Revision control for SPSS source code

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Revision control for SPSS source code

Tim Graettinger
I've been looking at various options for revision control of SPSS source
code files.  Anyone else have any experience with various tools like
subversion or bazaar?  Any recommendations for what works well in the SPSS

In our shop, there are only a handful of developers, generally working on
separate projects.  Thanks for any guidance or help you can provide.
-Tim Graettinger

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Re: Revision control for SPSS source code

Jon K Peck
The IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services tool is designed to manage models, syntax, files, outputs etc in a way that allows you also to kick off jobs, monitor results, handle workflows etc.  You can read about it here

There are many revision control systems around, each with its own strengths.  A lot depends on how distributed you need the system to be.  We use ClearCase internally, but that might well be overkill for your needs.  Subversion, Mercurial, Bazaar, GIT, ... are all popular.


Jon Peck
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]

From:        Tim Graettinger <[hidden email]>
To:        [hidden email]
Date:        03/28/2011 09:57 AM
Subject:        [SPSSX-L] Revision control for SPSS source code
Sent by:        "SPSSX(r) Discussion" <[hidden email]>

I've been looking at various options for revision control of SPSS source
code files.  Anyone else have any experience with various tools like
subversion or bazaar?  Any recommendations for what works well in the SPSS

In our shop, there are only a handful of developers, generally working on
separate projects.  Thanks for any guidance or help you can provide.
-Tim Graettinger

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Strange behavior of VARIABLE LABELS in macro


Hello to everybody:

When I run this simple macro:

DEFINE !separar_ie (evaluacion = !CHAREND('/') / codigo =!CHAREND('/')).

DATASET COPY  !evaluacion.
DATASET ACTIVATE  !evaluacion.
SELECT IF (cod_eva = !codigo).

SORT CASES BY prioridad (A) codgeo (A) corre_med (A) cod_al (A).
DELETE VARIABLES casos_ie_C_10 casos_ie_M_10 cen_pob region26 TO nombres.

COMPUTE correlativo=$CASENUM.
ALTER TYPE correlativo (F6.0).

cod_eva V001
correlativo V002
prioridad V003
codgeo        V004
corre_med V005
cod_mod7 V006
anexo V007
nom_nino V008
ie V009
ubicacion V010
en_cl V011
texto1_C V012
en_m V013
texto1_M V014
se_ubica_C V015
nivel_C        V016
texto2_C V017
se_ubica_M V018
nivel_M        V019
texto2_M V020
p_g3_ie_C_10 V021
p_g2_ie_C_10 V022
p_g1_ie_C_10 V023
p_g3_ie_M_10 V024
p_g2_ie_M_10 V025
p_g1_ie_M_10 V026.


SAVE OUTFILE=!QUOTE(!CONCAT('D:\Censo Alumnos 2010\Documentos\Reportes\Segundo\Padres\Reporte Padres 2do ',!evaluacion,'.sav'))

DATASET ACTIVATE  Reporte_padres.


!separar_ie evaluacion = MC / codigo = 2.


I get an error message:

Warning # 4463 in column 25.  Text: V001 correlativo V002 prioridad V003 codgeo V004 corre_med V005
A label specified on the VAR LABELS command contains more than 256 characters.
The label will be truncated to 256 characters.

If I run the VARIABLE LABELS outside the macro, I don't get the error, and every variable gets its correct label.

I can run the VARIABLE LABELS like this:

cod_eva 'V001'
correlativo 'V002'
prioridad 'V003'
codgeo        'V004'.

inside the macro and works fine. I'm triying to understand why something like:

cod_eva V001
correlativo V002
prioridad V003
codgeo        V004.

doesn't works inside the macro,



Mg. Andrés Burga León
Coordinador de Análisis e Informática
Unidad de Medición de la Calidad Educativa
Ministerio de Educación del Perú
Calle El Comercio s/n (espalda del Museo de la Nación)
Lima 41
Teléfono 615-5840
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Re: Strange behavior of VARIABLE LABELS in macro

Bruce Weaver
My guess is you need to use !QUOTE, like this:

 cod_eva !quote(V001)
 correlativo !quote(V002)
 prioridad !quote(V003)


Hello to everybody:

When I run this simple macro:

DEFINE !separar_ie (evaluacion = !CHAREND('/') / codigo =!CHAREND('/')).

