essential, and possibly confidential?!!!!
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
Those desiring my consulting or training services please feel free to email me. --- "Nolite dare sanctum canibus neque mittatis margaritas vestras ante porcos ne forte conculcent eas pedibus suis." Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff in abyssum?" |
In reply to this post by John F Hall
Hi all,
This one of probably many questions i will likely be posting on using linear mixed models over the next few months. It's my first crack at using this and i'm slowly working through the lingo by reading as much as I can. I read the SPSS technical report on this and i found an example from nice little article that i am using to mess with my data. http://www.indiana.edu/~statmath/stat/all/hlm/hlm.pdf The article explains the interpretation of the intercept term in the empty model is equivalent to the overall math achievement score. My data have time in hh:mm:ss as the DV. In my sample analysis, the scale of the intercept is not in hh:mm:ss and i can't seem to adjust to to be in this format with the "cell properties" when i click on the output. It would be really helpful to have the correct scale versus just the p-value for interpretation purposes. Anyone have thoughts on how I can do this? I am running version 14.0 and we won't be upgrading anytime soon. Thanks much. Carol ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
On 6/21/2011 4:40 PM, Parise, Carol A. wrote:
> This one of probably many questions i will likely be posting on using > linear mixed models over the next few months. It's my first crack at > using this and i'm slowly working through the lingo by reading as > much as I can. I read the SPSS technical report on this and i found > an example from nice little article that i am using to mess with my > data. http://www.indiana.edu/~statmath/stat/all/hlm/hlm.pdf > > The article explains the interpretation of the intercept term in the > empty model is equivalent to the overall math achievement score. > > My data have time in hh:mm:ss as the DV. > > In my sample analysis, the scale of the intercept is not in hh:mm:ss > and i can't seem to adjust to to be in this format with the "cell > properties" when i click on the output. > > It would be really helpful to have the correct scale versus just the > p-value for interpretation purposes. Anyone have thoughts on how I > can do this? Using time as a dependent variable is rather unusual. Are you sure this makes sense from a scientific perspective. Do you expect the time to be a random variable? Do you expect a normal distribution of time values around some value? Frequently, when time to an event is the variable of interest, you are often going to want a survival analysis. Without knowing more about the purpose of your research, of course, I can only speculate. If it does make sense to use time and a dependent variable, then the logical thing to do is to convert from a time value (which represents the number of seconds since October 14, 1582) to a different value, such as the number of seconds since the start of your study. Steve Simon, [hidden email], Standard Disclaimer. Sign up for the Monthly Mean, the newsletter that dares to call itself average at www.pmean.com/news ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
In reply to this post by parisec
Time is in seconds since the start of the Gregorian calendar. While you have the .spv file open, open a new data file <file><new><data> Switch to the the output file. highlight and copy the intercept. Switch to the data file. Paste the intercept. Click the variables view tab. change the format to time. Art Kendall Social Research Consultants On 6/21/2011 5:40 PM, Parise, Carol A. wrote: ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARDHi all, This one of probably many questions i will likely be posting on using linear mixed models over the next few months. It's my first crack at using this and i'm slowly working through the lingo by reading as much as I can. I read the SPSS technical report on this and i found an example from nice little article that i am using to mess with my data. http://www.indiana.edu/~statmath/stat/all/hlm/hlm.pdf The article explains the interpretation of the intercept term in the empty model is equivalent to the overall math achievement score. My data have time in hh:mm:ss as the DV. In my sample analysis, the scale of the intercept is not in hh:mm:ss and i can't seem to adjust to to be in this format with the "cell properties" when i click on the output. It would be really helpful to have the correct scale versus just the p-value for interpretation purposes. Anyone have thoughts on how I can do this? I am running version 14.0 and we won't be upgrading anytime soon. Thanks much. Carol ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD
Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants |
In reply to this post by Steve Simon, P.Mean Consulting
Thank you for your question. I've posted a few times regarding my data that look like this: >ID Year Task Time Age >1 1986 ONE 2:15 40 >1 1990 ONE 3:00 44 >1 2000 ONE 1:59 45 >1 2005 TWO 4:05 50 >1 2007 TWO 3:58 52 >1 2008 TWO 3:42 53 >2 2001 TWO 3:00 30 >2 2002 THREE 1:35 31 >2 2003 THREE 1:55 33 >2 2005 TWO 2:25 35 >2 2006 THREE 2:40 36 My goal is to determine if age, year and task have an effect on task time. Another variable i have in the data is number of times task is performed. i was originally thinking i needed to do repeated measures anova. but what these data don't show is that there are 28 tasks and 36 years and different people performed the tasks in different years. there are also several levels of correlation in the data: 1) the same person performed the same task in different years; 2) The same year had several different performers. This is why i turned to mixed models. The hypothesis is that age and number of times someone completes any task has an effect on task time. my descriptive analysis suggests that everyone improves their time on any task after doing any task twice. but the amount of improvement depends on age. people on the lowest quintiles of age improve alot more than people in higher quintiles of age. i also know that there is a task effect. Some of the tasks have mean finish times that are longer than others just because the tasks are harder. Another issue i came across is that my file has 14,000 cases. Some of my sample code has crashed SPSS. I'm not sure if this is operator erro - I am sticking terms in the model that are I shouldn't be or if this is me or some other issue. So, if you have another suggestion of how to deal with the data, i would love to hear it! Thanks Carol -----Original Message----- From: Steve Simon, P.Mean Consulting [mailto:[hidden email]] Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 2:52 PM To: Parise, Carol A. Cc: [hidden email] Subject: Re: [SPSSX-L] mixed models - time as DV On 6/21/2011 4:40 PM, Parise, Carol A. wrote: > This one of probably many questions i will likely be posting on using > linear mixed models over the next few months. It's my first crack at > using this and i'm slowly working through the lingo by reading as > much as I can. I read the SPSS technical report on this and i found > an example from nice little article that i am using to mess with my > data. http://www.indiana.edu/~statmath/stat/all/hlm/hlm.pdf > > The article explains the interpretation of the intercept term in the > empty model is equivalent to the overall math achievement score. > > My data have time in hh:mm:ss as the DV. > > In my sample analysis, the scale of the intercept is not in hh:mm:ss > and i can't seem to adjust to to be in this format with the "cell > properties" when i click on the output. > > It would be really helpful to have the correct scale versus just the > p-value for interpretation purposes. Anyone have thoughts on how I > can do this? Using time as a dependent variable is rather unusual. Are you sure this makes sense from a scientific perspective. Do you expect the time to be a random variable? Do you expect a normal distribution of time values around some value? Frequently, when time to an event is the variable of interest, you are often going to want a survival analysis. Without knowing more about the purpose of your research, of course, I can only speculate. If it does make sense to use time and a dependent variable, then the logical thing to do is to convert from a time value (which represents the number of seconds since October 14, 1582) to a different value, such as the number of seconds since the start of your study. Steve Simon, [hidden email], Standard Disclaimer. Sign up for the Monthly Mean, the newsletter that dares to call itself average at www.pmean.com/news ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
