Research Analyst position available in California

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Research Analyst position available in California

ChrisTina Leimer
California State University--Fresno has Analyst position open in the office
of Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning.

Here's the description and link.

This position reports to the Director of Institutional Research, Assessment
and Planning. Under general supervision, the incumbent will collect,
compile, analyze and report data on students, instructional offerings,
personnel and any other aspects of the University or the external
environment as requested. Responsibilities include developing and
maintaining databases; extracting and manipulating data; creating reports;
filling ad-hoc data requests and reporting requirements; designing and
conducting research studies; preparing interpretive analyses and presenting
findings in narrative, graphic and oral forms; and effectively interacting
with the University community and external constituencies in carrying out
these responsibilities.

Salary/Benefits: $3,401 to $5,102 per month

Although the priority application deadline has passed, we are still
searching for the right person for the job. The full job announcement is at:

Christina (Tina) Leimer
Director, Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning
California State University, Fresno
5241 N. Maple, TA 47, Room 108C
Fresno, CA 93740-8023
(559) 278-8582