DATASET COPY  !evaluacion.
DATASET ACTIVATE  !evaluacion.
SELECT IF (cod_eva = !codigo).

SORT CASES BY prioridad (A) codgeo (A) corre_med (A) cod_al (A).
DELETE VARIABLES casos_ie_C_10 casos_ie_M_10 cen_pob region26 TO nombres.

COMPUTE correlativo=$CASENUM.
ALTER TYPE correlativo (F6.0).

cod_eva V001
correlativo V002
prioridad V003
codgeo  V004
corre_med V005
cod_mod7 V006
anexo V007
nom_nino V008
ie V009
ubicacion V010
en_cl V011
texto1_C V012
en_m V013
texto1_M V014
se_ubica_C V015
nivel_C V016
texto2_C V017
se_ubica_M V018
nivel_M V019
texto2_M V020
p_g3_ie_C_10 V021
p_g2_ie_C_10 V022
p_g1_ie_C_10 V023
p_g3_ie_M_10 V024
p_g2_ie_M_10 V025
p_g1_ie_M_10 V026.


2010\Documentos\Reportes\Segundo\Padres\Reporte Padres 2do

DATASET ACTIVATE  Reporte_padres.


!separar_ie evaluacion = MC / codigo = 2.


I get an error message:

Warning # 4463 in column 25.  Text: V001 correlativo V002 prioridad V003
codgeo V004 corre_med V005
A label specified on the VAR LABELS command contains more than 256
The label will be truncated to 256 characters.

If I run the VARIABLE LABELS outside the macro, I don't get the error, and
every variable gets its correct label.

I can run the VARIABLE LABELS like this:

cod_eva 'V001'
correlativo 'V002'
prioridad 'V003'
codgeo  'V004'.

inside the macro and works fine. I'm triying to understand why something

cod_eva V001
correlativo V002
prioridad V003
codgeo  V004.

doesn't works inside the macro,



Mg. Andrés Burga León
Coordinador de Análisis e Informática
Unidad de Medición de la Calidad Educativa
Ministerio de Educación del Perú
Calle El Comercio s/n (espalda del Museo de la Nación)
Lima 41
Teléfono 615-5840
Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

1. My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly. To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA (
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Re: Strange behavior of VARIABLE LABELS in macro

Rick Oliver-3
In reply to this post by ANDRES ALBERTO BURGA LEON
I'm not a macro expert, but the first thing I'd do is SET MPRINT ON before calling the macro to see what the generated syntax is.

From:        ANDRES ALBERTO BURGA LEON <[hidden email]>
To:        [hidden email]
Date:        03/28/2011 12:12 PM
Subject:        Strange behavior of VARIABLE LABELS in macro
Sent by:        "SPSSX(r) Discussion" <[hidden email]>

Hello to everybody:

When I run this simple macro:


DEFINE !separar_ie (evaluacion = !CHAREND('/') / codigo =!CHAREND('/')).

DATASET COPY  !evaluacion.

DATASET ACTIVATE  !evaluacion.



SELECT IF (cod_eva = !codigo).


SORT CASES BY prioridad (A) codgeo (A) corre_med (A) cod_al (A).

DELETE VARIABLES casos_ie_C_10 casos_ie_M_10 cen_pob region26 TO nombres.

COMPUTE correlativo=$CASENUM.


ALTER TYPE correlativo (F6.0).


cod_eva V001

correlativo V002

prioridad V003

codgeo        V004

corre_med V005

cod_mod7 V006

anexo V007

nom_nino V008

ie V009

ubicacion V010

en_cl V011

texto1_C V012

en_m V013

texto1_M V014

se_ubica_C V015

nivel_C        V016

texto2_C V017

se_ubica_M V018

nivel_M        V019

texto2_M V020

p_g3_ie_C_10 V021

p_g2_ie_C_10 V022

p_g1_ie_C_10 V023

p_g3_ie_M_10 V024

p_g2_ie_M_10 V025

p_g1_ie_M_10 V026.


SAVE OUTFILE=!QUOTE(!CONCAT('D:\Censo Alumnos 2010\Documentos\Reportes\Segundo\Padres\Reporte Padres 2do ',!evaluacion,'.sav'))


DATASET ACTIVATE  Reporte_padres.


!separar_ie evaluacion = MC / codigo = 2.


I get an error message:

Warning # 4463 in column 25.  Text: V001 correlativo V002 prioridad V003 codgeo V004 corre_med V005

A label specified on the VAR LABELS command contains more than 256 characters.

