A new extension command for SPSS Statistics,
STATS ZEROINFL, has been posted to the SPSS Community
STATS ZEROINFL estimates Poisson, negative binomial, or geometric count
models with zero inflation. The native Statistics command GENLIN
can estimate these count models but does not provide zero inflation except
that the Tweedie choice estimates a similar model for Poisson counts.
STATS ZEROINFL requires the R Essentials and at least version 18 of Statistics.
It can be downloaded from within Statistics using the Utilities menu in
version 22. For older versions you can download it from the SPSS Community
website (www.ibm.com/developerworks/spssdevcentral)
in the Extension Commands collection.
This is the first extension command to be posted that
delivers its syntax help (STATS ZEROINFL /HELP) as html in a browser window
instead of just printing plain text to the Viewer window. All of
the extension helps from IBM have been converted to this new display mechanism
and will eventually be updated on the web site.
Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]
phone: 720-342-5621
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