Every now and then, I have come across tasks where there is a lot of repetition, for example when a long series of boxplots should be created. Using Chart Builder syntax is often the best choice since it can be more fine-tuned (at least as far I have seen so far). But it is quite tedious to repeat the GPL syntax for every boxplot. What would the best way be to "loop" through a number of such boxplots? I would like to have the possibility to have separate titles along with the different variables, and perhaps even separate extra lines for comparison. Would it be possible to set up a list of the following kind:
var1_title 'The distribution of A'.
var1_complevel 23.
var2_title 'The distribution of B'.
var2_complevel 28.
*Followed by a GPL sequence for a boxplot calling the input for each variable in turn, setting the titles and comparison lines.
Since my SPSS programming skills are fairly limited, it seems as if this could be a neat way to explore the tools available. Macros, scripts or Python? Suggestions and hints are very welcome.
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Robert Lundqvist