The label will be truncated to 256 characters.


If I run the VARIABLE LABELS outside the macro, I don't get the error, and every variable gets its correct label.

I can run the VARIABLE LABELS like this:


cod_eva 'V001'

correlativo 'V002'

prioridad 'V003'

codgeo        'V004'.

inside the macro and works fine. I'm triying to understand why something like:


cod_eva V001

correlativo V002

prioridad V003

codgeo        V004.

doesn't works inside the macro,



Mg. Andrés Burga León
Coordinador de Análisis e Informática
Unidad de Medición de la Calidad Educativa
Ministerio de Educación del Perú
Calle El Comercio s/n (espalda del Museo de la Nación)
Lima 41
Teléfono 615-5840

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Re: Strange behavior of VARIABLE LABELS in macro

Rich Ulrich
In reply to this post by ANDRES ALBERTO BURGA LEON
> Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 12:06:06 -0500
> From: [hidden email]
> Subject: Strange behavior of VARIABLE LABELS in macro
> To: [hidden email]

> If I run the VARIABLE LABELS outside the macro, I don't get the error,
> and every variable gets its correct label.
> I can run the VARIABLE LABELS like this:
> cod_eva 'V001'
> correlativo 'V002'
> prioridad 'V003'
> codgeo 'V004'.
> inside the macro and works fine. I'm triying to understand why
> something like:
> cod_eva V001
> correlativo V002
> prioridad V003
> codgeo V004.
> doesn't works inside the macro,

The labels are in quotes in the first example, so SPSS knows where
a label ends.  If there was a separate "Variable Labels" line for
each variable, and the label was followed by a period, you could even
have labels with multiple words without quotes.

Since the parser wraps lines together, it does not know that V002  is
supposed to be the whole label for cod_eva.

Rich Ulrich

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exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Bridgette Portman
One more question...

I have the SPSS Exact Tests module, which allows one to compute an exact
p-value for a chi-square test on any size table (not just 2x2). I was
taught to use exact tests under certain circumstances, e.g. when the
expected value in any cell falls below 5. My dataset is about 250, so
usually that condition doesn't apply. However, I am still finding that the
exact p-value differs significantly from the asymptotic p
value...sometimes to the extent that they lead to different conclusions.
I'm not sure whether I should rely on the exact p-value anytime it differs
from the asymptotic one, or if I should stick with the asymptotic when the
usual assumptions for chi-square are met.

For example:  On the crosstabs I just ran, X2=4.49, 3 degrees of freedom,
asymptotic sig is showing up as .212, and exact sig as .028. All expected
cell counts were greater than 5.

If I didn't have the exact tests module, I would have just gone with the
.212 and retained the null hypothesis. Now that I have exact, should I use
it or not?

Thanks for any advice,

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Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Anthony Babinec
The exact test always "trumps" the asymptotic test; you should use the exact
result. The rule of thumb about the expected value in any cell falling below
5 is just
that - a rule of thumb - and no more. Exact tests are useful in situations
of sparseness,
skewness, extreme imbalance, and small sample sizes. It is difficult to
state before
the fact when you would get a different result.

Tony Babinec
[hidden email]

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
Bridgette Portman
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 3:34 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

One more question...

I have the SPSS Exact Tests module, which allows one to compute an exact
p-value for a chi-square test on any size table (not just 2x2). I was taught
to use exact tests under certain circumstances, e.g. when the expected value
in any cell falls below 5. My dataset is about 250, so usually that
condition doesn't apply. However, I am still finding that the exact p-value
differs significantly from the asymptotic p value...sometimes to the extent
that they lead to different conclusions.
I'm not sure whether I should rely on the exact p-value anytime it differs
from the asymptotic one, or if I should stick with the asymptotic when the
usual assumptions for chi-square are met.

For example:  On the crosstabs I just ran, X2=4.49, 3 degrees of freedom,
asymptotic sig is showing up as .212, and exact sig as .028. All expected
cell counts were greater than 5.

If I didn't have the exact tests module, I would have just gone with the
.212 and retained the null hypothesis. Now that I have exact, should I use
it or not?

Thanks for any advice,

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Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Bruce Weaver
Hi Tony.  I disagree about exact tests always trumping asymptotic tests.  Take the 2x2 table, for example.  Fisher's exact test was designed for the situation where both the row and column totals are fixed in advance (Model I, as Barnard 1947 called it).  If that is not the case, FET is known to be too conservative.  When the marginal totals are not fixed in advance, the N-1 chi-square test (an asymptotic test) is a much better choice, IMO.  

