SET Tlook (have I messed up?)

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SET Tlook (have I messed up?)


I was playing around a while back to improve my spss skills (by trying out online examples) and I may have accidentally run the following command (as a part of macro?):


I noticed it on my output file and did not think much about it at the time (but saved the command). And have not thought about it until now. The problem is that I do not understand what I may have run and if running the command may have influenced settings in spss etc in critical ways.

Anyone have an idea? Is there a way to go back to the default so that I do not have to worry that I might have messed up? 😊

(I am using spss v 27)

 Best Odin
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Re: SET Tlook (have I messed up?)

Andy W
FYI if you type in SET into the syntax window and hit F1, it opens up the help menu. All of the above commands are the defaults per the help page for my V26, so no worries.

If you want to change random system settings in macros (sometimes people do this for MXLOOPS for example), use this pattern:

SET ....
* Other code.
* At the very end.
Andy W
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Re: SET Tlook (have I messed up?)

Art Kendall
Perhaps I installed it incorrectly, but my version 27, lost that feature.   I REALLY miss that feature.

This works
<command syntax reference>
l o n g wait
<seach icon> key "set" without the quotes in the pop-up
Click the gear icon
check "whole words only"
<Next> <next>. . . <next> until you see SET in the table of contents
Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants
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Re: SET Tlook (have I messed up?)

Bruce Weaver
Hi Art.  It might be worth bookmarking this page in your browser:

Check the "Show full table of contents" box.  Click Reference, then Command Syntax Reference.  

Art Kendall wrote
Perhaps I installed it incorrectly, but my version 27, lost that feature.   I REALLY miss that feature.

This works
<command syntax reference>
l o n g wait
<seach icon> key "set" without the quotes in the pop-up
Click the gear icon
check "whole words only"
<Next> <next>. . . <next> until you see SET in the table of contents
Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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Re: SET Tlook (have I messed up?)

Art Kendall
Thank you.
I bookmarked the link.

I also highlighted the link in the browser and dragged it to the desktop.

Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants