SPSS Community News

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SPSS Community News

Jon K Peck
The SPSSINC TRANS extension command, which essentially allows Python functions to be used as transformations, has been updated.  It now provides control over user missing values, and there is a new subcommand that allows the TO construct to be used in variable lists in the FORMULA subcommand.  (TO could already be used in the results list.)

The new version can be downloaded from the SPSS Community site (www.ibm.com/developerworks/spssdevcentral) via the link to Downloads for SPSS Statistics and then to the extension commands collection.

SPSSINC TRANS is now included in the Python Essentials, but the posted version is newer.

Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]
new phone: 720-342-5621