For more details about this particular example, take a look at Ian Campbell's website, and his article in Statistics in Medicine.

The same thing applies to certain confidence intervals.  E.g., exact (Clopper-Pearson) confidence intervals for binomial proportions are considered by many to be inferior to other methods.  Here's a note from the GraphPad site that makes this argument:


Anthony Babinec wrote
The exact test always "trumps" the asymptotic test; you should use the exact
result. The rule of thumb about the expected value in any cell falling below
5 is just
that - a rule of thumb - and no more. Exact tests are useful in situations
of sparseness,
skewness, extreme imbalance, and small sample sizes. It is difficult to
state before
the fact when you would get a different result.

Tony Babinec

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:SPSSX-L@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] On Behalf Of
Bridgette Portman
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 3:34 PM
Subject: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

One more question...

I have the SPSS Exact Tests module, which allows one to compute an exact
p-value for a chi-square test on any size table (not just 2x2). I was taught
to use exact tests under certain circumstances, e.g. when the expected value
in any cell falls below 5. My dataset is about 250, so usually that
condition doesn't apply. However, I am still finding that the exact p-value
differs significantly from the asymptotic p value...sometimes to the extent
that they lead to different conclusions.
I'm not sure whether I should rely on the exact p-value anytime it differs
from the asymptotic one, or if I should stick with the asymptotic when the
usual assumptions for chi-square are met.

For example:  On the crosstabs I just ran, X2=4.49, 3 degrees of freedom,
asymptotic sig is showing up as .212, and exact sig as .028. All expected
cell counts were greater than 5.

If I didn't have the exact tests module, I would have just gone with the
.212 and retained the null hypothesis. Now that I have exact, should I use
it or not?

Thanks for any advice,

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Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

1. My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly. To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA (
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Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Anthony Babinec
In my previous post, I am touting the Cytel Software historical "party
line." Mehta, Patel, and
colleagues made a lot of progress by working in the fixed marginals case.
They make
some arguments that try to justify that approach even which the sampling
model/research design
by which the table is thought to arise is not the fixed totals situation.
They have done
some work to move beyond this in a couple areas. One is exact power and
sample size for comparing
two binomials by Barnard's unconditional exact test for difference and
ratio. Yes, I am
aware of work that shows that Fisher's Exact Test for the 2x2 can be
improved on;
think that Agresti talks about it. I believe that Hirji, cited on the
Campbell page, was
as Cytel for a time. He subsequently published his own book; I don't own it.
My sense is that
there is no justification for the Cochran-Yates rule of thumb, which is what
I was responding
to in the original post that as I read it was not about the 2x2 case.

Tony Babinec
[hidden email]

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
Bruce Weaver
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 5:01 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Hi Tony.  I disagree about exact tests always trumping asymptotic tests.
Take the 2x2 table, for example.  Fisher's exact test was designed for the
situation where both the row and column totals are fixed in advance (Model
I, as Barnard 1947 called it).  If that is not the case, FET is known to be
too conservative.  When the marginal totals are not fixed in advance, the
N-1 chi-square test (an asymptotic test) is a much better choice, IMO.

For more details about this particular example, take a look at Ian
Campbell's website, and his article in Statistics in Medicine.

The same thing applies to certain confidence intervals.  E.g., exact
(Clopper-Pearson) confidence intervals for binomial proportions are
considered by many to be inferior to other methods.  Here's a note from the
GraphPad site that makes this argument:


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Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Rich Ulrich
In reply to this post by Bridgette Portman
> Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 13:34:29 -0700
> From: [hidden email]
> Subject: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances
> To: [hidden email]
> One more question...
> I have the SPSS Exact Tests module, which allows one to compute an exact
> p-value for a chi-square test on any size table (not just 2x2). I was
> taught to use exact tests under certain circumstances, e.g. when the
> expected value in any cell falls below 5. My dataset is about 250, so
> usually that condition doesn't apply. However, I am still finding that the
> exact p-value differs significantly from the asymptotic p
> value...sometimes to the extent that they lead to different conclusions.
> I'm not sure whether I should rely on the exact p-value anytime it differs
> from the asymptotic one, or if I should stick with the asymptotic when the
> usual assumptions for chi-square are met.