I don't remember ever seeing a psycho-physical graph that tried to use Hour:Min for an axis, and I think I would not like it if I did. Convert time to Minutes, Min+ 60*Hours. No one will expect anything different. - I would say that the incidental, lifetime "practice" at any given task is something that increases with age. That is a simple reason why youth should show a greater practice effect between two trials in the experiment. -- Rich Ulrich > Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 15:10:11 -0700 > From: [hidden email] > Subject: Re: mixed models - time as DV > To: [hidden email] > > Steve, > > Thank you for your question. I've posted a few times regarding my data that look like this: > > > >ID Year Task Time Age > >1 1986 ONE 2:15 40 > >1 1990 ONE 3:00 44 > >1 2000 ONE 1:59 45 > >1 2005 TWO 4:05 50 > >1 2007 TWO 3:58 52 > >1 2008 TWO 3:42 53 > >2 2001 TWO 3:00 30 > >2 2002 THREE 1:35 31 > >2 2003 THREE 1:55 33 > >2 2005 TWO 2:25 35 > >2 2006 THREE 2:40 36 > > My goal is to determine if age, year and task have an effect on task time. Another variable i have in the data is number of times task is performed. i was originally thinking i needed to do repeated measures anova. but what these data don't show is that there are 28 tasks and 36 years and different people performed the tasks in different years. there are also several levels of correlation in the data: 1) the same person performed the same task in different years; 2) The same year had several different performers. This is why i turned to mixed models. > > The hypothesis is that age and number of times someone completes any task has an effect on task time. my descriptive analysis suggests that everyone improves their time on any task after doing any task twice. but the amount of improvement depends on age. people on the lowest quintiles of age improve alot more than people in higher quintiles of age. i also know that there is a task effect. Some of the tasks have mean finish times that are longer than others just because the tasks are harder. > > Another issue i came across is that my file has 14,000 cases. Some of my sample code has crashed SPSS. I'm not sure if this is operator erro - I am sticking terms in the model that are I shouldn't be or if this is me or some other issue. > > So, if you have another suggestion of how to deal with the data, i would love to hear it! |
In reply to this post by Art Kendall
This appears to work if I use the format: dd-mm-yyyy
hh:mm:ss. Any other format and the numbers are not logical. But, the date
that showis up is kind of crazy: 16-MAR-1590. I'm a bit concerned that
this may not be accurate. Although the time is in the
ballpark, I would think that the overall mean i get using
descriptives should be just about the same as what i get from this model and
it's off by a good amount and it's not.
Carol From: Art Kendall [mailto:[hidden email]] Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 2:58 PM To: Parise, Carol A. Cc: [hidden email] Subject: Re: [SPSSX-L] mixed models - time as DV Time is in seconds since the start of the Gregorian calendar. While you have the .spv file open, open a new data file <file><new><data> Switch to the the output file. highlight and copy the intercept. Switch to the data file. Paste the intercept. Click the variables view tab. change the format to time. Art Kendall Social Research Consultants On 6/21/2011 5:40 PM, Parise, Carol A. wrote: Hi all, This one of probably many questions i will likely be posting on using linear mixed models over the next few months. It's my first crack at using this and i'm slowly working through the lingo by reading as much as I can. I read the SPSS technical report on this and i found an example from nice little article that i am using to mess with my data. http://www.indiana.edu/~statmath/stat/all/hlm/hlm.pdf The article explains the interpretation of the intercept term in the empty model is equivalent to the overall math achievement score. My data have time in hh:mm:ss as the DV. In my sample analysis, the scale of the intercept is not in hh:mm:ss and i can't seem to adjust to to be in this format with the "cell properties" when i click on the output. It would be really helpful to have the correct scale versus just the p-value for interpretation purposes. Anyone have thoughts on how I can do this? I am running version 14.0 and we won't be upgrading anytime soon. Thanks much. Carol ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
In reply to this post by Rich Ulrich
very good suggestion...
