SPSS 19 - Locale problem on MAC

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SPSS 19 - Locale problem on MAC

Hi, I have just installed SPSS 19 on a MAC and got an error/warning message on startup:

Warning # 853 in column 23.  Text: sv_SE
The LOCALE subcommand of the SET command specifies a locale
for which collation and translation are not available.

I have found a reference to differences between SPSS and host locale names.
I was unable to derive how to set the locale though.

Is there anyone on this forum that could provide a tip or a pointer?

Many thanks,

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Re: SPSS 19 - Locale problem on MAC

David Marso
Not sure about the SPSS side of things, but if you go into System Preferences and click International it gives you an option for languages, number formats etc...
sv_SE is suspect is Swedish?
Here is one link I found which might be helpful (from WinDoze).
Similar things apply on the Mac via the System Preferences.
HTH, David
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