The difference in results is *not* due to the failure of the Pearson
approximation -- That one "fails" when there are tiny Expectations, and
the symptom is that the resulting test is too big.  You have the opposite
result - your Pearson test is less significant.

I expect that if you look at the other "approximate" test, the Likelihood
test, you will also see a difference from the Pearson.  For a table larger
than 2x2, the two tests effectively "weight" differently the observed
deviations from Expected.  The Pearson will give a tinier p-value when
there tends to have a single extreme value, and it will give a larger p-
value when deviations are shown in several cells.

Agresti (Categorical Data Analysis, 1990) mentions the family of "power
divergence" statistics introduced by Cressie and Read (1984).  These two
tests are special cases of the family.

 - The so-called "exact" tests offer more than one choice for weighting,
if I am not recalling a different package.  Several choices certainly do
exist.  Anyway, the difference in weighting is almost surely the source
of your observation.  That's a little detail about "exact"  which is too
often overlooked.

> For example: On the crosstabs I just ran, X2=4.49, 3 degrees of freedom,
> asymptotic sig is showing up as .212, and exact sig as .028. All expected
> cell counts were greater than 5.
> If I didn't have the exact tests module, I would have just gone with the
> .212 and retained the null hypothesis. Now that I have exact, should I use
> it or not?

The most important thing is that you don't cherry-pick among results. That is,
you should use the same version of testing across all your results.

I prefer to see a chi-squared tests, because the X^2's give me another basis
for comparing various results within a study.  (And a bit of redundancy,
to help avoid typographical errors, etc.)

The next important thing might be -- Use whatever is standard in the journals
where you may publish.

Rich Ulrich

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Re: Revision control for SPSS source code

Albert-Jan Roskam
In reply to this post by Tim Graettinger
We use Subversion, because it's a tried and a true program, and it's also free. I don't know any other version control programs though. Subsversion has a lot of functionality; in fact more than I need. I also like the file diff feature.


All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

From: Tim Graettinger <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Mon, March 28, 2011 5:51:18 PM
Subject: [SPSSX-L] Revision control for SPSS source code

I've been looking at various options for revision control of SPSS source
code files.  Anyone else have any experience with various tools like
subversion or bazaar?  Any recommendations for what works well in the SPSS

In our shop, there are only a handful of developers, generally working on
separate projects.  Thanks for any guidance or help you can provide.
-Tim Graettinger

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Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Marta Garcia-Granero
In reply to this post by Bridgette Portman
El 28/03/2011 22:34, Bridgette Portman wrote:

> For example:  On the crosstabs I just ran, X2=4.49, 3 degrees of freedom,
> asymptotic sig is showing up as .212, and exact sig as .028. All expected
> cell counts were greater than 5.

Hi Bridgette:

In my experience, exact p values are usually higher than their
asymptotic counterparts,(and both are very similar when sample sizes are
big). Therefore, I find strange the great discrepancy between the exact
& asymptotic p values that you report. Is there any chance that by
mistake you annotated the "Point probability" instead of the "Exact sig.

Best regards,
Marta GG

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Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Bruce Weaver
In reply to this post by Bridgette Portman
Hi Bridgette.  A couple things.

1. Can you post your table of observed counts?

2. For tables larger than 2x2, the chi-square approximation is pretty good as long as no more than 20% of expected counts are < 5, and none are < 1.  

The reference I've always used for point 2 is Yates, Moore & McCabe (1999, p. 734).  But I just noticed that Agresti says the same thing (in the book Rich U referred to earlier), and he cites Cochran (1954).


Bridgette Portman wrote
One more question...

I have the SPSS Exact Tests module, which allows one to compute an exact
p-value for a chi-square test on any size table (not just 2x2). I was
taught to use exact tests under certain circumstances, e.g. when the
expected value in any cell falls below 5. My dataset is about 250, so
usually that condition doesn't apply. However, I am still finding that the
exact p-value differs significantly from the asymptotic p
value...sometimes to the extent that they lead to different conclusions.
I'm not sure whether I should rely on the exact p-value anytime it differs
from the asymptotic one, or if I should stick with the asymptotic when the
usual assumptions for chi-square are met.

For example:  On the crosstabs I just ran, X2=4.49, 3 degrees of freedom,
asymptotic sig is showing up as .212, and exact sig as .028. All expected
cell counts were greater than 5.

If I didn't have the exact tests module, I would have just gone with the
.212 and retained the null hypothesis. Now that I have exact, should I use
it or not?

Thanks for any advice,

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Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

1. My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly. To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA (
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Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Bridgette Portman
In reply to this post by Marta Garcia-Granero
Hi Marta,

No, I'm definitely reading the exact p-value. I find this strange too --
I've spent the last couple days searching the internet for an answer to
this and I can't figure it out. My exact p-values on any table larger than
2x2 are almost invariably smaller than my asymptotic ones. I'm no longer
trusting the exact values, which leaves me unsure how to analyze the
results from tables larger than 2x2 when cell counts are low.

Has anyone used the SPSS exact tests module too? I am really stuck at this


> El 28/03/2011 22:34, Bridgette Portman wrote:
>> For example:  On the crosstabs I just ran, X2=4.49, 3 degrees of
>> freedom,
>> asymptotic sig is showing up as .212, and exact sig as .028. All
>> expected
>> cell counts were greater than 5.
> Hi Bridgette:
> In my experience, exact p values are usually higher than their
> asymptotic counterparts,(and both are very similar when sample sizes are
> big). Therefore, I find strange the great discrepancy between the exact
> & asymptotic p values that you report. Is there any chance that by
> mistake you annotated the "Point probability" instead of the "Exact sig.
> (2-tailed)"?
> Best regards,
> Marta GG
> =====================
> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
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> For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command

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Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Swank, Paul R
Could you share a table with us. We need to compare results with other exact packages.

Dr. Paul R. Swank,
Professor and Director of Research
Children's Learning Institute
University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Bridgette Portman
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 6:44 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Hi Marta,

No, I'm definitely reading the exact p-value. I find this strange too --
I've spent the last couple days searching the internet for an answer to
this and I can't figure it out. My exact p-values on any table larger than
2x2 are almost invariably smaller than my asymptotic ones. I'm no longer
trusting the exact values, which leaves me unsure how to analyze the
results from tables larger than 2x2 when cell counts are low.

Has anyone used the SPSS exact tests module too? I am really stuck at this


> El 28/03/2011 22:34, Bridgette Portman wrote:
>> For example:  On the crosstabs I just ran, X2=4.49, 3 degrees of
>> freedom,
>> asymptotic sig is showing up as .212, and exact sig as .028. All
>> expected
>> cell counts were greater than 5.
> Hi Bridgette:
> In my experience, exact p values are usually higher than their
> asymptotic counterparts,(and both are very similar when sample sizes are
> big). Therefore, I find strange the great discrepancy between the exact
> & asymptotic p values that you report. Is there any chance that by
> mistake you annotated the "Point probability" instead of the "Exact sig.
> (2-tailed)"?
> Best regards,
> Marta GG
> =====================
> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
> [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
> command. To leave the list, send the command
> For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command

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[hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
command. To leave the list, send the command
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To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
[hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
command. To leave the list, send the command
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Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Bruce Weaver
I just discovered that Bridgette sent some output to the Hotmail account I use for posting to this list.  (Bridgette, as it says in my sig file, I only use that account for mailing to this list, and check it only occasionally.  If you want to correspond off-list, please use the everyday e-mail address given in my sig file.)  

So, here is syntax to generate her table, and the tests of interest.  Notice that the results I get do not match the ones she sent me.

* Bridgette's data.
data list list / row col kount (3f5.0).
begin data
1 1 11
1 2 16
2 1 14
2 2 35
3 1 8
3 2 21
4 1 23
4 2 27
end data.

var lab
 row "Death personality"
 col "Age group"
val lab
 row 1 "Cruel"
     2 "Gentle"
     3 "Impassive"
     4 "Other/variable" /
 col 1 "Under 40"
     2 "40 plus"
weight by kount .
crosstabs row by col / stat = chisqr.

* For those who have the Exact Tests module .

  /TABLES=row BY col / stat = chisqr

* My results (using v18 with all patches under Windoze XP Professional):
* Pearson:  Asymptotic p = .213, exact p = .216 .
* Likelihood ratio:  Asymptotic p = .212, exact p = .219 .

* Output Bridgette sent me:
* Pearson:  Asymptotic p = .213, exact p = .028 .
* Likelihood ratio:  Asymptotic p = .212, exact p = .047 .

Bridgette, what version of SPSS are you using?  Have all the available patches been applied?