thanks From: Rich Ulrich [mailto:[hidden email]] Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 3:30 PM To: Parise, Carol A.; [hidden email] Subject: RE: mixed models - time as DV I don't remember ever seeing a psycho-physical graph that tried to use Hour:Min for an axis, and I think I would not like it if I did. Convert time to Minutes, Min+ 60*Hours. No one will expect anything different. - I would say that the incidental, lifetime "practice" at any given task is something that increases with age. That is a simple reason why youth should show a greater practice effect between two trials in the experiment. -- Rich Ulrich > Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 15:10:11 -0700 > From: [hidden email] > Subject: Re: mixed models - time as DV > To: [hidden email] > > Steve, > > Thank you for your question. I've posted a few times regarding my data that look like this: > > > >ID Year Task Time Age > >1 1986 ONE 2:15 40 > >1 1990 ONE 3:00 44 > >1 2000 ONE 1:59 45 > >1 2005 TWO 4:05 50 > >1 2007 TWO 3:58 52 > >1 2008 TWO 3:42 53 > >2 2001 TWO 3:00 30 > >2 2002 THREE 1:35 31 > >2 2003 THREE 1:55 33 > >2 2005 TWO 2:25 35 > >2 2006 THREE 2:40 36 > > My goal is to determine if age, year and task have an effect on task time. Another variable i have in the data is number of times task is performed. i was originally thinking i needed to do repeated measures anova. but what these data don't show is that there are 28 tasks and 36 years and different people performed the tasks in different years. there are also several levels of correlation in the data: 1) the same person performed the same task in different years; 2) The same year had several different performers. This is why i turned to mixed models. > > The hypothesis is that age and number of times someone completes any task has an effect on task time. my descriptive analysis suggests that everyone improves their time on any task after doing any task twice. but the amount of improvement depends on age. people on the lowest quintiles of age improve alot more than people in higher quintiles of age. i also know that there is a task effect. Some of the tasks have mean finish times that are longer than others just because the tasks are harder. > > Another issue i came across is that my file has 14,000 cases. Some of my sample code has crashed SPSS. I'm not sure if this is operator erro - I am sticking terms in the model that are I shouldn't be or if this is me or some other issue. > > So, if you have another suggestion of how to deal with the data, i would love to hear it! |
In reply to this post by David Marso
Went back to scratch and ran your new syntax. It worked, but your combination variable HASH has a different distribution from my variable PATTERN. Part of the problem is that the data were originally entered as huge strings of multiple diagnoses, which I think have been spread out manually as 22 pairs of variables, the first with a short official code and the second with a description. It would have been easier if the description had been used as a variable label (and a lot fewer keystrokes!). When I was working and a client came in with data like this, I always designed a transfer sheet so that data could be coded and entered as numeric. Quite possibly this data set came from some official source records (? Data base). There wasn't even a serial number for each case. Your syntax is much shorter than mine and I need to investigate VECTOR further as it reminds me of the days when I wrote survey programs in ALGOL at Salford Univ in the 1960s. I think I asked for "dynamic variable creation" to be available when I organised the 1974 international conference at LSE to plan for a new release SPSS. I need time to check why our versions give different results, so I'll get back later. There was no confidential data in my post, just a list of diagnoses produced by your syntax. John [hidden email] www.surveyresearch.weebly.com -----Original Message----- From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of David Marso Sent: 21 June 2011 23:37 To: [hidden email] Subject: Re: Recoding for more than one result OK John, I was assuming you were working with original data (I took the /INTO num1 TO num11 from some of your earlier code). Also prefix VECTOR blah blah blah with NUMERIC D1 TO D22 )or use the D(22) form of vector declaration. -------------------- GET FILE blah blah blah..../ DROP num1 TO num11. AUTORECODE Axis1Cat1 to Axis1Cat11 /into num1 to num11 /group. COMPUTE HASH=0. NUMERIC D1 TO D22. VECTOR D=D1 TO D22 /X=num1 TO num11. LOOP #=1 TO 11. COMPUTE D(X(#))=1. ** This is not necessary, but if you insist ;-)**. COMPUTE HASH=SUM(HASH,2**X(#)). END LOOP. RECODE D1 TO D22 (symsis=0). COMPUTE NRESP=SUM(D1 TO D22). AGGREGATE OUTFILE * / BREAK D1 TO D22 / Npattern=N / NResp=MAX(NRESP) / HashPatt=MAX(HASH). SORT CASES BY NRESP(A) NPattern (D). LIST. <SNIP> Trim your posts for crying out loud, the entire data file is really not essential, and possibly confidential?!!!! -- View this message in context: http://spssx-discussion.1045642.n5.nabble.com/Recoding-for-more-than-one-res ult-tp4477253p4512062.html Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
In reply to this post by parisec
What format did you use to put the DV in?
try this syntax. It appears that time12.2 format works on my machine. data list list/thetime(time12.2). begin data 1:22:33 24:00:00 23:59:55 12:10:10 end data. compute secs = thetime. formats secs (f16). compute back = secs. formats back (time12.2). execute. list. I then saved that file and opened a new data file. I copied secs into the new data file. I changed the type to date and used the drop down list to get a time format. Also, the only time I would expect the intercept to be exactly equal to the grand mean would be when all predictors were zero like with z-scores. Art Kendall Social Research Consultants On 6/21/2011 6:37 PM, Parise, Carol A. wrote: ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD
Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants |
In reply to this post by parisec
Hi Carol,
To the excellent comments from others, I'd like to offer a couple of comments. Perhaps you've already seen this, but I think year and age are correlated within person. Has everybody done every task? I'd kind of guess that you will model task as a series of contrast terms and I'm not sure what happens computationally when somebody did only task 'x'. Gene Maguin -----Original Message----- From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Parise, Carol A. Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 6:10 PM To: [hidden email] Subject: Re: mixed models - time as DV Steve, Thank you for your question. I've posted a few times regarding my data that look like this: >ID Year Task Time Age >1 1986 ONE 2:15 40 >1 1990 ONE 3:00 44 >1 2000 ONE 1:59 45 >1 2005 TWO 4:05 50 >1 2007 TWO 3:58 52 >1 2008 TWO 3:42 53 >2 2001 TWO 3:00 30 >2 2002 THREE 1:35 31 >2 2003 THREE 1:55 33 >2 2005 TWO 2:25 35 >2 2006 THREE 2:40 36 My goal is to determine if age, year and task have an effect on task time. Another variable i have in the data is number of times task is performed. i was originally thinking i needed to do repeated measures anova. but what these data don't show is that there are 28 tasks and 36 years and different people performed the tasks in different years. there are also several levels of correlation in the data: 1) the same person performed the same task in different years; 2) The same year had several different performers. This is why i turned to mixed models. The hypothesis is that age and number of times someone completes any task has an effect on task time. my descriptive analysis suggests that everyone improves their time on any task after doing any task twice. but the amount of improvement depends on age. people on the lowest quintiles of age improve alot more than people in higher quintiles of age. i also know that there is a task effect. Some of the tasks have mean finish times that are longer than others just because the tasks are harder. Another issue i came across is that my file has 14,000 cases. Some of my sample code has crashed SPSS. I'm not sure if this is operator erro - I am sticking terms in the model that are I shouldn't be or if this is me or some other issue. So, if you have another suggestion of how to deal with the data, i would love to hear it! Thanks Carol -----Original Message----- From: Steve Simon, P.Mean Consulting [mailto:[hidden email]] Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 2:52 PM To: Parise, Carol A. Cc: [hidden email] Subject: Re: [SPSSX-L] mixed models - time as DV On 6/21/2011 4:40 PM, Parise, Carol A. wrote: > This one of probably many questions i will likely be posting on using > linear mixed models over the next few months. It's my first crack at > using this and i'm slowly working through the lingo by reading as > much as I can. I read the SPSS technical report on this and i found > an example from nice little article that i am using to mess with my > data. http://www.indiana.edu/~statmath/stat/all/hlm/hlm.pdf > > The article explains the interpretation of the intercept term in the > empty model is equivalent to the overall math achievement score. > > My data have time in hh:mm:ss as the DV. > > In my sample analysis, the scale of the intercept is not in hh:mm:ss > and i can't seem to adjust to to be in this format with the "cell > properties" when i click on the output. > > It would be really helpful to have the correct scale versus just the > p-value for interpretation purposes. Anyone have thoughts on how I > can do this? Using time as a dependent variable is rather unusual. Are you sure this makes sense from a scientific perspective. Do you expect the time to be a random variable? Do you expect a normal distribution of time values around some value? Frequently, when time to an event is the variable of interest, you are often going to want a survival analysis. Without knowing more about the purpose of your research, of course, I can only speculate. If it does make sense to use time and a dependent variable, then the logical thing to do is to convert from a time value (which represents the number of seconds since October 14, 1582) to a different value, such as the number of seconds since the start of your study. Steve Simon, [hidden email], Standard Disclaimer. Sign up for the Monthly Mean, the newsletter that dares to call itself average at www.pmean.com/news ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
