Research Question Help

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Research Question Help

sunday o
what is the best method to analyse this research question, "To what extent are the availability of instructional materials for effective implementation of literacy in benue state".
    wookbooks/sheets    {1=Avalable, 2=NAV, 3= Adequate, 4=NAD}...
textbooks    {1=Avalable, 2=NAV, 3= Adequate, 4=NAD}..
exercise books   {1=Avalable, 2=NAV, 3= Adequate, 4=NAD}..
pictures    {1=Avalable, 2=NAV, 3= Adequate, 4=NAD}..

Given 22 cases, and summarise it based on
0% =No extent
1-40% = low extent
41-70%= moderat Extent
71-100% =High Extent
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Re: Research Question Help

Bruce Weaver
Hello there.  First, I'm struggling a little with your question.  Is this paraphrase accurate?  "How available are (various types of) instructional materials for effective implementation of literacy in Benue state?"  It's not clear to me if you want it broken down by various types, or want to make a more general statement, hence the parentheses around "various types of".  

Second, I think that one reason people are not jumping in with advice for you is that your response scale appears to combine two separate questions into one item.  I.e., whether something is available or not is one question, and how adequate it is is another question.  How is someone meant to respond to your scale if something is:

1. available and adequate?
2. available and inadequate?

(I've not included the unavailable and adequate/inadequate combinations, because presumably one cannot judge the adequacy of something that is unavailable.)  

Perhaps if you clarify these issues, someone will be able to help.

sunday o wrote
what is the best method to analyse this research question, "To what extent
are the availability of instructional materials for effective
implementation of literacy in benue state".

    wookbooks/sheets    {1=Avalable, 2=NAV, 3= Adequate, 4=NAD}...
textbooks    {1=Avalable, 2=NAV, 3= Adequate, 4=NAD}..
exercise books   {1=Avalable, 2=NAV, 3= Adequate, 4=NAD}..
pictures    {1=Avalable, 2=NAV, 3= Adequate, 4=NAD}..

Given 22 cases, and summarise it based on
0% =No extent
1-40% = low extent
41-70%= moderat Extent
71-100% =High Extent
Bruce Weaver

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