Also, regarding Age Group, why group?  Do you have the actual ages?


Swank, Paul R wrote
Could you share a table with us. We need to compare results with other exact packages.

Dr. Paul R. Swank,
Professor and Director of Research
Children's Learning Institute
University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Bridgette Portman
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 6:44 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Hi Marta,

No, I'm definitely reading the exact p-value. I find this strange too --
I've spent the last couple days searching the internet for an answer to
this and I can't figure it out. My exact p-values on any table larger than
2x2 are almost invariably smaller than my asymptotic ones. I'm no longer
trusting the exact values, which leaves me unsure how to analyze the
results from tables larger than 2x2 when cell counts are low.

Has anyone used the SPSS exact tests module too? I am really stuck at this


> El 28/03/2011 22:34, Bridgette Portman wrote:
>> For example:  On the crosstabs I just ran, X2=4.49, 3 degrees of
>> freedom,
>> asymptotic sig is showing up as .212, and exact sig as .028. All
>> expected
>> cell counts were greater than 5.
> Hi Bridgette:
> In my experience, exact p values are usually higher than their
> asymptotic counterparts,(and both are very similar when sample sizes are
> big). Therefore, I find strange the great discrepancy between the exact
> & asymptotic p values that you report. Is there any chance that by
> mistake you annotated the "Point probability" instead of the "Exact sig.
> (2-tailed)"?
> Best regards,
> Marta GG
> =====================
> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
> [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
> command. To leave the list, send the command
> For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command

To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
[hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
command. To leave the list, send the command
For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command

To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
[hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
command. To leave the list, send the command
For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command
Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

1. My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly. To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA (
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Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Anthony Babinec
Good work. Your reported results make sense. A quick run in unpatched
version 19
shows results that do not agree and could be suspect. Those are the numbers
that are being reported by Bridgette. I don't have StatXact on
the machine where I'm at, but would think that its results would agree with
the ones your report. So, this appears to be a problem -- known or unknown
-- in
version 19.

Tony Babinec
[hidden email]

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
Bruce Weaver
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:08 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

I just discovered that Bridgette sent some output to the Hotmail account I
use for posting to this list.  (Bridgette, as it says in my sig file, I only
use that account for mailing to this list, and check it only occasionally.
If you want to correspond off-list, please use the everyday e-mail address
given in my sig file.)

So, here is syntax to generate her table, and the tests of interest.  Notice
that the results I get do not match the ones she sent me.

* Bridgette's data.
data list list / row col kount (3f5.0).
begin data
1 1 11
1 2 16
2 1 14
2 2 35
3 1 8
3 2 21
4 1 23
4 2 27
end data.

var lab
 row "Death personality"
 col "Age group"
val lab
 row 1 "Cruel"
     2 "Gentle"
     3 "Impassive"
     4 "Other/variable" /
 col 1 "Under 40"
     2 "40 plus"
weight by kount .
crosstabs row by col / stat = chisqr.

* For those who have the Exact Tests module .

  /TABLES=row BY col / stat = chisqr

* My results (using v18 with all patches under Windoze XP Professional):
* Pearson:  Asymptotic p = .213, exact p = .216 .
* Likelihood ratio:  Asymptotic p = .212, exact p = .219 .

* Output Bridgette sent me:
* Pearson:  Asymptotic p = .213, exact p = .028 .
* Likelihood ratio:  Asymptotic p = .212, exact p = .047 .

Bridgette, what version of SPSS are you using?  Have all the available
patches been applied?

Also, regarding Age Group, why group?  Do you have the actual ages?


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Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Bruce Weaver
Sorry Tony, but I'm about to throw a spanner into the works.  One of my colleagues just started using v19, and it is not yet patched, so I asked him to run the code.  He got the same p-values I did for the two exact tests.

Exact p = .216 for Pearson
Exact p = .219 for Likelihood ratio


Anthony Babinec wrote
Good work. Your reported results make sense. A quick run in unpatched
version 19
shows results that do not agree and could be suspect. Those are the numbers
that are being reported by Bridgette. I don't have StatXact on
the machine where I'm at, but would think that its results would agree with
the ones your report. So, this appears to be a problem -- known or unknown
-- in
version 19.

Tony Babinec
[hidden email]

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
Bruce Weaver
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:08 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

I just discovered that Bridgette sent some output to the Hotmail account I
use for posting to this list.  (Bridgette, as it says in my sig file, I only
use that account for mailing to this list, and check it only occasionally.
If you want to correspond off-list, please use the everyday e-mail address
given in my sig file.)