In reply to this post by John F Hall
"I need time to check why our versions give different results, so I'll get
back later."... Hi John, Upon inspection it appears you are omitting the first value of the autorecoded variables (missing). This will create an 'off by one' discrepancy. Try this variation which does not process the first category. HTH, David --- GET FILE blah blah blah..../ DROP num1 TO num11. AUTORECODE Axis1Cat1 to Axis1Cat11 /into num1 to num11 /group. COMPUTE HASH=0. NUMERIC D1 TO D21. VECTOR D=D1 TO D21 /X=num1 TO num11. LOOP #=1 TO 11. + DO IF X(#) NE 1. + COMPUTE D(X(#-1))=1. ** This is not necessary, but if you insist ;-)**. + COMPUTE HASH=SUM(HASH,2**X(#-1)). + END IF. END LOOP. RECODE D1 TO D22 (symsis=0). COMPUTE NRESP=SUM(D1 TO D22). AGGREGATE OUTFILE * / BREAK D1 TO D22 / Npattern=N / NResp=MAX(NRESP) / HashPatt=MAX(HASH). SORT CASES BY NRESP(A) NPattern (D). LIST. John F Hall wrote: > > David > > Went back to scratch and ran your new syntax. It worked, but your > combination variable HASH has a different distribution from my variable > PATTERN. Part of the problem is that the data were originally entered as > huge strings of multiple diagnoses, which I think have been spread out > manually as 22 pairs of variables, the first with a short official code > and > the second with a description. It would have been easier if the > description > had been used as a variable label (and a lot fewer keystrokes!). When I > was > working and a client came in with data like this, I always designed a > transfer sheet so that data could be coded and entered as numeric. Quite > possibly this data set came from some official source records (? Data > base). > There wasn't even a serial number for each case. > > Your syntax is much shorter than mine and I need to investigate VECTOR > further as it reminds me of the days when I wrote survey programs in ALGOL > at Salford Univ in the 1960s. I think I asked for "dynamic variable > creation" to be available when I organised the 1974 international > conference > at LSE to plan for a new release SPSS. > > I need time to check why our versions give different results, so I'll get > back later. > > There was no confidential data in my post, just a list of diagnoses > produced > by your syntax. > > > John > > [hidden email] > www.surveyresearch.weebly.com > > ----- -- View this message in context: http://spssx-discussion.1045642.n5.nabble.com/Recoding-for-more-than-one-result-tp4477253p4515119.html Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
Those desiring my consulting or training services please feel free to email me. --- "Nolite dare sanctum canibus neque mittatis margaritas vestras ante porcos ne forte conculcent eas pedibus suis." Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff in abyssum?" |
In reply to this post by John F Hall
"I need time to check why our versions give different results, so I'll get
back later."... Hi John, Upon inspection it appears you are omitting the first value of the autorecoded variables (missing). This will create an 'off by one' discrepancy. Try this variation which does not process the first category. HTH, David --- GET FILE blah blah blah..../ DROP num1 TO num11. AUTORECODE Axis1Cat1 to Axis1Cat11 /into num1 to num11 /group. COMPUTE HASH=0. NUMERIC D1 TO D21. VECTOR D=D1 TO D21 /X=num1 TO num11. LOOP #=1 TO 11. + DO IF X(#) NE 1. + COMPUTE D(X(#-1))=1. ** This is not necessary, but if you insist ;-)**. + COMPUTE HASH=SUM(HASH,2**X(#-1)). + END IF. END LOOP. RECODE D1 TO D21 (symsis=0). COMPUTE NRESP=SUM(D1 TO D21). AGGREGATE OUTFILE * / BREAK D1 TO D21 / Npattern=N / NResp=MAX(NRESP) / HashPatt=MAX(HASH). SORT CASES BY NRESP(A) NPattern (D). LIST. <SNIP> -----
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
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In reply to this post by Maguin, Eugene