So, here is syntax to generate her table, and the tests of interest.  Notice
that the results I get do not match the ones she sent me.

* Bridgette's data.
data list list / row col kount (3f5.0).
begin data
1 1 11
1 2 16
2 1 14
2 2 35
3 1 8
3 2 21
4 1 23
4 2 27
end data.

var lab
 row "Death personality"
 col "Age group"
val lab
 row 1 "Cruel"
     2 "Gentle"
     3 "Impassive"
     4 "Other/variable" /
 col 1 "Under 40"
     2 "40 plus"
weight by kount .
crosstabs row by col / stat = chisqr.

* For those who have the Exact Tests module .

  /TABLES=row BY col / stat = chisqr

* My results (using v18 with all patches under Windoze XP Professional):
* Pearson:  Asymptotic p = .213, exact p = .216 .
* Likelihood ratio:  Asymptotic p = .212, exact p = .219 .

* Output Bridgette sent me:
* Pearson:  Asymptotic p = .213, exact p = .028 .
* Likelihood ratio:  Asymptotic p = .212, exact p = .047 .

Bridgette, what version of SPSS are you using?  Have all the available
patches been applied?

Also, regarding Age Group, why group?  Do you have the actual ages?


To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
[hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
command. To leave the list, send the command
For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command
Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

1. My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly. To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA (
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Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Anthony Babinec
I am running Windows 7 64-bit. I see that Dave Matheson posted something
on this.

Tony Babinec
[hidden email]

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
Bruce Weaver
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:34 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal circumstances

Sorry Tony, but I'm about to throw a spanner into the works.  One of my
colleagues just started using v19, and it is not yet patched, so I asked him
to run the code.  He got the same p-values I did for the two exact tests.

Exact p = .216 for Pearson
Exact p = .219 for Likelihood ratio


Anthony Babinec wrote:

> Bruce,
> Good work. Your reported results make sense. A quick run in unpatched
> version 19 shows results that do not agree and could be suspect. Those
> are the numbers that are being reported by Bridgette. I don't have
> StatXact on the machine where I'm at, but would think that its results
> would agree with the ones your report. So, this appears to be a
> problem -- known or unknown
> -- in
> version 19.
> Tony Babinec
> [hidden email]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf
> Of Bruce Weaver
> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:08 AM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: exact versus asymptotic p-value under normal
> circumstances
> I just discovered that Bridgette sent some output to the Hotmail
> account I use for posting to this list.  (Bridgette, as it says in my
> sig file, I only use that account for mailing to this list, and check
> it only occasionally.
> If you want to correspond off-list, please use the everyday e-mail
> address given in my sig file.)
> So, here is syntax to generate her table, and the tests of interest.
> Notice
> that the results I get do not match the ones she sent me.
> * Bridgette's data.
> data list list / row col kount (3f5.0).
> begin data
> 1 1 11
> 1 2 16
> 2 1 14
> 2 2 35
> 3 1 8
> 3 2 21
> 4 1 23
> 4 2 27
> end data.
> var lab
>  row "Death personality"
>  col "Age group"
> .
> val lab
>  row 1 "Cruel"
>      2 "Gentle"
>      3 "Impassive"
>      4 "Other/variable" /
>  col 1 "Under 40"
>      2 "40 plus"
> .
> weight by kount .
> crosstabs row by col / stat = chisqr.
> * For those who have the Exact Tests module .
>   /TABLES=row BY col / stat = chisqr
> * My results (using v18 with all patches under Windoze XP Professional):
> * Pearson:  Asymptotic p = .213, exact p = .216 .
> * Likelihood ratio:  Asymptotic p = .212, exact p = .219 .
> * Output Bridgette sent me:
> * Pearson:  Asymptotic p = .213, exact p = .028 .
> * Likelihood ratio:  Asymptotic p = .212, exact p = .047 .
> Bridgette, what version of SPSS are you using?  Have all the available
> patches been applied?
> Also, regarding Age Group, why group?  Do you have the actual ages?
> Cheers,
> Bruce
> =====================
> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
> [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except
> the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a
> list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO

Bruce Weaver
[hidden email]

"When all else fails, RTFM."

NOTE: My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly.
To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.

View this message in context:
Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at

To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
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