Not every person has done every task. The data range over 36 years so nobody did every task in every year. But, the data have been selected so that my final data set includes only people who have done at one of the tasks 3 times over a 10 year period of time. So a person could have done task-one 3 times, task-two 4 times and they would be included. someone who did task-one 1 time and task-two 2 times would not be included. Rich's excellent suggestion of using minutes instead of hh:mm:ss was a "duh" moment. this has very much simplified working with the output. I'm very much open to other suggestions. Thank you! Carol ________________________________________ From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Gene Maguin [[hidden email]] Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 6:01 AM To: [hidden email] Subject: Re: mixed models - time as DV Hi Carol, To the excellent comments from others, I'd like to offer a couple of comments. Perhaps you've already seen this, but I think year and age are correlated within person. Has everybody done every task? I'd kind of guess that you will model task as a series of contrast terms and I'm not sure what happens computationally when somebody did only task 'x'. Gene Maguin -----Original Message----- From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Parise, Carol A. Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 6:10 PM To: [hidden email] Subject: Re: mixed models - time as DV Steve, Thank you for your question. I've posted a few times regarding my data that look like this: >ID Year Task Time Age >1 1986 ONE 2:15 40 >1 1990 ONE 3:00 44 >1 2000 ONE 1:59 45 >1 2005 TWO 4:05 50 >1 2007 TWO 3:58 52 >1 2008 TWO 3:42 53 >2 2001 TWO 3:00 30 >2 2002 THREE 1:35 31 >2 2003 THREE 1:55 33 >2 2005 TWO 2:25 35 >2 2006 THREE 2:40 36 My goal is to determine if age, year and task have an effect on task time. Another variable i have in the data is number of times task is performed. i was originally thinking i needed to do repeated measures anova. but what these data don't show is that there are 28 tasks and 36 years and different people performed the tasks in different years. there are also several levels of correlation in the data: 1) the same person performed the same task in different years; 2) The same year had several different performers. This is why i turned to mixed models. The hypothesis is that age and number of times someone completes any task has an effect on task time. my descriptive analysis suggests that everyone improves their time on any task after doing any task twice. but the amount of improvement depends on age. people on the lowest quintiles of age improve alot more than people in higher quintiles of age. i also know that there is a task effect. Some of the tasks have mean finish times that are longer than others just because the tasks are harder. Another issue i came across is that my file has 14,000 cases. Some of my sample code has crashed SPSS. I'm not sure if this is operator erro - I am sticking terms in the model that are I shouldn't be or if this is me or some other issue. So, if you have another suggestion of how to deal with the data, i would love to hear it! Thanks Carol -----Original Message----- From: Steve Simon, P.Mean Consulting [mailto:[hidden email]] Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 2:52 PM To: Parise, Carol A. Cc: [hidden email] Subject: Re: [SPSSX-L] mixed models - time as DV On 6/21/2011 4:40 PM, Parise, Carol A. wrote: > This one of probably many questions i will likely be posting on using > linear mixed models over the next few months. It's my first crack at > using this and i'm slowly working through the lingo by reading as > much as I can. I read the SPSS technical report on this and i found > an example from nice little article that i am using to mess with my > data. http://www.indiana.edu/~statmath/stat/all/hlm/hlm.pdf > > The article explains the interpretation of the intercept term in the > empty model is equivalent to the overall math achievement score. > > My data have time in hh:mm:ss as the DV. > > In my sample analysis, the scale of the intercept is not in hh:mm:ss > and i can't seem to adjust to to be in this format with the "cell > properties" when i click on the output. > > It would be really helpful to have the correct scale versus just the > p-value for interpretation purposes. Anyone have thoughts on how I > can do this? Using time as a dependent variable is rather unusual. Are you sure this makes sense from a scientific perspective. Do you expect the time to be a random variable? Do you expect a normal distribution of time values around some value? Frequently, when time to an event is the variable of interest, you are often going to want a survival analysis. Without knowing more about the purpose of your research, of course, I can only speculate. If it does make sense to use time and a dependent variable, then the logical thing to do is to convert from a time value (which represents the number of seconds since October 14, 1582) to a different value, such as the number of seconds since the start of your study. Steve Simon, [hidden email], Standard Disclaimer. Sign up for the Monthly Mean, the newsletter that dares to call itself average at www.pmean.com/news ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. 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